I love myself and therefore, I am open to receive.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to healing.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to the light.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to love.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to abundance.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to adventure.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to new experiences.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to new opportunities.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to newness.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to the powerful beings of light that are all around me.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to divine guidance.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to miracles.
I love myself and therefore, I know that I deserve goodness.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to all that life wants to bring to me.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to the very best that life has to offer.
I love myself and therefore, I am open to the very best that life has to offer.
I love myself and therefore I trust the process of life.
I love myself and therefore I trust life is working with me to manifest what I need.
I love myself and therefore I expect the best possible outcome.
I love myself and therefore I allow myself to be spontaneous.
I love myself and therefore I allow myself to step into my greatness.
I love myself and therefore I make wise decisions.
I love myself and therefore I know and honor my needs.
I love myself and therefore I know my clear priorities.
I love myself and therefore I believe in myself.
I love myself and therefore I value myself.
I love myself and therefore I have confidence in myself.
I love myself and therefore I have confidence that life is working with me to manifest what I need.
I love myself and therefore I allow myself to step into my power.
I love myself and therefore, I don’t hold back.
I love myself and therefore I am fully expressive.
I love myself and therefore I express my needs.
I love myself and therefore I allow myself to be genuine.
I love myself and therefore I am myself.
I love myself and therefore I allow myself to be imperfect.
I love myself and therefore I allow myself to be a student of life.
I love myself and therefore I know that mistakes are necessary for learning and growth.
I love myself and therefore I can accept both compliments and crititcism, for I understand that I learn from both.
I love myself and therefore I know that I am good and that I am learning.
I love myself and therefore I offer myself kindness and care.
I love myself and therefore I forgive myself.
I love myself and therefore I forgive others.
I love myself and therefore I offer compassion to myself.
I love myself and therefore I offer compassion to others.
I love myself and therefore I allow love into my life.
I love myself and therefore I am discerning about who I allow into my life.
I love myself and therefore I am open to love.
I love myself and therefore I am courageous.
I love myself and therefore I am both cautious and courageous.
I love myself and therefore I offer myself radical self acceptance.
I love myself and therefore no feeling of mine is banished.
I love myself and therefore I accept all parts of myself.
I love myself and therefore I honor my strengths.
I love myself and therefore I embrace my weaknesses.
I love myself and therefore I allow myself to experience peace.
I love myself and therefore I surrender control.
I love myself and therefore I can say yes.
I love myself and therefore I can say no.
I love myself and therefore I can act.
I love myself and therefore I can wait.
I love myself and therefore I can speak and I can listen.
I love myself and therefore I need no validation.
I love myself and therefore I know who I am.
I love myself and therefore I allow my creativity to flow.
I love myself and therefore I give myself permission to just be.
I love myself and therefore I give myself permission to strive for more.
I love myself and therefore I allow things to unfold in their own time.
I love myself and therefore I step into my humility.
I love myself and therefore I allow myself to be enough as I am.
I love myself and therefore I attend to my mind, body and spirit everyday.
I love myself and therefore I am disciplimed.
I love myself completely.
I love myself completely.
I love myself completely.
Be aware of what shows up differently in your life, when you show up differently.
Be aware of what changes when you change.
Be aware of what changes when you truly and deeply learn to love yourself.
I will be doing this grand experiment with life right along with you.