Behold God and Love.

Can you stay in the vibration of love both for yourself and others?
Can you behold the God force in yourself and all those around you?

This is your challenge as you enter into the holiday season.
This is your challenge as you go through your life.

What if your main objective was to stay in the vibration of love?
What if your main objective was to love yourself and offer love to all those around you?

What if your main objective was to be a messenger of love?

Could you complete your high and destined role?

You will be challenged.

You will stumble, for learning to love in a world filled with discord and disharmony is not an easy task.

But see this as the task set before you: to learn to love, to learn to be a messenger of love.

See yourself as a messenger of love now.

Learn to offer love to all those around you.

If you see yourself as a messenger of love you will not be so offended by the imbalances that you see.

Learn to love the imbalances.
Learn to have compassion for the imbalances.

Learn to be a messenger of love whether you are alone or in a crowd, whether you are with friends or adversaries.

Learn to be a radiant being of light and love.

No one said this would be easy.

The earth is a school and everyone is learning and everybody is growing and everyone is the divine in drag.

Learn to see past the illusion.
Learn to see the divine in everyone that you encounter.

Make this your objective:
To love and to see the divine in everyone.

Don’t worry so much about how you are treated.
That is not your responsibility.

Your job, your responsibility is how you treat others.
Your job this holiday season is to love and to see the divine in others.

See past the illusion.

In human form you will see control issues, imbalances, lack of clarity, confusions, jealousies, hurt and pain.

See past all that.

See beneath the human illusion and recognize the god force, the divine in all whom you encounter.

How do others begin to show up differently when you learn to see beneath the human illusion?

All are flawed.
All are wounded in human form.
All are out of balance in one way or another.

Make it your practice this holiday season to offer love and to see the divine behind the eyes of those with whom you interact.

See what changes when you change.

Be gentle with yourself because you will be challenged and this is not an easy task.

It is a practice.

And so begin the practice now of being the being of love and light that you wish to be here upon the earth.

Give others the gift of seeing their true self.
Give others the gift of seeing their divine self.

Do not be blind to the human weaknesses and flaws of others.
Do not be naïve.
Do not put yourself in harms way,

But do practice seeing beneath the illusion

Remember that the divine lives in everyone.
Remember that the god force lives in everyone.

It is your job and your mission this holiday season and always for that matter to practice being a being of love upon this planet and to practice seeing beneath the human illusion.

See the God force in everyone and see how this begins to transform your human relations.

With some people this will be easier than others.
We put challenging people in your path for a reason.

Do not be a doormat.
Do not be subservient to those around you.
Do not allow others to take advantage of you.

Be loving to yourself and well as loving to others.

Practice loving yourself and practice loving others.
Be the being of love that you are.

Love will guide you.
We will guide you.

Make being a being of love a priority.

Lead with love and love will guide you.
Love will show you way.

This may sound trite, but it is true.

Go deep into the vibration of love and it will create such a coherence in your body and mind that the way forward will reveal itself to you.

Love yourself and love others.
No one is excluded from this equation.

Make this your practice this holiday season.

See the challenges in your environment as an opportunity to grow stronger in your abilities to offer love no matter what.

Again, be gentle with yourself. No one said this would be an easy task.

As you enter into this season practice daily seeing the divine in others and offering love.

Everyone longs to be seen.

The human foibles are not the true self.
The god force beneath the illusion is the true self.

Give others the gift of being seen.
See beneath the illusion and offer love.

Behold God and love.
Behold God and love.
Behold God and love.

These are your simple instructions for the holiday season and your life.

Behold God and love.
Behold God and love.
Behold God and love.

What will show up differently in your life when you show up differently?

How will the people in your life transform when you see the greatness in them?

Most people overestimate what can happen in a short period of time and underestimate what can happen in a longer period of time.

Be curious always: What shows up differently when you show up differently? What changes when you change?

You cannot change others.
Your job is to change yourself.

Stop taking other people’s inventory.
Take your own.

What shows up differently when you show up differently?

