Starting the day right with TRCB

Hello and welcome back to TRCB Tuesday, where each week I will share a new chakra balancing treatment designed to help all of us actualize our full potential in every day life. This week we will be focusing on chakra balancing for the morning. In other words, we will be working with specific affirmations to help start our day off on the right foot. We will focus on principles such as devotion, clear priorities, confidence, love, appreciation, and discipline.

This weeks chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I am devoted to spirit. I am devoted to service. 

When we are devoted to spirit we listen deeply to our own inner spirit and spirit all around us. In this way we will know what is ours to do and what is not ours to do.

Third eye: I know my clear priorities.

Knowing your clear priorities will help you to stay focused on your true priorities and help prevent you from putting attention where it does not belong.

Throat: I am confident.

Take a moment before you venture out today to connect with the confidence that lies at the core of your being. We all have a place of great confidence that lies within. Take a moment today to feel and reconnect with this confidence.

Solar Plexus: I am filled with appreciation.

Take a moment to feel deep appreciation now. Feel appreciative for all that you have. Feel appreciation in advance for all that is coming to you. Cultivate a state of deep appreciation today and seek to bring this state to all that you do. Remember that what you focus on grows. As you focus on that which you appreciate, you will find yourself having even more to appreciate.

Identity:   I am both sensitive and strong.

It takes great strength to navigate a life and great sensitivity too. Take a moment to feel the strength that lies within your spirit and take a moment to connect with your sensitivity as well.

Base: I am disciplined. I attend to my mind, body, and spirit everyday.

If we wish to live a life of actualization and bring our best self forward then we must attend to the basics of our lives. Take time today to exercise, to eat well, to get enough sleep. Take time to learn something new and to work on a creative project. Take time today to meditate or work on your chakras and take time to connect to your own inner spirit and to spirit all around you.

And there you have it. Your seven TRCB affirmations for the week. Start each day this week with these seven affirmations and see how they impact the quality of your day. Take time to devote yourself to spirit and to devote yourself to service. Take time to meditate on your clear priorities for the day. Take time to connect with the confidence of your spirit and the love that resides with in. Take time to feel and express appreciation for all that you have, knowing that what you focus on comes forward. Take time to feel the strength of your spirit and to connect with your sensitivity as well. And finally attend to the basics of mind, body and spirit knowing that good habits are essential for a life of actualization and contribution.

Have a great week.


Hayley Mermelstein

I accept you. (Part 2)

Hello everyone and welcome to TRCB (Tong Ren Chakra Balancing) Tuesday where each week I will share with you a healing video for the purpose of helping all of us to balance our chakras and bring forward our best selves in every day life.

This week we will be focusing on accepting others. We all have strengths and we all have weaknesses and learning to accept these strengths and weaknesses is one of the keys to our actualization and to our finding the peace that we desire. When we are offended by every little thing, when we hold a grudge, when we are thrown out of balance by the imbalances of others we give our power away.

And so for today lets cultivate an attitude of acceptance so that we can step into our power, so that we can step into our love, our radiance, our compassion, and our strength. It takes inner strength and power to not be thrown by the imbalances that are all around us. It is easy to lose our balance. It takes fortitude to develop our own inner strength enough to be able to stay steady a mist the everyday imbalances that we encounter. And so for today, lets work on finding our own inner strength, our own inner power and our own inner fortitude so that we are not so easily offended and instead can offer others the compassion and acceptance that is so needed in our world.

Acceptance, of course, is just the first step. Once we have accepted we can ask: Given what is, what am I to do? Sometimes in acceptance we move closer and sometimes in acceptance we move further away. Sometimes in acceptance we express ourselves and sometimes we remain silent. Sometimes we say yes and sometimes we say no. The individual attunement will vary. But the first step is to accept ourselves and accept others and step into our full power, our full strength, our full balance, and our full potential in every day life.

And so seek to be the best that you can be. Do not worry about how others are behaving. At the end of your life, it is your behaviour that you will need to account for. And so focus on yourself. And focusing on becoming the best version of you. It is easy to loose focus and focus on “them”, to focus on what they are doing or not doing, how they have misbehaved. Instead of focusing on the imbalances of others learn to work on bringing your best self forward.

How do you best respond to the imbalances that you encounter every day? Can you step into your own inner power enough to not be so thrown by the imbalances around you. Can you find your own inner strength enough to not take offense? Can you access your compassion so that you can be a true being of light and healing upon the earth?

It is here that your work lies. Again do not be so concerned about the imbalances of others. Instead seek to bring your best self forward more and more and you shall be successful.

This weeks chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I am one with all of life.

Third eye: I understand.

Throat: I am filled with the power of spirit. I am a powerful being of light.

Heart: I am a radiant being of light and love.

Solar Plexus: I accept you. I accept you. I accept you.

Identity: I am both sensitive and strong.

Base: I am filled with humility. I am enough as I am.

And there you have it. You seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. You may want to pick one affirmations and make it your affirmation for the day or the week. Work with these affirmations frequently and allow them to assist you in bringing your best self forward more and more.

