Welcoming Rejection

Hello Everyone,

(Sometimes, well most times, I feel rather vulnerable sharing my writing. In fact, I often wonder whether it is even wise to do so. But I push the send button, because I know that we all share the same human experience and are working on many of the same issues in our own ways.

I often have people come up to me and say they feel I wrote a particular blog post just for them. This does comfort me and gives me some reassurance that there is value in sharing some of my writing rather than keeping it all to myself.

I also read once that if you don’t feel a little nauseous before sending out a blog post, that you haven’t been honest enough.

It is in this vein, that i share todays blog with you.)

Welcoming Rejection

I decided to talk to a friend recently about something that was bothering me in our relationship. The conversation took an unexpected turn and ended with her asking me not to contact her again. I had hoped that talking about our connection would bring us closer and instead it severed what was left of an already mangled situation.

Rejection is never pleasant, for any of us. We all have a desire to be liked, to be included, and to be understood.

And yet, I have been taught to welcome rejection and to understand that rejection is one of the ways that life reroutes us and shows us what path is not ours to traverse.

And so, I sit and I ask: What would it be like to welcome this? What would it be like to invite this to the table and surrender to it?

Thoughts swirl: Could I have done something differently? Could I have addressed the situation more gently? Maybe I shouldn’t have brought up the sensitive topic that i did?

I don’t know the answer to those questions. I do know that what is done is done, and that I communicated as honestly and sincerely as I knew how.

And so for now, I begin the process of letting go and I affirm:

I let go.
I let go.

I welcome this situation.
I welcome this situation.

I let go of my resistance to what is.
I let go of my wanting to go down a path that doesn’t appear to be meant for me.

I let go.
I let go.

I am learning to embrace rejection.
Rejection is one of the ways that life communicates with me.

Some paths open and some paths close.

I resist no longer.

I surrender.
I surrender.

I accept.
I accept.

I allow.
I allow.

I welcome what wants to come into my life and allow what wants to go, to go.

I welcome what is.
I let go of my resistance.

I allow those who want to go, to go.
I allow those who are meant to be in my life to come.

I surrender my will.

I surrender.
I surrender.

I let go.
I let go.

i let go.
I let go.

Letting go is a process. I remember a teacher of mine said once that it took her two years of active letting go, to really surrender something that she had wanted.

(And then I hear)

And so do not be discouraged if it takes some time to let go of that which is leaving your life. Be gentle and patient with yourself as your learn to surrender and release that which no longer serves. Accept all that is transpiring and know that when the time is right, new life will sprout form the ashes of what once was. Be patient, be kind. Review what you have allowed to transpire and than rise up stronger than before, more committed to healthy and mutually satisfying relationships. Do not settle for bread crumbs in your relationships. Do not settle for one way streets. Do not settle for lack of care and consideration. Dare to ask for more. Sit empty for a while and allow yourself to be refilled. When the time is right new life will emerge.

Shed the old now. You will find the reciprocity that you seek. Do not cling to that which is no longer meant for you. Instead think upon what it is that you do desire in relationship and allow those that are meant to be in your life to find you.

Chase no longer. Let what wants to go, go.

Welcome the new with open arms.

Remember that each time you have truly let go in the past, something more satisfying and right for your stage of development has found its way to you. Trust in that process. Surrender gladly into the unknown and wait with open arms for the future that beckons you.

Have a good weekend everyone.


Hayley Mermelstein

I am open and I stand in my conviction.

We had a really nice meditation class this past Thursday. The topic was standing in your convictions and being open, all at the same time. My understanding is that if you are only in your convictions you will become rigid and if you are only open you will be like a leaf in the wind. And so, ultimately we want to blend the two so that we are strong in our convictions, while simeoutaneously being as open as we can. From this blend of conviction and openness, a natural knowing as to how to navigate the complexity of our lives comes into sharper view.

For example, I meditated on a challenging relationship that I have with a colleague and from the balance of openness and conviction I was able to see that this colleague was having a hard time and was out of balance right now. From that awareness came a natural compassion along with an understanding that it was best to step back and stay out of harms way for a while.

