Messenger of compassion

We all come to bring a message. Whether its a message of peace or love or courage or strength or compassion or wisdom. Part of my message, I believe, is compassion. I am a major work in progress to be sure. But still, I aspire.

i was reflecting on this today and wrote this short passage. I thought I’d share it here because compassion is a message we can all work on bringing to this troubled planet that we inhabit together.

I am a messenger of compassion.

I am a being of great compassion.
I am a messenger of compassion.

I am generous in my compassion.
I give compassion freely.

You do not have to earn my compassion.
For I am a being of compassion and I have come to offer compassion to all.

Compassion is my message.
Compassion is why I am here.

I am here to offer compassion.

I am here to learn how to extend compassion to all.
I am here to be a beacon of compassion.

And so I am learning, and test after test I am learning.

Sometimes I pass the test and sometimes I fail, but all the while, I am learning to become the being of great compassion that I am.

And so I rise up and I start again.

And I endeavor to offer the compassion that I have come to offer.
I endeavor to be the being of compassion that I am.

I endeavor to offer my compassion to all, whether I am understood or not understood. Whether I am treated kindly or treated poorly. Whether I agree or disagree.

None of this matters now.

Its’ all simply a test to assist me in delivering more perfectly the message I’ve come to deliver.

I am a being of great compassion.
I am a being of great compassion.

I’ve come to extend compassion to all and I will deliver it as best as I can.

I am a messenger of compassion.
I am a messenger of compassion and I offer my compassion to the world today.

I am a messenger of compassion.
I am a messenger of compassion and I extend my compassion to all.

We all have a message to bring. Some are here to bring a message of compassion. Some are here to bring a message of love. Some are here to bring a message of strength and courage and power and confidence. Some are here to bring a message of wholeness. We each have a message to share and we each have something to learn. Ask today: What is my message? What have I come to share and to offer? We can offer our message wherever we are and with whatever we are doing.

If you are not sure what your message is pick a spiritual principle that you would like to cultivate, such as love or compassion or wholeness or balance or wisdom or confidence or strength or sensitivity and begin the process of cultivating it and offering it today. We can all have more than one message too.

Offer your message today and be gentle with yourself because you will be tested and you will pass some tests and fail others. All tests serve to strengthen your ability to offer your message regardless of what is going on around you.

Rise up in your strength and seek to offer that which you have come to offer. Rise up and bring the message that you were born to deliver. Rise up and offer what you have come to offer.

Be patient with yourself for you will do this imperfectly. Be patient with yourself because this is a process. Be patient with yourself for you will have to dig deep to learn consistency.

Be patient with yourself but be disciplined.

As you learn to offer your message more consistently your whole life will evolve and transform.

Ask today: what is my message and seek to offer that which you came to offer and you shall be satisfied.

~Hayley Mermelstein

A Plate of Compassion All Around

Who am I to judge you?
Things aren’t always what they appear.

For today, I am filled with humility.
For today, I acknowledge that I too have made mistakes.

Some days I am embarrassed by these mistakes.
Some days I cringe when I think of something I did or said.

But these mistakes have given me a deep compassion for the human condition.

We are all flawed.
And at the same time we all have greatness within us.

And when I am tempted to judge another, I quietly reflect on all the times I’ve been out of balance too, all the times I’ve misread the energy, and instead of judgement I offer compassion.

I offer a plate of compassion all around.

Everyone is learning.
Everyone is growing.

No one is exempt.

I am filled with humility and
I offer a plate of compassion all around.

Everyone is suffering.
Everyone has some burden they are carrying.

And so when I can find this place within me,
I offer compassion.

Some days this comes easy and other days its a challenge.
But for today, this compassion bubbles up within me.

We are all learning.
We are all growing.

No one is exempt.

I am filled with humility, and
I offer a plate of compassion all around.

I am filled with humility, and
I offer a place of compassion all around.

Hayley Mermelstein


Hayley Mermelstein

Letting go of regret


I awoke this morning and as I lounged in bed slowly getting ready for the day to come a wave of regret washed over me. It is a regret from two years ago which likes to visit me from time to time. It especially likes to arise while I’m just waking up and not fully prepared to deal with it yet.  I’ll spare you the details but it was an honest mistake that I made that affected others. It was an unintentional mistake, but a mistake none-the-less. As I lay in bed, my morning reverie interrupted by the memory of this mistake I asked myself: How am I going to get over this? I can’t keep doing this to myself. I instantly knew the answer, though it was an answer that I didn’t wanted to hear. The answer was to accept that I’m learning and growing, that I’m human and that I make mistakes too. The answer made me cringe inside as if this was the one thing that I could not do. Anything but that. I went back in my mind trying to reverse the moment, trying to do it differently, but as much as I tried I could not turn back time.

As I laid in bed I began to hear a message and so I got out my pen and paper hoping that the message that came through would be helpful. It was helpful. It’s a message about embracing the learning process and accepting that part of why we are here on the earth is to learn and grow. We have come to learn and grow. We all make mistakes. It’s a part of life. And while its easy to say these words, really learning to embrace the message is a whole other story.

One thing I’ve learned being in private practice all these years is that we all share the same human condition.  We all feel joy, love, sadness, regret.  We all have areas of ease and places that we struggle.  We all make mistakes and we are all learning to embrace this process.

