Be the magnet.
Be the being of love that you are and draw all that you need to your side.
Your only job is to be the magnet.
Your only job is to be the being of love that you are.
Radiate love.
Radiate light.
Become the radiance that you seek.
Be the beacon of light and love that you are.
Be it.
Become it.
Be the magnet.
Your only job is to be the being of love and light that you are.
Become the magnet and draw all that you need to you.
The key is love.
The key is light.
Become the magnet and draw all that you need to you.
Let me come to you.
Let me come to you.
Become the magnet.
Be light.
Be love.
All the rest will take of itself.
The formula is not as difficult as one would think.
Make your only goal to be a being of light and love.
It is the key to your manifestation.
Be light.
Be love.
All else will take care of itself.
Love is the key to your manifestation.
Be love.
Be light.
Be the magnet.
All else will be drawn to you in its own time.
See love as your superpower.
Love is the magnet force that draws what you need to you.
Be vigilant in love.
Seek to be it.
Become it.
Do it you for you.
Do it for others.
You have training and awareness that most do not have.
Hold yourself to a higher standard.
To whom much is given, much is expected.
We expect you to use what you have learned.
We expect you to apply your knowledge.
Be it.
Become it.
Be the magnet.
Draw all that you need to you.
Sit in the circle of love and light and draw all that you need to you.
Be the magnet.
Be the light.
Be the love.
I will come to you when the time is right.
Let go of all control.
Let go of all impatience.
Be the light.
Be the love.
All else will resolve in its own time.
Seek nothing.
Seek no one.
Just be.
Just be.
Be love.
Be light.
Be the magnet.
All will be drawn to you in its right time and place.
Be at peace and
Allow your heart to shine, radiate and love.
Be the magnet.
Be the center of peace and love and light.
Do not let the world put you in a state of disarray.
All is evolving as it should.
Trust,allow and be.
Your job now is to be a being of love in a time of great fear and worry.
Be at peace and do the job that is assigned to you at this time.
Be the magnet of love.
All else will take care of itself in its own time.
Be light.
Be love.
Be at peace.
Be one with all of life.
Do the job that is assigned to you.
And be satisfied with your efforts.
All is well.
All is well.
All is well.
~Hayley Mermelstein