See the challenges in the week ahead as a test in your ability to hold your balance and bring your best self forward. Do not be discouraged if you do not pass all of your tests. We are here on the earth learning to bring our best self forward and this is a process. Allow yourself the space to learn and grow and give others the space they need to learn and grow. Little by lithe as you continue to practice and aspire to find this inner balance and strength you will bring more of your true self forward.

Practice daily for no effort is in vain. Practice daily and model a new way of being. Practice daily and be a force of healing and light upon the earth. Accept yourself, accept others and step into your true power, true strength, true wisdom, true understand, true acceptance, and true love. Practice daily and bring your best self forward more and more.

Have a great week.

Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. If you would like further assisting learning to balance your chakras and bring your best self forward, feel free to contact me for a private TRCB Healing phone session.

P.S.S. For more words of daily inspiration, please “like” our facebook page:

P.S.S.S. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at:

Connecting To Your Best Self

Hi there everyone and welcome back to TRCB Tuesday where each week I will be sharing a healing video with you to help balance the chakras and help each one of us bring forward our best selves in every day life.

This week we are focusing on connecting deeply with our own inner spirit in order to bring forward the best that is within us. We are human and we are learning and growing and we are also spirit and filled with greatness. We each have a spark of the divine that lies within and when we learn to connect deeply we can access the best that is within us.

When we learn to connect deeply we can connect to the place within us that is already wise, already confident, already loving and compassionate, already balance and filled with humility. When we learn to connect deeply we can more easily bring forward the best that lies within.

Be sure to check out this weeks healing video if you would like to experience the healing power of TRCB (Tong Ren Chakra Balancing) and learn how to connect more deeply to your inner spirit so that you can more easily bring the best that is within you forward.

This weeks healing affirmations are:

Crown: I am connected. I am connected to my own inner spirit.

Third eye: I connect deeply to the wisdom of my spirit.

Throat: I connect deeply to the confidence of my spirit.

Heart: I connect deeply to the love that lies within.

Solar Plexus: I connect deeply to the acceptance that lies within.

Identity: I connect deeply to the balance of my spirit.

Base: I connect deeply to the humility that lies within my spirit.

And there you have it. Your seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. Remember to use the pauses in your day to practice your affirmations and to practice connecting deeply to the best that is within you.

Again, when you connect to deeply to your own inner spirit, you will more easily access and bring forward the wisdom of your spirit, the confidence of your spirit, the love and compassion of your spirit, the depth of your spirit, the emotional balance of your spirit, and the humility of your spirit.

Practice connecting deeply with your own inner spirit this week and bring forward the best that is within you. Remember to be kind and patient with yourself, for the process of learning to consistently bring forward your best self is in fact a process. Be patient with the stumbles and falls for they are to be expected. Know that all are learning and all are growing and all are on a long journey home.

Have a good week.


Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. If you would like greater assistance in learning to connect to your own inner spirit, Hayley is available for private phone sessions. Feel free to email her to set up your free 15 minute consultation to see if her work is right for you!

P.S.S. Stay tuned for information about our first live webinar coming in November!

I accept you.

Hello Everyone,
Have you ever had someone in your life who really annoys you? Of course you have, we all have at least one or two. I found myself recently really annoyed by someone and couldn’t let it go. In this midst of my turmoil, I heard the message: Accept her.

I understand that acceptance doesn’t mean see her everyday or even see her at all. I understand that the message, “accept her,” simply means that the first step in my healing from this situation is acceptance. It was a message of let her be who she is and stop reacting to it.

Generally, after one has accepted a situation, then you can then ask: Given what is, what am I to do? But it hard to know what to do in these sort of situations until you have accepted it. That is because acceptance brings us calm, and when we are calm we are more able to accurately access the situation and thus know what to do.

So I thought I’d share a short guided meditation that I wrote to help all of us come to greater acceptance around something that is bugging us. I hope that you find it helpful!

i accept you:

Take a moment now to bring to mind someone who has been annoying you, someone that you have trouble accepting. Take a moment to remember that everyone has a story, everyone has a reason that they behave the way that they do. This is not meant to justify poor behavior but rather enable you to embrace the acceptance that you need for peace.

We are all learning and we are all growing and everyone makes mistakes. It is through this mistake process that growth and learning happens.

And so take a moment now to really embrace this process. Embrace that all are learning and all are growing. Fill yourself with a feeling of acceptance for this process. Learn to see others as children who are learning and growing and at the same time learn to see others as spirit and capable of greatness as well.

Know that all are learning and all are growing and all are filled with great divinity as well.

Affirm to yourself:

I accept.
I accept.
I accept.

I accept you for who you are.
I accept that you have strengths.
I accept that you have weaknesses.
I accept that you are learning and growing.

I accept.
I accept.
I accept.

Wrap this person and this situation in acceptance. Learn to accept people for who they are and where they are. Know that everyone is at different stages of development. Know that everyone is at different states of awareness. Know that everyone has different levels of challenge and different backgrounds that influence how they behave. Make acceptance your first step.

Affirm frequently:

I accept.
I accept.
I accept.

