Cultivating Greater Strength with TRCB

Hello Everyone and welcome to Tong Ren Chakra Balancing (TRCB) Tuesday.

This week’s video will focus on using TRCB to cultivate greater strength. Dealing with our daily challenges and the general challenges of being on the planet requires that we connect with the strength that lies within the core of our being. Our spirit, our true self, that spark of divinity that lies within is strong, powerful and confident. For today, we will be balancing the chakras and reconnecting with the strength of our spirit so that we can more easily access this strength so that we can have the fortitude that we need to face our challenges.

This weeks chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I trust that spirit is working with me to manifest what I need.

Third eye: I am a wise decision maker.

Throat: I am powerful and powerful beings of light are all around me.

Heart: I am love and love is all around me.

Solar Plexus: I am filled with depth.

Identity: I am both sensitive and strong.

Base: I am spirit. I am eternal. I am infinite. I am safe.

And there you have it. Your seven TRCB affirmations for the week. Take time this week to listen to the video and to connect with the strength of your spirit. Take time to connect with the strength that lies at the core of your being. There is a place of strength that lies within each one of us and as we learn to connect with this place of strength we can begin to bring this strength forward more and more.

Have a good week everyone.

Also, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel


like us on Facebook, so that you can be kept up to date on all of the latest happenings over here at TRCB headquarters!

Finding Deeper Peace with TRCB

Hi there everyone,

I had a request this week to produce a video to assist with healing anxiety. There are many things that can help with anxiety such as eating well, exercise and the use of affirmations. For today’s video, we will focus on balancing the chakras to help us all hold a greater emotional balance and bring our best selves forward more and more.

Today’s chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I walk in light. I walk in light.

Third eye: I see clearly and I understand.

Throat: I am confident.

Heart: I am a radiant being of light and love.

Solar Plexus: I am filled with simplicity.

Identity: I am steady.

Base: I am spirit. I am eternal. I am infinite. And I am safe.

And there you have it. This weeks chakra balancing affirmations. Work with these affirmations frequently through out the week to help assist you in staying calm and balanced a mist the many challenges of life. Also watch this weeks video to further assist in balancing the chakras and bringing your best self forward more and more.

Feel free to let me know in the comments below how this video impacts you.

Also, if you haven’t already be sure to subscribe to our you tube channel.

Have a great week.


Hayley Mermelstein

Cultivating Deeper Appreciation with TRCB

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share a new healing video with you this week. In honor of Thanksgiving, todays topic is on appreciation.

Appreciation is a powerful principle that rapidly elevates your state of mind and your vibration, and can help move you to a whole new level.

Today we are going to focus on giving thanks in advance. Because your body doesn’t know the difference between a real and imagined event, when you give thanks for something that you are working to manifest, as if it is already here, you help to bring it into manifestation.

For example, if you give thanks that you are growing in your wisdom everyday, your body thinks that you are in fact growing in your wisdom everyday. This helps to bring forward the deep wisdom that lies at the core of your being. If you give thanks in advance for your increasing abundance and prosperity, again your body believes that you are growing more abundant and prosperous and begins to vibrate differently, this in turn helps to bring in greater abundance.

So for today, we are going to practice giving thanks in advance for the things that we are working on cultivating. In so doing, we are elevating our vibration, raising our frequency and beginning to put out a different vibration out into the world, this in turn impacts how we feel and how we manifest in our lives.

Try flooding yourself with a feeling of appreciation this week. Be aware of how this impacts not only how you feel but also how you manifest in your life.

This weeks chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I appreciate that divine favor follows me where ever I go.

Third eye: I appreciate that I am able to bring forward my inner wisdom more and more.

Throat: I appreciate that my confidence is growing everyday.

Heart: I appreciate that I am growing in my ability to give and receive love.

Solar Plexus: I appreciate that I am growing in my ability to accept myself and accept others.

Identity: I appreciate that I am growing in my ability to respond in a balanced way in my life.

Base: I appreciate that my disciplines are improving everyday.

And there you have it. Your seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. Work with these seven affirmations and practice feeling deep appreciation for all that you’d like to manifest in your life as if its already here now.

The practice of flooding yourself with appreciation will elevate your state, change your vibration and impact how you manifest in the world.

