I was in a somewhat meditative state, working with a client when suddenly an energy filled the room I paused for a moment and then heard the words inside of me: The universe loves you. The energy of love began to fill the room. And then the words: All is forgiven. All is forgiven.
And for a moment I stopped and took in the new vibration and words: The universe loves me. All is forgiven. The universe loves me and all is forgiven.
My body relaxed. What would it be like to let myself off the hook for everything? To forgive myself for my mistakes and allow myself to feel the love of the universe?
I’ve been working with this experience this week and thought I’d share it here in case reminding you that the universe loves you and you are forgiven might help you as well.
What might heal in your body if you let yourself off the hook?
What might heal in your life if you let yourself off the hook?
I wrote as affirmation to help me absorb the energy that was coming through this week and thought I’d share it, in case it might help you as well.
The universe loves me. I am forgiven.
The universe loves me.
The universe loves me.
I am loved.
I am loved.
All is forgiven.
All is forgiven.
Feel it.
Embody it.
Act as it.
Feel it as if It is here now.
What would it be like to allow yourself to be forgiven?
What would it be like to allow yourself to take in the love of the universe?
The universe loves you.
The universe loves you.
Feel it.
Receive it.
All is forgiven.
All is forgiven.
You are forgiven for not knowing what you didn’t know.
You are forgiven for not being perfect.
It is okay.
It is okay.
The earth is a school.
You have come for growth and learning.
This is why you are here.
Allow yourself to receive this:
Allow yourself to take it in.
The universe loves you.
The universe loves you.
You are forgiven.
You are forgiven.
Allow yourself to heal.
Allow yourself to receive.
Allow yourself to be at peace.
Allow yourself to be restored.
The universe loves you.
The universe loves you.
You are forgiven.
You are forgiven.
All is well.
All is well.
Out of this situation only good will come.
Out of this situation only good will come.
The universe loves you.
The universe loves you.
You are forgiven.
You are forgiven.
You are forgiven.
Allow the love of the universe to fill you.
Allow forgiveness to fill every cell of your body.
Know that you are loved.
Know that you are forgiven.
Be at peace.
Be at peace.
All is well.
All is well.
All is well.