TRCB To Deepen Your Meditaion

Welcome back to Tong Ren Chakra Balancing Tuesday where every week for the rest of the summer I will be sharing a new Tong Ren Chakra Balancing sequence to bring healing to the body, mind and soul. Watch the video above anytime you wish to balance your chakras, experience deeper peace and/or deepen your meditaiton.

Today’s affirmations are:

Crown: I am connected to a force of life greater than myself.

Third eye: Divine wisdom guides me.

Throat: I am a powerful being of light.

Heart: I am love and love is all around me.

Solar Plexus: I accept myself completely.

Identity: I am infinitely creative.

Base: I am disciplined. I attend to my mind, body and spirit everyday.

Stay tuned for our upcoming on-line group healing class that will be coming this fall! More information coming soon!!


Finding Deeper Self Acceptance with TRCB

Welcome to Tong Ren Chakra Balancing Tuesday. Today’s video features a TRCB treatment for finding deeper self acceptance. Watch it any time deeper acceptance is desired and allow the tapping and the affirmations to release any blockages and naturally assist you in embracing and welcoming all aspects of ones self.

Today’s affirmations are:

Crown: I am filled with greatness.

We each have a place of great divinity and light that lies within. Part of self acceptance is accepting our greatness.

Third eye: I look honestly at myself.

Learn to look honestly at yourself so that you may see and acknowledge both your strengths and your weaknesses. It is by looking honestly that we can begin to heal.

Throat: I am spirit. I am learning. I am good.

We are all learning and we are all growing. Our behaviour is evolving and yet at the same time we are spirit and we are filled with divinity. Learn to see yourself as essentially good and learning.

Heart: I am filled with deep compassion for myself.

We are all in this soup of life together. In the words of Plato, “Have compassion for everyone is having a hard life.”

Solar Plexus: I accept myself completely. I accept that I have strengths. I accept that I have weaknesses. I accept that I am learning and growing.

We can’t heal what we don’t acknowledge. As we accept our weaknesses they begin to heal. As we accept our strengths we can begin to actualize more of our full potential.

Identity: I am filled with wholeness.

There is a place of great wholeness that lies within, a place of great light, great love, great strength and sensitivity. There is a place within your that was never wounded and is untouched by anything that has transpired in this lifetime or other lifetimes.

Base: I am filled with humility. I am enough as I am.

We are human and learning as well as spirit and filled with divinity. Know that you are enough as you are. Embrace your humility today.

For today practice embracing both your strengths and your weaknesses. As you accept your weaknesses you allow your weaknesses to heal. As you accept your strengths you will bring your strengths forward more and more.

And so for today, accept it all. Accept that you are human and learning and growing and accept that you have a place of great light and divinity that lies within As you accept more of yourself you will bring the best within you forward while simultaneously embracing the learning process in which all are involved.

Hayley Mermelstein

Cultivating Financial Abundance with TRCB

Welcome back to Tong Ren Chakra Balancing Tuesday where for the rest of the summer I will be sharing a Tong Ren Chakra Balancing video as well as the 7 main affirmations used in the video.

Watching the video will assist in releasing blockages and helping you to step into your full potential on every level.

For today we are focusing on releasing blockages to financial abundance so that we can step into our full potential financially.

For best results watch the video daily and work with the following 7chakra balancing affirmations:

Seven Chakra Balancing Affirmations:

Crown Chakra: I trust that life is working with me to manifest what I need.

Third eye: I am wise in relationship to money. I spend, save and invest wisely.

Throat: I am confident.

Heart: I am loving and generous with my money.

Solar Plexus: I am deeply appreciative of all that I have.

Identity chakra: I am balanced. I give and I receive with ease.

Base chakra: I am disciplined. I attend to my mind, body, and spirit.

And there you have it, seven chakra balancing affirmations to help you heal your relationship to money!

Use these affirmations whenever deeper balanced is desired and allow them to assist you in manifesting greater financial abundance in your life. Work with them everyday for the next 30 days and be aware of how they impact you and how they affect your manifest in the world.

TRCB Tuesday Video – Opening to the Light.

Welcome to Tong Ren Chakra Balancing (TRCB) Tuesday. This week we will be focusing on opening to the light. Watch this video anytime greater connection to your inner spirit is desired or anytime you would like to connect to a force of life greater than yourself. Allow the tapping and the affirmations to align your chakras and assist you in bringing your best self forward.

This weeks affirmations are as follows:

Crown: I am open to the light.

Third eye: I am open and my clarity will protect me.

Throat: I am a radiant being of light.

Heart: I am a radiant being of light and love.

Solar Plexus: I accept myself completely.

Identity: I know who I am and I know why I am here.

Base: I am disciplined. I attend to my mind, body and spirit every day.

Again, work with these affirmations frequently through out the week and watch the video whenever greater balance is desired.

Now its your turn!

Let us know how this video impacted you? Feel free to leave comments in the space below. We love to hear from you!