Try this for the next seven days and watch what happens! When you find yourself getting caught in more limited states of mind experiment with “changing the channel” and turning on appreciation instead.

For additional support be sure to watch todays powerful video on appreciation!

Thank you all for your attention, for reading my emails and for your love and support through out the year. I deeply appreciate you and I deeply appreciate the opportunity to be of service.

Have a lovely Thanksgiving and a nice holiday.

May we all grow in our ability to appreciate ourselves, each other and the many opportunities for growth and service that we experience through out our day.


Hayley Mermelstein

Opening to possibility with TRCB

Hi there everyone!

Its been a while since we’ve done a video so I wanted to share one with you today. Its a video on opening to greater possibility. When we narrow our focus too much we can become self centered and limited in our perceptions. We can also tend to focus on the worst case senarios of our lives and really freak ourselves out! In todays healing video we will focus on opening to the field of infinite possibilities and maintaining a more expanded awareness and point of view.

Here are this weeks chakra balancing affirmations:

Crown: I am open to the field of infinite possibility.

Third eye: I am open and I am wise.

Throat: I am open and I am expressive.

Heart: I am open and I am loving and I am generous.

Solar Plexus: I am open and I welcome all of life.

Identity: I am open and I stand in my convinctions.

Base: I am open and I am filled with humility.

And there you have it. Your seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. Seek to experience greater openness this week while also embodying greater wisdom, clarity, expression, love, convinction and humility.

As you balance all seven chakras you will elevate your frequency and raise your vibration and positively impact your own life and the lives of others.

Have a good week.


Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. I am working hard to complete my TRCB book of affirmations! Stay tuned for more info.

P.S.S. I am also working on our first webinar. Stay tuned for more exciting information about that as well!


May we all find deeper peace within ourselves and in so doing, contribute to our own healing, the healing of others and the healing of our planet. ~ Hayley Mermelstein

I was meditating on feeling deeper peace within myself and deeper peace within my relationships this morning and was inspired to write a short meditation about it and share it with all of you.

Take a moment and fill yourself with a feeling of peace now. Give thanks for the peace that is filling your heart. Imagine feeling peace now. Imagine that you have a deeper feeling of peace than ever before. Imagine bringing this feeling of peace to your relationships, to your work, to your life. Fill yourself with peace today. Give thanks that you are able to hold this inner peace more and more. Give thanks that your relationships are filled with peace. Above all else, give thanks (in advance even) for the peace that resides within your heart. Be appreciative of this new found peace. Embrace it, ask for it, appreciate it. Embody peace today.

Affirm often:

I am filled with peace.
I embody peace.
I embrace peace.
I am peace.

I give thanks for the peace in my heart.
I give thanks that my ability to embody peace is growing everyday.

I am deeply peaceful.

My peace radiates out into the world and creates a vibration of peace.
My peace radiates out into the world and effects every aspect of my life.
My peace radiates out into the world and helps create a new vibration of peace on the planet.

I start with myself.
I start with peace.
I start with love.
I start with a desire for a new way of being.

Today i embody peace and I bring peace to the planet.

Hayley Mermelstein

I accept you. (Part 2)

Hello everyone and welcome to TRCB (Tong Ren Chakra Balancing) Tuesday where each week I will share with you a healing video for the purpose of helping all of us to balance our chakras and bring forward our best selves in every day life.

This week we will be focusing on accepting others. We all have strengths and we all have weaknesses and learning to accept these strengths and weaknesses is one of the keys to our actualization and to our finding the peace that we desire. When we are offended by every little thing, when we hold a grudge, when we are thrown out of balance by the imbalances of others we give our power away.

And so for today lets cultivate an attitude of acceptance so that we can step into our power, so that we can step into our love, our radiance, our compassion, and our strength. It takes inner strength and power to not be thrown by the imbalances that are all around us. It is easy to lose our balance. It takes fortitude to develop our own inner strength enough to be able to stay steady a mist the everyday imbalances that we encounter. And so for today, lets work on finding our own inner strength, our own inner power and our own inner fortitude so that we are not so easily offended and instead can offer others the compassion and acceptance that is so needed in our world.