After you have accepted what is, you can ask: Given what is, what am I to do? As you ask this question you will gradually move into a knowing about how to best be with this situation.

Sometimes you will be guided to step forward and sometimes you will be guided to step back. Sometimes you will be guided to express and sometimes you will be guided to be quiet. The individual attunement will vary.

Experiment today with accepting others for who they are. Experiment today by embracing your relationships with a deep acceptance of what is.

Acceptance is not the same as complacency, but rather acceptance is an acknowledgement of what is and is a releasing of the turmoil around a situation. When the turmoil is released you will see more clearly how to respond.

But the first step is always acceptance. And so let this be your practice for today. Accept. Accept. Accept.

When you find turmoil arising go back to acceptance.

See how deeply you can accept.

See how deeply you can embrace what is.

See how deeply you can give others the space they need for learning and growth.

Allow acceptance to lead the way today.

Give yourself and give others this great gift.

I accept.
I accept.
I accept.

I accept that you are learning.
I accept that you are growing.
I accept that you have a story.
I accept that there are reasons that you behave the way that you do.
I accept you deeply.
I accept you completely.
I accept you fully.

I accept that you also have a place of greatness that lies within.

I accept that you have strengths.

I accept that everyone has strengths and
I accept that everyone has weaknesses.

My acceptance leads to calm.
My acceptance leads to clarily.

I ask: Given what is what am I to do?

I sit in acceptance now and
I listen deeply.

I accept.
I accept.
I accept.

When in doubt move into a deeper acceptance. Know that this acceptance will lead you to the peace and clarity that you desire.

And there you have it. I little something you can read (repeatedly if need be!) to assist you in finding deeper acceptance. Don’t even worry about what to do in your particular situation yet. Just let yourself focus for a while on the acceptance piece. When the acceptance is found a natural knowing about how to proceed will eventually arise.

Have a great week!


Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. For those who would like greater assistance finding deeper acceptance and peace and clarity, I am available for private phone consultations. Feel free to call or email for more information or to set up your session!

Opening to a new chapter

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Tong Ren Chakra Balancing Tuesday, where each week I will share with you a TRCB healing video. This week we are focusing on opening to a new chapter.

It’s September and here in Amherst, MA (a college town with 5 colleges in the vicinity) September is the start of a new cycle and a new year. In celebration of this new cycle I thought we could focus on really welcoming in the new chapter and getting our mind set in an optimal place for making the best of the new energy that is coming in.

Be sure to watch this weeks video if you would like to invite more newness into your life and really open to the new chapter that is beginning for all of us.

This weeks affirmations are:

Crown: I am open to newness. I am open to new opportunities. i am open to a new chapter.

Third eye: I am filled with certainty.

Throat: I enter the new chapter with confidence.

Heart: I am love and love is all around me.

Solar Plexus: I welcome new opportunities. I welcome a new chapter. I welcome all of life.

Identity: I am infinitely creative.

Base: I am disciplined.

And there you have it, your seven TRCB affirmations for the week. Work with these affirmations during the week. If there is one affirmation that particularly speaks to you, make it your affirmation for the day or the affirmation for the week.

Feel free to let me know how the video and the affirmations impact you.

As always, feel free to like us on facebook so that you will receive daily words of inspiration

and also feel free to subscribe to our youtube channel.

I am also available for private acupuncture session and for private TRCB phone sessions for those that would like additional assistance balancing your chakras.

See you next Tuesday!


Hayley Mermelstein

Embracing Your Unlimited Nature

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to TRCB (Tong Ren Chakra Balancing) Tuesday where each week I will share with you a healing video to further assist us all in balancing our chakras and bringing our best self forward in everyday life.

In this weeks video we will explore opening to our unlimited nature while also honoring our human limitations. It will be an opportunity for us all to expand our idea of what is possible while also acknowledging our inherent limitations of time, energy, and money. The irony is that when you connect with your unlimited nature and see yourself as unlimited while simultaneously embracing your limitations what you are capable of actually expands.

This weeks affirmations are as follows:

Crown: I am open and expanded. I expand my idea of what is possible. When I expand my idea of what is possible, I help to bring it in.

Third eye: I am filled with unlimited wisdom.

Throat: I am filled with unlimited power.

Heart: I am filled with unlimited love.

Solar Plexus: I am filled with unlimited acceptance.

Identity: I am filled with unlimited creativity.

Base: I am filled with unlimited humility. I honor my human limitations of time, energy, and money.

Take a moment now to feel your unlimited nature while simultaneously honoring and valuing your human limitations of time, energy and money. In this way you will come into a deeper balance and alignment, where you both acknowledge and honor your human limitations while also remembering your true unlimited nature.

Be sure to watch the video to experience this integration directly for yourself!

We have many videos now on the blog and on my youtube channel. I recommend watching one video daily in order to assist in balancing your chakras and helping you to bring your best self forward in everyday life.

Also be sure to “like” us on facebook if you would like to receive daily words of inspiration to further assist in this process.

Have a great week and see you again next Tuesday!


Hayley Mermelstein