I am filled with devotion.
I am filled with devotion.
I am devoted to listening deeply.
I am devoted to offering my full contribution.
I am devoted to service.
I am devoted to spirit.
I am devoted to listening to the whispers of spirit within me.
I am devoted to listening to the whispers of spirit all around me.
I am devoted to listening deeply to myself.
I am devoted to listening deeply to others.
At the deepest level there is consensus about what is best for the whole.
There are not my needs and your needs.
There is simply what best serves the oneness of which we are all a part.
When you are in a deep place in your and I am in a deep place in me there will be consensus about what is best for the whole.
Compromise is you get a little of what you need, I get a little of what I need.
Consensus is a deep listening to what most serves the oneness.
Consensus is a deep listening at the spirit level.
Again, if you are in a deep place in you and I am in a deep place in me there will be agreement about what is best for the whole.
This consensus can only be reached through deep listening, and through deep looking and is a skill that can be cultivated.
Begin today by filling yourself with a feeling of devotion.
Affirm frequently:
I am filled with devotion.
I am devoted to deep listening.
I am devoted to deep looking.
I am devoted to serving the oneness.
I am devoted to offering my full contribution.
I am filled with devotion.
I am filled with devotion.
I am devoted to listening deeply to myself.
I am devoted to listening deeply to others.
I am devoted to listening deeply to the whispers of spirit that are within me and all around me.
I am filled with devotion.
I am filled with devotion.
I am filled with devotion.
I am filled with devotion.
Listen deeply today and allow your devotion to guide you in right action.
Listen deeply today and consider what is best for the whole.
You are included in that whole.
Begin by listening deeply within and honoring the self.
Seek to serve the oneness in all that you think, say and do.
Affirm frequently:
I am filled with devotion.
I am filled with devotion.
I am filled with devotion.
See what shows up differently in your life when you show up differently.
It is said nothing changes until you change.
For today immerse yourself in the feeling of devotion and be aware of what shows up differently when you show up differently.
Approach your work from a feeling of devotion to serving the oneness.
Approach your relationships from a place of devotion. (Devotion to listening deeply to yourself and to others.)
Approach each part of your life with a feeling of devotion.
Allow this to be your grand experiment with life.
I am filled with devotion.
I am filled with devotion.
I am filled with devotion.
~Hayley Mermelstein