You have two jobs right now:

Behold God in yourself and others and
Love yourself and love others.

See this as a practice.
See this as a meditation.

See this as your work and your job.

Be curious about what changes when you change.

Be patient.
Be true.

This is a process.

Slowly and gently awaken the divine in yourself and others by seeing the divine in yourself and others.

Slowly and gently be a healing force in the world by offering love to whatever arises in yourself and others.

Behold God and love.
Behold God and love.
Behold God and love.

This is your sacred assignment for now and always.

This is your practice.
This is your job.

This is your mission statement for life.

Behold God and love.
Behold God and love.
Behold God and love.

It is all about you and your perceptions.

Do not try to change anyone else.
Only work on yourself.

Behold God and love.
Behold God and love.
Behold God and love.

Behold God and love.
Behold God and love.
Behold God and love.

I am special and you are special.

I am special.
I am special.

I am unique.
I am me.

There is no one quite like me on the planet.
There is no one with my unique gifts, talents, and mission.

I am special.
I am special.

I am special and therefore I value myself.
I am special and therefore I love myself.

I am special.
I am special.

I am unique.
I am valuable.

I am special.
I am special.

I am special and we are all special.
I am special and we are all special.

Unique like a snowflake.

I am special.
I am special.

I am special and you are special.
I am special and you are special.

I am special.
I am special.
I am special.

Take a moment now and allow yourself to feel special. Embody the vibration. Feel it. Allow yourself to feel special. When you allow yourself to feel special there is a sparkle in your energy field. Feel special. Radiate the feeling of being of special.

Affirm frequently: I am special. I am special. I am special.
What shows up differently in your life when you show up differently?

So often we try to change the external world so that we can feel better. What if changed our vibration and then observed how the external world begins to show up differently? Wbat changes when we change?

For today affirm: I am special. I am special. I am special.
Be aware of what shows up differently when you show up differently?

What changes when you go through the day in the energy of: I am special?
How do you show up differently? And how does the world around you reconfigure as you reconfigure?

All of life is a mirror. Embody the energy I am special and see what changes.

Remember that just like you are unique and special, so is everyone else. Practice seeing others as special as well. How do other people respond when you treat them as if they too are special?

Affirm frequently: I am special and you are special. I am special and you are special. Practice seeing other people as special and see how they show up differently.

Let this be your grand experiment with life.

I experience love wherever I go.

I experience love wherever I go.
I experience love wherever I go.

I live in a loving universe.
I live in a loving universe.

All of life is conspiring in my favor.
All of life is conspiring in my favor.

I am love and love is all around me.
I am love and love is all around me.

I give love with ease.
I give love with ease.

I receive love with ease.
I receive love with ease.

Loving people fill my world.
Loving people fill my world.

I experience love wherever I go.
I experience love wherever I go.

I am love.
I am love.

I exude love.
I exude love.

I radiate love.
I radiate love.

I am a radiant being of light and love.
I am a radiant being of light and love.

All the love that I put out into the universe comes back to me multiplied.
Love is all around me.

I am love and love is all around me.
I am love and love is all around me.

My world is filled with love.
My world is filled with love.

I live in a loving universe.
All of life is conspiring in my favor.

Divine love guides me.
Divine love guides me.

Divine love is all around me.
Divine love is all around me.

I experience love wherever I go.
I experience love wherever I go.

I experience miracles.
I experience miracles.

I experience synchronicities.
I experience synchronicities.

I experience love wherever I go.
I experience love wherever I go.

Everything is always working out for me.
Everything is always working out for me.

All of life is conspiring in my favor.
All of life is conspiring in my favor.

I experience love wherever I go.
I experience love wherever I go.
I experience love wherever I go.

Take a moment now to affirm: I experience love wherever I go. Feel it. Embody it. Become it. Radiate it.

What might it be like to hold this attitude for an hour, a day, a week or a month? What might change in your life if you could hold this attitude more and more.

So often we are reacting to our lives, reacting to the circumstances that present themselves. What is instead we radiated the energy we wished to experience? What is we were at cause in our life? What if instead of being reactors we were powerful creators?