I wrote a short meditation on the subject of openness and conviction and thought I’d share some of it here. If you would like to explore these and other topics (such as opening the heart, stepping into wisdom, building confidence, or coupling deep listening with full expression) feel free to stop by our Thursday night meditation class. The class is drop in, is $25.00/class and is open to the public and is held at 800 Main Street in Amherst (middle door in the front of the building.)

Its an engaging and interesting class that we deepen your meditation abilities and your abilities to listen deeply, as well as provide real tools that can help all us of to navigate the complexities of every day life. I look forward to seeing you at our group! If you have any questions, feel free to email or call me!

Openness and Conviction

I am open.
I am open.
I am open.

I am open to healing.
I am open to the light.
I am open to new opportunities.
I am open to a new point of view.
I am open to seeing things differently.
I am open to positive change.
I am open to new adventures.
I am open to new people.
I am open to new friendships.
I am open to love.

I am open.
I am open.
I am open.

Pause and see how being open feels.


I am open.
I am open.

I am open to divine guidance.
I am open to divine assistance.
I am open to newness.
I am open to new opportunities flooding my life.
I am open and my openness draws new opportunities to me.
I am as open as I can be.

I am open.
I am open.

Pause again and see how open you can be.

And now this time affirm:

I stand in my conviction.
I stand in my conviction.

I am filled with certainty.
I am strong.
I am powerful.
I am courageous.
I am confident.

I stand in my conviction.
I stand in my conviction.

I know how I feel.
I know what to do.
I know what to say.

I am certain.
I am confident.
I am powerful.
I am strong.
I am courageous.

I stand in my conviction.
I stand in my conviction.

Feel the strength and the power that comes from standing in your convictions.
Let yourself grow stronger as you stand firm and steady in the truth of who you are.

And now this time, lets combine the two.

I stand in my conviction and I am open.
I stand in my conviction and I am open.
I stand in my conviction and I am open.

See how open you can be as you go through your life.
See how strong and in your conviction you can be.

Put the two together .

Balance your strong conviction with openness and the awareness that everything changes and new insights and opportunities and course changes can come at any moment.
Be strong in who you are but remain open and flexible in the awareness that every moment is new and things are always changing.

Affirm frequently:

I am open and I stand in my conviction.
I am open and I stand in my conviction.
I am open and I stand in my conviction.

As you find this inner balance inside of yourself, a natural clarity and knowing about how to best navigate the complexity of every day life will arise.

Hayley Mermelstein

Imperfect Hearts

Sometimes it is hard to see the perfection beneath the humanity.
Sometimes it is hard to see the beauty that lies within.

But I will aspire to see the true you.

The you beneath the gruff and the huff.
The you beneath the defensiveness.

I love you with an imperfect heart.

But I will aspire to remember that you are beautiful and you that are good and that you are learning and that you are afraid and that you are wounded, just like everyone else.

I love you with an imperfect heart.

But I will aspire to know that at your core you mean well, and that you want to be loving and be loved, and that you want to be a radiant being upon the earth.

I love you with an imperfect heart.

But I will aspire, to remember who I am and how I want to be in the world, and to see your imperfections with a kind eye and a gentle heart.

I love you with an imperfect heart and that is okay, because we are all learning and we are all growing and we are all perfection becoming more perfect.

I love you with an imperfect heart.

~Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. Have a nice Thanksgiving everyone.

Also, we are having our FREE TRCB TELECLASS the last Sunday of every month. Be sure to join us on the call Sunday November 29th, 2015 at 7 p.m. I’ll send out call in information next Saturday!

She believed that she could, and so, she did.

Hello Everyone,

I was doing a guided meditation through my chakras this morning, and as I was meditating, I realized that my throat chakra was my weakest center. The throat center is the center for expression, confidence, power, growth and learning. When I asked myself why my throat center felt so weak, I instantly knew the answer. I knew that it was because I needed to work on my confidence.

I’m told I come across as confident, but actually it is something I struggle with in one way or another almost every day. Sometimes I feel incredibly confident, and yet at other times thoughts of insecurity creep in. And so, after meditating, I went for a walk and as I was walking a poem/meditation started coming through me. I talked it into my handy dandy phone (blog post writing is so much easier now that I can talk them into my phone) and now can read it daily to help strengthen my throat center.

