I am filled with positive expectancy
I am filled with positivity.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I expect the best possible outcome.
I expect things to change in my favor.
I expect the goodness of the universe.
I expect new opportunities.
I expect something wonderful to happen.
I expect to be at the right place at the right time.
I expect divine intervention.
I expect divine synchronicity.
I expect healing.
I expect learning.
I expect growth.
I expect the silver lining.
I expect divine love.
I expect supernatural abundance.
I expect miracles.
What I focus on grows.
What I focus on comes forward.
I aim my focus wisely.
I expect divine favor.
I expect divine good fortune.
I expect the best possible outcome for all concerned.
I couple my expectancy with wisdom and wise decision-making.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positivity.
I wrote this affirmation after listening to a talk on positive expectancy. It is easy, I realized, to think about the worst possible scenario or to dwell in fear or negativity or worry. These states seem to come naturally to most of us and don’t require much vigilance. Staying in positivity and positive expectancy that is more of a discipline and cultivation. What would it be like to start the day looking for the good? What would it be like to look for miracles? To look for possibilities? What would it be like to really embrace the idea that there are spiritual forces of life that are working with us to assist us in our life’s journey?
During last nights meditation class we explored some of these themes. I thought I’d share some of that exploration with all of you.
Lets begin today’s meditation with the affirmation:
I am filled with positive expectancy
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
Positive expectancy resides in the crown chakra, the center for trust, devotion, inspiration, positivity, spontaneity and connection to spirit.
Allow yourself to sit in this energy now. Feel the open and expanded feeling at the top of your head. Feel your connection and unity and oneness with all of life. Remember that you are not alone. Remember that powerful beings of light are all around you assisting you in your life’s path. Remember that these forces of life want you to be successful, want you to bring your work out into the world, want you to actualize your best self and offer your full contribution. We are here on earth to learn, to grow, to contribute and to enjoy. Sometimes difficult experiences are needed for growth and learning. Know that your challenges have come to help you grow. Learn to embrace your challenges and learn to look for the learning. Any situation can be filled with positivity when you know what you are learning.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
Take an area of your life where you feel discouraged, bring this part of your life to mind and then fill yourself with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
Sit in this feeling of positive expectancy now. When you are in this open state ideas will come to you. Creative solutions will fill your mind. When you are in this open state you will be able to hear the whispers of spirit that are guiding you in your path of fulfillment.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
Now this time, I would like you to bring your awareness to your third eye, located in the center of your forehead. This is the center for wisdom and clarity. We always want to couple our deep trust in life with wisdom and clarity. Children trust. There crowns are wide open but trust alone can be dangerous. A young child will get into a car with almost any stranger. As adults we want to couple our trust in life with wisdom and discernment and wise decision-making. And so this time sit in positive expectancy, sit in the knowledge that powerful forces of light are working with you. Sit in the awareness that all of life is conspiring in your favor, wishing you growth and learning and actualization. And at the same time bring your awareness to the center of your forehead. I would like you to activate your third eye by holding a vision of a triangle in your minds eye (focus and concentration help to strengthen the third eye). Hold this vision of a triangle for 30 seconds. Now let go of the image of the triangle and imagine a round window in the center of your forehead. Look at the area of your life that you have brought to mind. It can be a relationship, your finances, your work, your health and wellness. Look at this situation and ask, what can I do to improve this situation? What action do I need to take? Gently peer out of your third eye and see what you see. Allow the third eye to guide you in appropriate action. Sometimes you will be guided to take steps forward and sometimes you will be guided to be patient and simply sit in positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
And so, once again, we want to remember to couple our positive expectancy with wisdom and clarity and wise decision-making. We want to couple our deep trust in life with discernment and awareness. What we focus on grows. What we focus on comes forward. Learn to aim your focus wisely. Learn to look for the learning. Learn to look for the growth. Begin your day with the question, What miracles will come my way today? What good fortune will unfold today? Couple this optimism with wisdom and clarity. Learn to go through your day with your crown chakra open and couple this openness with the wisdom and clarity of the third eye. My meditation teacher says go through your day looking through the center of your forehead.
And so stay in positive expectancy today and at the same time stay focused in the third eye. You can do this by imagining a round window in the center of your forehead and peering out of this window as your go through your day. In this way your crown will be open and you will have access to your guides and you will be centered in wisdom and clarity and have access to the your own deep inner wisdom. Be trusting, have faith and couple this trust and faith with great wisdom and discernment.
And so affirm one last time:
I am filled with positivity.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I expect the best possible outcome.
I expect things to change in my favor.
I expect the goodness of the universe.
I expect new opportunities.
I expect something wonderful to happen.
I expect to be at the right place at the right time.
I expect divine intervention.
I expect divine synchronicity.
I expect healing.
I expect learning.
I expect growth.
I expect the silver lining.
I expect divine love.
I expect supernatural abundance.
I expect miracles.
What I focus on grows.
What I focus on comes forward.
I aim my focus wisely.
I expect divine favor.
I expect divine good fortune.
I expect the best possible outcome for all concerned.
I couple my expectancy with wisdom and wise decision-making.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positivity.
~Affirmation from Advanced TRCB- The Book of Affirmations
(coming this fall!)