A Plate of Compassion All Around

Who am I to judge you?
Things aren’t always what they appear.

For today, I am filled with humility.
For today, I acknowledge that I too have made mistakes.

Some days I am embarrassed by these mistakes.
Some days I cringe when I think of something I did or said.

But these mistakes have given me a deep compassion for the human condition.

We are all flawed.
And at the same time we all have greatness within us.

And when I am tempted to judge another, I quietly reflect on all the times I’ve been out of balance too, all the times I’ve misread the energy, and instead of judgement I offer compassion.

I offer a plate of compassion all around.

Everyone is learning.
Everyone is growing.

No one is exempt.

I am filled with humility and
I offer a plate of compassion all around.

Everyone is suffering.
Everyone has some burden they are carrying.

And so when I can find this place within me,
I offer compassion.

Some days this comes easy and other days its a challenge.
But for today, this compassion bubbles up within me.

We are all learning.
We are all growing.

No one is exempt.

I am filled with humility, and
I offer a plate of compassion all around.

I am filled with humility, and
I offer a place of compassion all around.

Hayley Mermelstein


Hayley Mermelstein

Calling in Divine Intervention with TRCB

Welcome to TRCB Tuesday.

Its been a while since I’ve posted a new video and I wanted to share one with you today. Today’s topic is Calling in Divine Intervention with TRCB. In this video I will be tapping on each of the seven chakras of the Tong Ren doll and repeating a chakra balancing affirmation. The focus will be on asking for assistance in coming into a deeper balance and bringing our best self forward more and more.

Today’s chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I am open to divine intervention. I ask for divine intervention. I experience divine intervention.

Third eye: I ask for assistance in bringing the wisdom of my spirit forward.

Throat: I ask for assistance in bringing my power and confidence forward.

Heart: I ask for assistance in deepening my compassion for myself and others.

Solar Plexus: I ask for assistance in cultivating deeper acceptance of myself and others.

Identity: I ask for assistance in deepening my strength and I ask for assistance in deepening my sensitivity.

Base: I ask for assistance in deepening my disciplines of mind, body and spirit.

Take a moment now and ask for divine intervention, ask for what you need. There is a spiritual force of life that is working with all of us to manifest what we need, but this force of life does not want to interfere with free will choice and so we all need to learn to ask for assistance.

Ask that your wisdom become deeper. Ask for help in bringing forward your power and confidence. Ask for assistance in accepting yourself and in accepting others. Ask for deeper strength and deeper sensitivity. Ask for assistance in all aspects of your life. Ask for assistance as you go through your day.

Let this be your experiment this week. Experiment with asking for the assistance you need. Experiment with dialoging with a force of life greater than yourself. Experiment with seeing yourself as part o a powerful team and remembering that you never work alone.

There is a force of life that is working with you to manifest what you need and as you begin to dialogue with this force of life you will have greater access to it. And so let this be your experiment for the week to come. Ask for help. Ask for assistance, and communicate with a force of life that is greater than yourself and be aware of how this affects the quality of your week.

We don’t have to do this alone. We can call in greater support, greater wisdom, and greater opportunity. Practice this this week and see what transpires.


Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. For more information about our TRCB group healing and meditation tele class that happens on the last Sunday of every month, please click on this link: http://trcbhealing.com/teleclass/