I thought I’d share this affirmation/poem here with all of you, because no matter where we are at, we can all work on strengthening our chakras and stepping into our full potential more and more.

For more information about the chakras, keep an eye out for my new book: Balance Your Chakras: The TRCB Book of Affirmations, that will be coming out this fall (date to be announced shortly).

She believed she could, so she did.

I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.

I embody confidence.
I embody confidence.

I feel confident.
I feel confident.

Every cell of my body is filled with confidence.
Every cell of my body radiates confidence.

My entire being is filled with confidence.

She believed that she could and so she did.
She believed that she could and so she did.

I know that I can accomplish what I’ve come to accomplish.
I know I can fulfill my destiny.

I know that I do not work alone.
I know that I am part of a powerful team.

I know that powerful beings of light are all around me.
I know that these powerful beings of light are working with me to manifest what I need.

She believed that she could and so she did.
She believed that she could and so she did.

I do not work alone.
I know that I attract helpers in the physical world and in the spiritual world.

I know I can accomplish what I’ve come here to accomplish.
I know I can make the contribution that I’ve come to make.

I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.

I embody confidence.
I embody confidence.

I feel confident.
I feel confident.

Every cell of my body is filled with confidence.
Every cell of my body radiates confidence.

My confidence draws to me all the help that I need both from both the physical world and the spiritual world.

And so for today, I embody confidence.
And so for today, I allow this to be my practice.

And for today I step into my full confidence and my full potential.

I am confident.
I am confident.

I am confident.
I am confident.

~Hayley Mermelstein

Calling in Divine Intervention with TRCB

Welcome to TRCB Tuesday.

Its been a while since I’ve posted a new video and I wanted to share one with you today. Today’s topic is Calling in Divine Intervention with TRCB. In this video I will be tapping on each of the seven chakras of the Tong Ren doll and repeating a chakra balancing affirmation. The focus will be on asking for assistance in coming into a deeper balance and bringing our best self forward more and more.

Today’s chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I am open to divine intervention. I ask for divine intervention. I experience divine intervention.

Third eye: I ask for assistance in bringing the wisdom of my spirit forward.

Throat: I ask for assistance in bringing my power and confidence forward.

Heart: I ask for assistance in deepening my compassion for myself and others.

Solar Plexus: I ask for assistance in cultivating deeper acceptance of myself and others.

Identity: I ask for assistance in deepening my strength and I ask for assistance in deepening my sensitivity.

Base: I ask for assistance in deepening my disciplines of mind, body and spirit.

Take a moment now and ask for divine intervention, ask for what you need. There is a spiritual force of life that is working with all of us to manifest what we need, but this force of life does not want to interfere with free will choice and so we all need to learn to ask for assistance.

Ask that your wisdom become deeper. Ask for help in bringing forward your power and confidence. Ask for assistance in accepting yourself and in accepting others. Ask for deeper strength and deeper sensitivity. Ask for assistance in all aspects of your life. Ask for assistance as you go through your day.

Let this be your experiment this week. Experiment with asking for the assistance you need. Experiment with dialoging with a force of life greater than yourself. Experiment with seeing yourself as part o a powerful team and remembering that you never work alone.

There is a force of life that is working with you to manifest what you need and as you begin to dialogue with this force of life you will have greater access to it. And so let this be your experiment for the week to come. Ask for help. Ask for assistance, and communicate with a force of life that is greater than yourself and be aware of how this affects the quality of your week.

We don’t have to do this alone. We can call in greater support, greater wisdom, and greater opportunity. Practice this this week and see what transpires.


Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. For more information about our TRCB group healing and meditation tele class that happens on the last Sunday of every month, please click on this link: http://trcbhealing.com/teleclass/

Humble and Kind

Hello Everyone,

I just got back from a folk concert last night. I went to listen to Lori Mckenna who is singer I first heard sing on the Oprah show many years ago. The highlight of the evening was a song she wrote for her children called: Humble and Kind.

(to listen to this beautiful song click here:

It’s a song, as you might guess, about staying humble and kind, and saying thank you and please, and helping the next guy or gal in line when given the opportunity.

The song made me reflect on my own life and struggles, and the developing of humility.

