I am an infinite being of light.
I am an infinite being of light.
I am an infinite being of light and love.
I am an infinite being of light and love.
I am light.
I am light.
I am love.
I am love.
At my core there is only light.
At my core there is only love.
All else is part of the illusion.
See deeply now.
Beyond the illusion of separation.
Beyond the illusion of discord.
Beyond the illusion of sickness.
Beyond the illusion of separation is only unity.
Beyond the illusion of discord is only harmony.
Beyond the illusion of sickness is only wellness..
See beyond the illusion now.
Allow your observation to awaken the truth.
See beyond the illusion of separation and activate unity.
See beyond the illusion of discord and active harmony.
See beyond the illusion of sickness and activate wellness.
See beyond the illusion of limitation and activate abundance.
At your core you are an infinite being of light.
At your core you are an infinite of love.
At your core you are the abundance of the universe.
Remember the truth of who you are.
You are light.
You are love.
You are power.
You are wellness.
You are wealth.
You are abundance.
You are compassion.
You are wholeness.
See beyond the illusion of separation now.
You are an infinite being of light.
You are an infinite being of light.
As you remember the truth of who you are you activate the truth of who yoo are.
When you remember your true identity you help to bring your true identity into form.
You are an infinite being of light.
You are an infinite being of love.
You are an infinite being of wellness.
You are an infinite being of power.
You are an infinite being of abundance.
At the deepest level there is only light, only love, only wellness, only abundance, only compassion, only wisdom, only power, only whoneness, only wellness, only oneness.
See beyond the illusion of separation.
See beyond the illusion of sickness.
See beyond the illusion of limitation.
See beyond the illusion of disharmony.
See beyond the illusion and see the truth.
There is only wellness.
There is only unity.
There is only unlimited nature.
There is only abundance.
There is only love.
There is only peace.
There is only harmony.
Activate the observer effect.
Remember your true identity:
You are an infinite being of light.
You are an infinite being of light.
You have simply forgotten the truth of who you are.
Activate the observer effect by remembering who you are.
As you remember that you are an infinite being of light you help to bring it into form.
As you remember that you are an infinite being of light you help to awaken that light not only in yourself but in all those who come in contact with you or who even think about you,
You are an infinite being of light.
You are not your body.
You are the infinite.
You are the all in all.
Become it now.
Affirm frequently:
I am an infinite being of light.
I am an infinite being of light.
I am an infinite being of light.
I am an infinite being of wholeness.
I am an infinite being of wellness.
I am an infinite being of abundance.
I am an infinite being of love.
I am an infinite being of compassion.
At the deepest level there is only unity.
At the deepest level there is only love.
At the deepest level there is only abundance.
At the deepest level there is only wisdom.
At the deepest level there is only wellness.
At the deepest level there is only wholeness.
At the deepest level there is only power.
At the deepest level there is only compassion.
At the deepest level there is only light.
See beyond the illusion now and activate the divine by seeing the divine.
At the deepest level is only God force.
Demonstrate the divine by seeing the divine everyone.
Only God is real.
Only God is real.
The rest is illusion.
Active the divine by seeing the divine.
I am an infinite being of light.
I am an infinite being of light.
I am an infinite being of light.
See it.
Feel it.
Become it.
Allow your whole world to transform as you sit in the remembrance of your true identity.
I am an infinite being of light.
I am an infinite being of light.
I am an infinite being of light.