We had a really nice meditation class this past Thursday. The topic was standing in your convictions and being open, all at the same time. My understanding is that if you are only in your convictions you will become rigid and if you are only open you will be like a leaf in the wind. And so, ultimately we want to blend the two so that we are strong in our convictions, while simeoutaneously being as open as we can. From this blend of conviction and openness, a natural knowing as to how to navigate the complexity of our lives comes into sharper view.
For example, I meditated on a challenging relationship that I have with a colleague and from the balance of openness and conviction I was able to see that this colleague was having a hard time and was out of balance right now. From that awareness came a natural compassion along with an understanding that it was best to step back and stay out of harms way for a while.
I wrote a short meditation on the subject of openness and conviction and thought I’d share some of it here. If you would like to explore these and other topics (such as opening the heart, stepping into wisdom, building confidence, or coupling deep listening with full expression) feel free to stop by our Thursday night meditation class. The class is drop in, is $25.00/class and is open to the public and is held at 800 Main Street in Amherst (middle door in the front of the building.)
Its an engaging and interesting class that we deepen your meditation abilities and your abilities to listen deeply, as well as provide real tools that can help all us of to navigate the complexities of every day life. I look forward to seeing you at our group! If you have any questions, feel free to email or call me!
Openness and Conviction
I am open.
I am open.
I am open.
I am open to healing.
I am open to the light.
I am open to new opportunities.
I am open to a new point of view.
I am open to seeing things differently.
I am open to positive change.
I am open to new adventures.
I am open to new people.
I am open to new friendships.
I am open to love.
I am open.
I am open.
I am open.
Pause and see how being open feels.
I am open.
I am open.
I am open to divine guidance.
I am open to divine assistance.
I am open to newness.
I am open to new opportunities flooding my life.
I am open and my openness draws new opportunities to me.
I am as open as I can be.
I am open.
I am open.
Pause again and see how open you can be.
And now this time affirm:
I stand in my conviction.
I stand in my conviction.
I am filled with certainty.
I am strong.
I am powerful.
I am courageous.
I am confident.
I stand in my conviction.
I stand in my conviction.
I know how I feel.
I know what to do.
I know what to say.
I am certain.
I am confident.
I am powerful.
I am strong.
I am courageous.
I stand in my conviction.
I stand in my conviction.
Feel the strength and the power that comes from standing in your convictions.
Let yourself grow stronger as you stand firm and steady in the truth of who you are.
And now this time, lets combine the two.
I stand in my conviction and I am open.
I stand in my conviction and I am open.
I stand in my conviction and I am open.
See how open you can be as you go through your life.
See how strong and in your conviction you can be.
Put the two together .
Balance your strong conviction with openness and the awareness that everything changes and new insights and opportunities and course changes can come at any moment.
Be strong in who you are but remain open and flexible in the awareness that every moment is new and things are always changing.
Affirm frequently:
I am open and I stand in my conviction.
I am open and I stand in my conviction.
I am open and I stand in my conviction.
As you find this inner balance inside of yourself, a natural clarity and knowing about how to best navigate the complexity of every day life will arise.
Hayley Mermelstein