You see, in my twenties I had several major episodes of anxiety that really brought me to my knees. When I recovered I remembered thinking that the anxiety and the pain that came with it, had softened me and burned away some of my arrogance, (i had an arrogant side back then.)

And then in my thirties I had some health problems that once again brought me to my knees. Once again, as I recovered and healed, I remember feeling that the experience had deepened me, and deepened my understanding of the human condition.

I thought that even though I would never wish that pain on myself or anyone else for that matter, I wasn’t sorry for the experience because it deepened my compassion and removed yet another layer of my arrogance. (arrogance is a slippery thing, it can slip right in when your not paying attention).

In fact, there was even a day recently were I actually was able to look back on those painful experiences and truly appreciate that they happened because they contributed to the person I am today.

So why do I share all of this? I guess it’s to say that no matter what you are going through right now, no matter how painful, there is always a silver lining, and although you may not fully see it right yet, there may come a day when you might even feel grateful that you had the experience, because despite all the pain, it brought you a gift that you otherwise wouldn’t have received.

And sometimes the gift that is brought is compassion for the human condition and for human suffering. Sometimes the gift is the burning away of your arrogance, leaving just the soft light of your soul to shine through. Sometimes the gift is that you find out that you are stronger than you thought and sometimes the gift is that you learn to ask for help.

Whatever it is that you are learning right now, may it deepen your humility and your kindness and your compassion for the human condition.

I’ve always liked the phrase, “Be kind. For everyone has a battle that they are fighting.”

And so, we are all human and learning and at the same time we are spirit and filled with great divinity. We are filled with humility, and we all have greatness in us too. And so let your humility be the doorway to your greatness. Let you compassion help you step even deeper into who you really are.

And then when you have learned what it is that you were meant to learn from your experience, you can turn around and help the next person in line.

Have a nice Sunday.


Hayley Mermelstien

P.S. As some of you know by now I am hosting my first ever Free TRCB Group Healing Teleclass. It’s going to be a great opportunity to balance your chakras and promote healing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It’s also a great opportunity to be immersed in the healing energy of spirit and the healing energy that is generated when a group of people come together for the purpose of healing and transformation.

We have over 130 people signed up for the call so far, so its going to be a really powerful experience. If you’d like to join us, please click here: http://trcbhealing.com/teleclass and then leave your name and email address. We will send you the information for the call 24 hours before the event.

I look forward to sharing TRCB with you in this live event.

Cultivating Greater Strength with TRCB

Hello Everyone and welcome to Tong Ren Chakra Balancing (TRCB) Tuesday.

This week’s video will focus on using TRCB to cultivate greater strength. Dealing with our daily challenges and the general challenges of being on the planet requires that we connect with the strength that lies within the core of our being. Our spirit, our true self, that spark of divinity that lies within is strong, powerful and confident. For today, we will be balancing the chakras and reconnecting with the strength of our spirit so that we can more easily access this strength so that we can have the fortitude that we need to face our challenges.

This weeks chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I trust that spirit is working with me to manifest what I need.

Third eye: I am a wise decision maker.

Throat: I am powerful and powerful beings of light are all around me.

Heart: I am love and love is all around me.

Solar Plexus: I am filled with depth.

Identity: I am both sensitive and strong.

Base: I am spirit. I am eternal. I am infinite. I am safe.

And there you have it. Your seven TRCB affirmations for the week. Take time this week to listen to the video and to connect with the strength of your spirit. Take time to connect with the strength that lies at the core of your being. There is a place of strength that lies within each one of us and as we learn to connect with this place of strength we can begin to bring this strength forward more and more.

Have a good week everyone.

Also, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel


like us on Facebook, so that you can be kept up to date on all of the latest happenings over here at TRCB headquarters!

Finding Deeper Peace with TRCB

Hi there everyone,

I had a request this week to produce a video to assist with healing anxiety. There are many things that can help with anxiety such as eating well, exercise and the use of affirmations. For today’s video, we will focus on balancing the chakras to help us all hold a greater emotional balance and bring our best selves forward more and more.

Today’s chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I walk in light. I walk in light.

Third eye: I see clearly and I understand.

Throat: I am confident.

Heart: I am a radiant being of light and love.