I thought that I’d share the message that I received about embracing the learning process with all of you.  The message was helpful for me and one that I’ll probably need to keep reading for a while. I hope that it is helpful for you as well.  Feel free to let me know how this post impacts you in the comments section below.

Morning Message:

“Let go of your regret now. You are here to learn. You are here to grow. You punish yourself for things you feel you should have done, should have known but you didn’t know. If you had truly understood you would have done differently. And so forgive yourself now. Know that you were doing the best you could at the time. You will grow and evolve many times through the course of a lifetime and your response to various situations will change as you grow and evolve. If you look back with pain at the person you once were you are slowing your evolution. Look back with compassion. Look back with forgiveness. Look back with understanding to the person you once were. You did the best that you knew how at the time. If you’d have truly known better you would have done better.

And so forgive yourself. And so be compassionate with your self. And so understand the process of growth and learning in which you are involved. All are learning. All are growing. And the sooner you embrace this process the sooner you will step into the person that you are meant to be.

When you accept this process you will step more fully into your compassion. When you accept this process you will step more fully into your understanding, your power, your strength. As you treat yourself you will treat others.

When you forgive yourself you will forgive others. When you understand yourself you will understand others. When you are able to find compassion for yourself you will be able to find compassion for others. And so forgive, forgive, forgive. Allow yourself to be in a learning process. You have come to learn. You have come to grow. The earth is a school. This can not be emphasized enough. You have come for the learning. Do not be so surprised by the mistakes as if you thought you’d be exempt from making them. No one is exempt. All have come for learning and for growth and service and enjoyment.

And so do not feel regret. Instead commit yourself to the learning process. Commit to continued learning and continued growth. Know that you are evolving and growing everyday. How you handled something last week is not how you would necessarily handle it today. Do not regret this process instead embrace it with maturity and grace.

Deepen your understanding about why you are here, what you have come to learn and what you have come to teach.

Let go of regret and step into understanding. Let go of regret and step into compassion. Let go of regret and step into your full power. When you embrace the learning process rather than run from it you become powerful. When you can look at your faults honestly you become powerful. When you can embrace the learning process you expediate your learning process and you become a more powerful light.

And so embrace, embrace, embrace. Allow. Allow. Allow. Give yourself space to learn and grow and give others room to learn and grow. In this way you can step into the person that you were meant to be. Do not look back with regret. Know that all are learning and all are growing. Know that all is in perfection. Look back with kindness and compassion and know that all are learning and this is as it should be. Look back with the maturity of understanding not the reactiveness of a child. Look back with the eyes of compassion and with the eyes of understanding. All are learning and all are growing. The path is not easy but it is paved with learning for all. Embrace this process and you shall be successful.

~Hayley Mermelstien

I am a being of great compassion.

I am a being of great compassion.
I am a being of great light.
I am a being of great wisdom.
I am a being of great love.

I am a beacon of compassion.
I am a beacon of light.
I am a beacon of wisdom.
I am a beacon of love.

I am a pillar of compassion.
I am a pillar of light.
I am a pillar of wisdom.
I am a pillar of love.

I am a being of great compassion.
I am a being of great compassion.
I am a being of great compassion.

There is a place of great compassion that lies within.  Your spirit your true self is filled with compassion, filled with wisdom, light and love.  Aspire to connect with this place of compassion that lies within.  Feel the deep compassion of your spirit.  Connect with your true nature now.  Experience the compassion of your spirit.  See yourself as a beacon of compassion.  See yourself as a pillar of compassion.  Recognize that you have come to bring compassion to the earth.  Recognize that you have come to be a way shower.  Recognize that you have come to be an anchor for compassion, for love, for light and for wisdom.  This is a sacred duty.  You must learn to hold yourself to a higher standard.  You must learn to be comfortable leading the way.  Seek to embody as much compassion as you can.  Seek to be an anchor for love, for wisdom, for light and for compassion, for the world needs those who can hold the spiritual principles.  The world needs those who can lead the way.  The planet needs a shift in consciousness.  See yourself as someone who has come to help facilitate this shift.  The shift lies within you.  The shift happens when you begin to hold these principles more and more. Do not worry about what others are doing or not doing.  Instead place your full attention upon yourself.  As you are better able to hold these principles your world will change.  Make this your project now.  Make this part of the work that you came to do.  Focus on your own transformation and your world will transform.  Focus on your own healing and you will contribute to the healing of the planet.  Be willing to go this alone. Be willing to be the one who can hold compassion.   Be willing to be the one who can love despite not being loved.  Do not confuse this with being nice or a push over or being weak.  There is great power in compassion.   There is great power in love and in light and in wisdom.  When you are in a state of true compassion you will aspire to do that which best serves the oneness.  Sometime what serves is to say yes and sometimes what serves is to say no.  When in a deep compassion you will naturally know what is needed.  When in a deep compassion you will see the kindness in saying no to something that doesn’t serve.  When in a deep compassion you will see yourself as part of the oneness and will aspire to include yourself in the circle of compassion.  And so embody a deeper compassion today.  Know that everyone has a story.  Know that everyone has a reason why they behave the way they do..  Seek to embody this compassion today and seek to go forward in love and light and wisdom.  Seek to be the best that you can be today.  Make this your daily aspiration.