
I was sitting in an auditorium waiting for my turn to receive my healing when suddenly I heard a voice in my head. The male voice said: “ You are overidentified with your sensitivity. Identify with your power instead.”

The words echoed in my mind and I saw it to be true. I was the sensitive. I was the empath. I feel everything. But what if instead of thinking of myself in these terms I remembered that I am powerful. What if I remembered that I have great power in me. That the god force is alive in me. What if I learned to identify with my power instead?

Fast forward twenty years.

I was giving an acupuncture session to a new client. She is telling me about all of her sensitivities. I am listening without judgement. She lays down on the table and talks about how she wants to be a healer but feels too sensitive. She asks me how do I do the work I do and keep from absorbing my client’s problems?

I stop and consider this. I’m not sure of how to answer her. I pause. I reflect. And then the memory of the event twenty years earlier when I heard the message: You over identify with your sensitivity. Learn to identify with your power instead.

I relay this story to my client and she gets the chills. I so needed to hear that today she says. I think that is the whole reason I came to see you today. For that one message. All I do is think about how sensitive I am. I think about it all day long.

Yes. I say. I used to do the same.

What would it be like to remember that you are more powerful than you know, that great power resides in you?

What if you saw yourself as powerful, as strong?
What if the divine lives in you?

What if you are spirit?
What if you are the God force in drag?

How might this awareness affect how you go through your day?

I wrote down some notes for my client and It went something like this:


You are over identified with your sensitivity.
Learn to identify with your power instead.

Affirm frequently:

I am powerful.
I am filled with the power of spirit.

The divine lives in me.
I am the God force.

I am powerful.
I am powerful.

I am filled with the power of spirit.
I am filled with the power of spirit.

Feel your power.
Embody your power.

What if you are far more powerful than you know?
What if you are infinite power?

Begin today to focus on the power with in you.
Activate the observer effect.

What you focus on you get more of.

Identify with your power.
You are more powerful than you can imagine.

Use your power in service to others.
Use your power to offer your contribution.

Affirm frequently:

I am powerful.
I am powerful.
I am powerful.

Do not over identify with your sensitive.

But instead:

Know that the God force lives in you and you are far more powerful than you realize.

Learn to identify with your power.
Step into that power now.

You are more powerful than you know.
Step into that power now.

I am powerful.
I am powerful.

The God force lives in me.

I am powerful.
I am powerful.
I am powerful.

~Hayley Mermelstein