Solar Plexus: I am filled with simplicity.

Identity: I am steady.

Base: I am spirit. I am eternal. I am infinite. And I am safe.

And there you have it. This weeks chakra balancing affirmations. Work with these affirmations frequently through out the week to help assist you in staying calm and balanced a mist the many challenges of life. Also watch this weeks video to further assist in balancing the chakras and bringing your best self forward more and more.

Feel free to let me know in the comments below how this video impacts you.

Also, if you haven’t already be sure to subscribe to our you tube channel.

Have a great week.


Hayley Mermelstein

Cultivating Deeper Appreciation with TRCB

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share a new healing video with you this week. In honor of Thanksgiving, todays topic is on appreciation.

Appreciation is a powerful principle that rapidly elevates your state of mind and your vibration, and can help move you to a whole new level.

Today we are going to focus on giving thanks in advance. Because your body doesn’t know the difference between a real and imagined event, when you give thanks for something that you are working to manifest, as if it is already here, you help to bring it into manifestation.

For example, if you give thanks that you are growing in your wisdom everyday, your body thinks that you are in fact growing in your wisdom everyday. This helps to bring forward the deep wisdom that lies at the core of your being. If you give thanks in advance for your increasing abundance and prosperity, again your body believes that you are growing more abundant and prosperous and begins to vibrate differently, this in turn helps to bring in greater abundance.

So for today, we are going to practice giving thanks in advance for the things that we are working on cultivating. In so doing, we are elevating our vibration, raising our frequency and beginning to put out a different vibration out into the world, this in turn impacts how we feel and how we manifest in our lives.

Try flooding yourself with a feeling of appreciation this week. Be aware of how this impacts not only how you feel but also how you manifest in your life.

This weeks chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I appreciate that divine favor follows me where ever I go.

Third eye: I appreciate that I am able to bring forward my inner wisdom more and more.

Throat: I appreciate that my confidence is growing everyday.

Heart: I appreciate that I am growing in my ability to give and receive love.

Solar Plexus: I appreciate that I am growing in my ability to accept myself and accept others.

Identity: I appreciate that I am growing in my ability to respond in a balanced way in my life.

Base: I appreciate that my disciplines are improving everyday.

And there you have it. Your seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. Work with these seven affirmations and practice feeling deep appreciation for all that you’d like to manifest in your life as if its already here now.

The practice of flooding yourself with appreciation will elevate your state, change your vibration and impact how you manifest in the world.

Try this for the next seven days and watch what happens! When you find yourself getting caught in more limited states of mind experiment with “changing the channel” and turning on appreciation instead.

For additional support be sure to watch todays powerful video on appreciation!

Thank you all for your attention, for reading my emails and for your love and support through out the year. I deeply appreciate you and I deeply appreciate the opportunity to be of service.

Have a lovely Thanksgiving and a nice holiday.

May we all grow in our ability to appreciate ourselves, each other and the many opportunities for growth and service that we experience through out our day.


Hayley Mermelstein

Opening to possibility with TRCB

Hi there everyone!

Its been a while since we’ve done a video so I wanted to share one with you today. Its a video on opening to greater possibility. When we narrow our focus too much we can become self centered and limited in our perceptions. We can also tend to focus on the worst case senarios of our lives and really freak ourselves out! In todays healing video we will focus on opening to the field of infinite possibilities and maintaining a more expanded awareness and point of view.

Here are this weeks chakra balancing affirmations:

Crown: I am open to the field of infinite possibility.

Third eye: I am open and I am wise.

Throat: I am open and I am expressive.

Heart: I am open and I am loving and I am generous.

Solar Plexus: I am open and I welcome all of life.

Identity: I am open and I stand in my convinctions.

Base: I am open and I am filled with humility.

And there you have it. Your seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. Seek to experience greater openness this week while also embodying greater wisdom, clarity, expression, love, convinction and humility.

As you balance all seven chakras you will elevate your frequency and raise your vibration and positively impact your own life and the lives of others.

Have a good week.


Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. I am working hard to complete my TRCB book of affirmations! Stay tuned for more info.

P.S.S. I am also working on our first webinar. Stay tuned for more exciting information about that as well!