Acceptance, of course, is just the first step. Once we have accepted we can ask: Given what is, what am I to do? Sometimes in acceptance we move closer and sometimes in acceptance we move further away. Sometimes in acceptance we express ourselves and sometimes we remain silent. Sometimes we say yes and sometimes we say no. The individual attunement will vary. But the first step is to accept ourselves and accept others and step into our full power, our full strength, our full balance, and our full potential in every day life.

And so seek to be the best that you can be. Do not worry about how others are behaving. At the end of your life, it is your behaviour that you will need to account for. And so focus on yourself. And focusing on becoming the best version of you. It is easy to loose focus and focus on “them”, to focus on what they are doing or not doing, how they have misbehaved. Instead of focusing on the imbalances of others learn to work on bringing your best self forward.

How do you best respond to the imbalances that you encounter every day? Can you step into your own inner power enough to not be so thrown by the imbalances around you. Can you find your own inner strength enough to not take offense? Can you access your compassion so that you can be a true being of light and healing upon the earth?

It is here that your work lies. Again do not be so concerned about the imbalances of others. Instead seek to bring your best self forward more and more and you shall be successful.

This weeks chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I am one with all of life.

Third eye: I understand.

Throat: I am filled with the power of spirit. I am a powerful being of light.

Heart: I am a radiant being of light and love.

Solar Plexus: I accept you. I accept you. I accept you.

Identity: I am both sensitive and strong.

Base: I am filled with humility. I am enough as I am.

And there you have it. You seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. You may want to pick one affirmations and make it your affirmation for the day or the week. Work with these affirmations frequently and allow them to assist you in bringing your best self forward more and more.

See the challenges in the week ahead as a test in your ability to hold your balance and bring your best self forward. Do not be discouraged if you do not pass all of your tests. We are here on the earth learning to bring our best self forward and this is a process. Allow yourself the space to learn and grow and give others the space they need to learn and grow. Little by lithe as you continue to practice and aspire to find this inner balance and strength you will bring more of your true self forward.

Practice daily for no effort is in vain. Practice daily and model a new way of being. Practice daily and be a force of healing and light upon the earth. Accept yourself, accept others and step into your true power, true strength, true wisdom, true understand, true acceptance, and true love. Practice daily and bring your best self forward more and more.

Have a great week.

Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. If you would like further assisting learning to balance your chakras and bring your best self forward, feel free to contact me for a private TRCB Healing phone session.

P.S.S. For more words of daily inspiration, please “like” our facebook page:

P.S.S.S. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at:

Embracing Your Unlimited Nature

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to TRCB (Tong Ren Chakra Balancing) Tuesday where each week I will share with you a healing video to further assist us all in balancing our chakras and bringing our best self forward in everyday life.

In this weeks video we will explore opening to our unlimited nature while also honoring our human limitations. It will be an opportunity for us all to expand our idea of what is possible while also acknowledging our inherent limitations of time, energy, and money. The irony is that when you connect with your unlimited nature and see yourself as unlimited while simultaneously embracing your limitations what you are capable of actually expands.

This weeks affirmations are as follows:

Crown: I am open and expanded. I expand my idea of what is possible. When I expand my idea of what is possible, I help to bring it in.

Third eye: I am filled with unlimited wisdom.

Throat: I am filled with unlimited power.

Heart: I am filled with unlimited love.

Solar Plexus: I am filled with unlimited acceptance.

Identity: I am filled with unlimited creativity.

Base: I am filled with unlimited humility. I honor my human limitations of time, energy, and money.

Take a moment now to feel your unlimited nature while simultaneously honoring and valuing your human limitations of time, energy and money. In this way you will come into a deeper balance and alignment, where you both acknowledge and honor your human limitations while also remembering your true unlimited nature.

Be sure to watch the video to experience this integration directly for yourself!

We have many videos now on the blog and on my youtube channel. I recommend watching one video daily in order to assist in balancing your chakras and helping you to bring your best self forward in everyday life.

Also be sure to “like” us on facebook if you would like to receive daily words of inspiration to further assist in this process.

Have a great week and see you again next Tuesday!


Hayley Mermelstein

Opening to receive love

Hello Everyone,

And welcome once again to TRCB (Tong Ren Chakra Balancing) Tuesday. This week we will be exploring how to balance the chakras in order to receive more love. (We’ve spent the last couple of weeks cultivating greater love and compassion, thought we should focus on receiving this week!).