Practice stepping into a creator role today. Practice becoming a powerful creator. Affirm frequently: I experience love wherever I go. I experience love wherever I go. I am a powerful creator. I create a life of love. I experience love wherever I go. I experience love wherever I go.

Allow this to be your experiment with life. What shows up differently when you show up differently? What changes when you change?

Allow this to be a process. What would happen if you cultivated this attitude over time?

Many people overestimate what can happen in a short period of time and underestimate what can happen in a longer period of time.

Commit to a new attitude today and see what happens over time. Be patient and be persistent. Be a powerful creator in your life rather than a reactor to the circumstances that you find yourself in.

I will be practicing right along with you!

~Hayley Mermelstein

P.s. This is an excerpt from our Thursday night meditation class. If you would like more information about either our Monday night group healing or Thursday night meditation group (both happening on zoom) please feel free to text or call at 413-992-8581, I look forward to hearing from you!

Please Don’t Call Me a Saint.

You are such a saint, she said in a text just the other day.
And I cringed inside.

I know that I am not a saint.

I know that I have poor boundries sometimes.
I know that I have trouble saying no.

I know that I over give so that I will be liked.
I know that I abandon myself sometimes.

I know that I put other peoples needs before my own.
I know that I am not a saint.

So please don’t call me saint.

If you want to be helpful,

Remind me to not abandon myself.
Remind me that my needs matter too.

Remind me that being nice is not the same as being real or authentic or compassionate or wise.

If you want to be helpful remind me to love myself.

On second thought,

I do not need you to remind me.
I will take full responsibility for myself.

I will remind myself:

Your needs matter.
You matter.

Be real.
Be authenitic.

Say no when you want to say no.
Stop being such a people pleaser.

And above all else:

Learn to love yourself.
Learn to listen to yourself.

Learn to listen to the whispers of spirit within you and all around you.
Learn to serve the oneness of which you are a part.

Don’t abandon yourself.

Life will keep challenging you until you learn to listen,
until you learn to love yourself.

Life is a relentless teacher.

Putting you in impossible situations until you stand up for yourself,
Until you learn to listen to your own needs.

We will not allow you to abandon yourself any more.
So cry uncle early.

And above all else learn to love yourself, truly and deeply love yourself.

You matter.
Your needs matter.

We love you.
We won’t abandon you.

So, please don’t call me a saint.

I don’t want the role and I don’t want the calling.
And besides that is rewarding my wounds.

I want to be real.
I want to authentic.

I want to be true to myself.
I want to love myself.

Only then will I be a true saint.
But at that point you probably won’t see it.

You will probably like me better when I’m wounded.
But that is okay.

I’m learning to love myself.
And in the end, that all that really matters.

I am free and you are free.

I am free and you are free.
I am free and you are free.

I give you freedom to be you.
I give you freedom to make your own choices about how to be in this world.

I grant myself freedom too.

I am free and you are free.
I am free and you are free.

You are free to come and
you are free to go.

I hold no one hostage.

The slate is clear.
You owe me nothing.

I am free and you are free.
I am free and you are free.

A plate of freedom all around.
A plate of freedom all around.

And mostly, I free myself.
I owe no one.

I give thanks to all who have assisted me through the murky waters of my own soul.
I am forever grateful.

But I cut the cords now.
I let go of moving from a place of guilt or obligation.

I listen only to the inner voices that guide me.
I listen only to the whispers of spirit that are all around me.

I let go of people pleasing now.
I let go of abandoning myself.

I will not abandon myself and
I will not abandon the spiritual forces that guide me in order to be pleasing.

I am free.
I am free.

I am free to be myself.
I am free to be myself.

I am free to listen to my own inner promptings.
I am free to listen to the spiritual forces that guide me.

At long last,

I am free.
I am free.

I am free and you are free.
I am free and you are free.

A plate of compassion all around.

I am free and you are free.
I am free and you are free.
I am free and you are free.