And the universe whispers to me in a quiet moment;
Let yourself love who you love.
Do not close down to protect yourself.
But what if I get hurt? I ask.
Let yourself love who you love.
Let go of your resistance to what is.
But what if I am rejected? I ask.
Let yourself love who you love.
Do not block in ignorance or fear of rejection.
But everyone thinks I am crazy. I reply.
Let yourself love who you love and
Let go of the well meaning but limited opinions of others.
Simply love.
Simply shine.
Simply radiate.
Let yourself love who you love.
Let go of all of your attachments to external form or how things will evolve.
Let all that go and allow yourself to love who you love.
Let your heart shine.
The heart is meant to radiate light and love.
And so let your heart love who it loves and
Work on your own healing
Let your heart love who you love and
Let it be enough.
Let your heart love who you love and
Be at peace.
It is a blessing to be on the planet at the same time as another with whom you have a bond.
Let it be enough and be thankful and
Let your heart love who you love.
Let go of the fear of being hurt.
Let go of the fear of being rejected.
Let go of the fear of not being good enough.
Let go of the voices that say it will never work.
Simply let go and allow the heart to love who it loves.
Let go and do the only work you can do.
Let go and devote yourself to own healing.
Let go and let yourself be who you are.
Let go and be the best you can be.
Let go and offer the contribution that you came to offer.
Let go and let your heart shine and radiate.
Let go and allow your heart to love who it loves.
Let go and be content with what is.
Let go and allow life to unfold.
Let go and be patient.
Everyone is in a healing process.
Let go and be okay with this.
Let go and understand.
Let go and work on your own healing.
Let go and save the only person you can save.
Let go of all resistance to what is.
Let go.
Let go.
Let go and be at peace.
Let go and when the time is right all shall be revealed.
Let go and when the time is right you will unravel into your own knowing.
Let go and allow life to unfold.
Let go and let it be.
Let go and let it be.
Speaking words of wisdom: Let it be.
Let go and let your heart love who it loves.
Let go and let your heart love who it loves.
~Hayley Mermelstein