Even Though.
Even though you have made many mistakes.
I love you anyway.
Even though you have said yes, when you should have said no.
I love you anyway.
Even though you said no, when you should have said yes.
I love you anyway.
Even though you feel resentment when you want to feel compassion.
I love you anyway.
Even though you feel uncertain when you want to feel certainty.
I love you anyway.
Even though you wake up anxious some days.
I love you anyway.
Even though you feel hate sometimes.
I love you anyway.
Even though you thought you were right but you were wrong.
I love you anyway.
Even though you said the wrong thing.
I love you anyway.
Even though you wanted to speak up and you didn’t.
I love you anyway.
Even though you wanted to save more money but didn’t know how.
I love you anyway.
Even though you are a late bloomer.
I love you anyway.
Even though you are an adult but feel like a child sometimes.
I love you anyway.
Even though there is a place of great power in you and sometimes you hide it.
I love you anyway.
Even though you are imperfect, flawed, wounded and lost somedays.
I love you anyway.
Can you love all parts of yourself?
Can you love the hatred?
Can you love the betrayal?
Can you love the mistakes?
Can you love the lack of acceptance?
Can you love the lack of love?
Can you love all of you?
This is what is being asked of you today.
Love all of you.
Just the way you are.
No need to change to be loved.
No need to be perfect.
Show up to the dance as you.
Let all of you be welcome today.
Dance with it all.
Nothing to hide.
Nothing to protect.
No where to go.
It is when you can love all of you that you will begin to heal.
When you suppress that which you don’t like it festers like an open wound beneath the surface.
And so love all of you.
Even the parts that don’t know how to love.
For however long it takes.
To sooth your soul.
Love all of you.
For however long it takes.
To heal.
Love all of you.
For however long it takes
To find the peace that you desire.
Love all of you.
For however long it takes
And become a beacon of light and love.
Love all of you.
For however long it takes
And become the real you.
Imperfect, flawed, wounded.
Beautiful, powerful, wise, whole.
Perfectly, imperfect.
~Hayley Mermelstein