I accept you.

Hello Everyone,
Have you ever had someone in your life who really annoys you? Of course you have, we all have at least one or two. I found myself recently really annoyed by someone and couldn’t let it go. In this midst of my turmoil, I heard the message: Accept her.

I understand that acceptance doesn’t mean see her everyday or even see her at all. I understand that the message, “accept her,” simply means that the first step in my healing from this situation is acceptance. It was a message of let her be who she is and stop reacting to it.

Generally, after one has accepted a situation, then you can then ask: Given what is, what am I to do? But it hard to know what to do in these sort of situations until you have accepted it. That is because acceptance brings us calm, and when we are calm we are more able to accurately access the situation and thus know what to do.

So I thought I’d share a short guided meditation that I wrote to help all of us come to greater acceptance around something that is bugging us. I hope that you find it helpful!

i accept you:

Take a moment now to bring to mind someone who has been annoying you, someone that you have trouble accepting. Take a moment to remember that everyone has a story, everyone has a reason that they behave the way that they do. This is not meant to justify poor behavior but rather enable you to embrace the acceptance that you need for peace.

We are all learning and we are all growing and everyone makes mistakes. It is through this mistake process that growth and learning happens.

And so take a moment now to really embrace this process. Embrace that all are learning and all are growing. Fill yourself with a feeling of acceptance for this process. Learn to see others as children who are learning and growing and at the same time learn to see others as spirit and capable of greatness as well.

Know that all are learning and all are growing and all are filled with great divinity as well.

Affirm to yourself:

I accept.
I accept.
I accept.

I accept you for who you are.
I accept that you have strengths.
I accept that you have weaknesses.
I accept that you are learning and growing.

I accept.
I accept.
I accept.

Wrap this person and this situation in acceptance. Learn to accept people for who they are and where they are. Know that everyone is at different stages of development. Know that everyone is at different states of awareness. Know that everyone has different levels of challenge and different backgrounds that influence how they behave. Make acceptance your first step.

Affirm frequently:

I accept.
I accept.
I accept.

After you have accepted what is, you can ask: Given what is, what am I to do? As you ask this question you will gradually move into a knowing about how to best be with this situation.

Sometimes you will be guided to step forward and sometimes you will be guided to step back. Sometimes you will be guided to express and sometimes you will be guided to be quiet. The individual attunement will vary.

Experiment today with accepting others for who they are. Experiment today by embracing your relationships with a deep acceptance of what is.

Acceptance is not the same as complacency, but rather acceptance is an acknowledgement of what is and is a releasing of the turmoil around a situation. When the turmoil is released you will see more clearly how to respond.

But the first step is always acceptance. And so let this be your practice for today. Accept. Accept. Accept.

When you find turmoil arising go back to acceptance.

See how deeply you can accept.

See how deeply you can embrace what is.

See how deeply you can give others the space they need for learning and growth.

Allow acceptance to lead the way today.

Give yourself and give others this great gift.

I accept.
I accept.
I accept.

I accept that you are learning.
I accept that you are growing.
I accept that you have a story.
I accept that there are reasons that you behave the way that you do.
I accept you deeply.
I accept you completely.
I accept you fully.

I accept that you also have a place of greatness that lies within.

I accept that you have strengths.

I accept that everyone has strengths and
I accept that everyone has weaknesses.

My acceptance leads to calm.
My acceptance leads to clarily.

I ask: Given what is what am I to do?

I sit in acceptance now and
I listen deeply.

I accept.
I accept.
I accept.

When in doubt move into a deeper acceptance. Know that this acceptance will lead you to the peace and clarity that you desire.

And there you have it. I little something you can read (repeatedly if need be!) to assist you in finding deeper acceptance. Don’t even worry about what to do in your particular situation yet. Just let yourself focus for a while on the acceptance piece. When the acceptance is found a natural knowing about how to proceed will eventually arise.

Have a great week!


Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. For those who would like greater assistance finding deeper acceptance and peace and clarity, I am available for private phone consultations. Feel free to call or email for more information or to set up your session!