At the deepest spiritual level there is consensus about what is right for the whole.
There is not your needs and my needs.
There is simply what is best for the whole.
At the deepest spiritual level there is consensus.
When you are in a deep place in you and
I am in a deep place in me there is consensus about what is right for the whole.
And so listen deeply now and ask:
What best serves the oneness?
What is best for the whole?
At the deepest spiritual level there is agreement about what is best for the whole.
There is not your needs and my needs,
There is simply what best serves the oneness.
At the deepest spiritual level there is agreement about what best serves the oneness.
And so listen deeply within.
Ask what best serves the oneness in this situation.
At the deepest spiritual level there is consensus about what is best for the whole.
In compromise is you get some of what you want and I get some of what I want.
In consensus you are listening deeply and coming to an agreement about what is truly best for the whole.
True consensus can only be attained through deep listening.
This is not an intellectual exercise.
This is an exercise of deep listening.
And so commit to listening deeply within.
Ask frequently:
What would best serve the oneness in this situation.
When serving the oneness everyones needs are taken into account.
When serving the oneness everyones needs matter.
If you listen deeply you will hear the still small voice of spirit whispering in your ear.
Saying you matter.
Everyone matters.
When listening deeply everyone’s deepest spiritual needs will be taken into account.
And so listen deeply now so that you will know what best serves the oneness moment by moment.
When you serve the oneness you serve the deepest needs of each person involved.
Do not seek to please the personality for the personality does not always know what is best for the whole.
Seek to listen at the deepest level possible, so that you can truly do what is in the best interest of all concerned.
It does not serve the oneness to enable weakness.
It does not serve the oneness to seek to please the personality.
It does not serve the oneness to ignore your own needs.
It does not serve the oneness to ignore the needs of others.
Again, to serve the oneness you must listen deeply and ask:
What best serves the oneness in this situation?
When you ask and listen in this way the deepest needs of all concerned will be addressed.
Everyone matters.
You matter.
Your needs matter.
Others matter.
Their needs matter.
At the deepest spiritual level there is consensus about what serves the whole.
Seek to serve at the deepest spiritual level.
Ask frequently:
What best serves the oneness in this situation?
Listen in this way and allow yourself to be guided in right action.
Listen deeply.
Listen deeply.
This is the way of service and respect.
Listen deeply.
Listen deeply and you will be guided.
Listen deeply.
Listen deeply and seek to do the loving thing.
The loving thing is what serves the need of the spirt.
The only way you will know what serves the deepest need of the individual is to listen deeply.
Many do not know what they truly need and so you can not always please the personality of those with whom you interact.
Listen deeply.
Listen deeply.
Do not seek to please the personality.
Seek to please the spirit.
Listen deeply.
Listen deeply and you will know what to do.
Listen deeply and you will know what to do.
Be patient and allow knowing to unfold.
Communicate and allow the situation to unfold.
Listen deeply and you will know what to do.
Listen deeply and you will know what to do.
Listen deeply and you will know what to do.