It is okay to feel lost sometimes.

It’s okay to feel lost sometimes.

It’s okay.
It’s okay.

It’s okay to feel lost sometimes.
Somedays you feel on top of the world.


The God force in all its glory.

And somedays you feel lost.
And somedays you feel humble

And somedays you are not sure if you know anything of any use to anybody.

It’s okay to feel lost sometimes.

Some days you are strong.
Some days you are invincible.
Some days you are loving and wise.

And some days you are lost.

Not sure which way is up.
Not sure is divine favor still shines down on you.

I’m not sure why this is.
Perhaps we are all learning humility.

I went to a psychic once who looked at me and said you used to be arrogant, But now you are humble.

Do you understand what I am saying? He asked.

Yes, I do. I reply.

Life has humbled me.
Life has brought me to my knees.

And still I forget.
It’s okay to be lost sometimes.

It’s okay.
It’s okay.

Where ever you are at today, it’s okay.

I used to be arrogant.
Now I am humble.

It’s okay.
It’s okay.

It is really okay.

~Hayley Mermelstein