There is a sea of love all around us and when we learn to open to this sea of love we have greater access to it and can benefit from the love and healing energy that is all around us.

My meditation teacher, Ellen Tadd, says that consciousness is the light switch. What this means is, that when we become aware of something (like the sea of love that is all around us), our very awareness acts as a light switch, turning on that which we are focusing on. So just by focuing on the love that is all around us we can activate powerful forces that help us to feel and experience more love in our daily lives.

And so be sure to watch the video so you can experience this sea of love directly for yourself.

And for those of you who would like a copy of some of the chakra balancing affirmations from the video, here they are:

Crown: I am open to the light. I am open to love.

Third eye: I see with the eyes of wisdom and compassion.

Throat: I am spirit. I am good. And, I am learning.

Heart: I am open to receive love.

Solar Plexus: I welcome love into my life.

Identity: I am filled with wholeness and open to love.

Base: I am filled with humility. I am enough as I am.

And there you have it. Your seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. You may want to work with all seven at once or simply pick one a day to be your affirmation for the day.

Slowly as we both repeat and embody these principles we retrain our body and mind so that we can hold these attitudes more and more. Working with affirmations is alot like weight lifting. We get stronger and more able to hold the principles over time.

Also, watching the videos is extremely helpful in this process. I recommend watching one TRCB video per day in order to balance your chakras daily and retrain your body and mind for a more expanded awareness. (something we are all working on!).

Have a great week and may the force be with you!


Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. If you haven’t already be sure to check out and subscribe to my youtube channel, where you will find all the videos to date in one place. Here is the link:

P.S.S. Also, be sure to check out our facebook page where I do my best to post daily words of inspiration!

Cultivating Greater Compassion with TRCB

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to TRCB Tuesday where each week I will share a healing video for the purpose of balancing the chakras and assisting each one of us in bringing our best self forward more and more.

This weeks healing video is about 10 minutes long and will focus on using TRCB to cultivate greater compassion. Its a powerful video that will greatly enhance your ability to hold compassion as you venture out into the world.

On the subject of compassion, I will say that yesterday I was out in town and someone left a note on a bulletin board that said something to the effect of: “There is no greater challenge to our spiritual life then learning to cultivate compassion for the stupidity of others (their wording, not mine!) Conveniently, we are given many opportunities to practice through out the day.”

And while this was worded a bit strongly, I still had to stop and reflect and even chuckle a bit to myself. Yes, we certainly are given many opportunities to practice compassion through out the day.

And so for today let this be your practice. Practice responding with compassion to those that you encounter today, knowing that everyone is learning and everyone is growing and that part of why we are here is to learn to bring greater compassion to ourselves and to others .

This weeks chakra balancing affirmations to assist in this process are:

Crown: I am open to the light.

Third eye: I understand.

Throat: I am learning and growing. We are all learning and growing.

Heart: I am filled with compassion for all of life.

Solar Plexus: I accept that everyone is learning and growing.

Identity: I know who I am and I know why I am here.

Base: I am disciplined.

Work with these seven affirmations this week and see how much compassion you can bring to your daily life. Remember that sometimes it is compassionate to walk away from a situation and sometimes it is compassionate to get closer. Regardless of what actions you take you can always hold compassion in your heart and hold the awareness that everyone is learning and everyone is growing.

Have a great week and enjoy the video!


Hayley Mermelstein

Letting go of anger with TRCB

Welcome back to TRCB Tuesday where each week we will explore another chakra balancing treatment. This weeks video is on using TRCB to release old anger and hurt. It is a very useful video and I myself have watched it many times to help me release anything that I might still be holding on to.

I highly recommend setting aside 20 minutes to watch this video and allow it to assist you in releasing old hurts and anger so you can step into the best version of who you are.

Here are this weeks TRCB affirmations.

Crown: I let go and I trust the process of life.

Third eye: I let go and I step into my wisdom.

Throat: I let go and I step into my power.

Heart: I let go and I step into my love.

Solar Plexus: I let go and I step into my acceptance.

Identity: I let go and I step into my wholeness.

Base: I let go and I step into my full discipline.

Work with these affirmations this week. You may want to chose one affirmation and make it your affirmation for the day, working with it frequently as you go through your day to release anything that you need to let go of and to assist you in stepping into your best self.

Enjoy your week and enjoy the video.

Hayley Mermelstein