Connecting To Your Best Self

Hi there everyone and welcome back to TRCB Tuesday where each week I will be sharing a healing video with you to help balance the chakras and help each one of us bring forward our best selves in every day life.

This week we are focusing on connecting deeply with our own inner spirit in order to bring forward the best that is within us. We are human and we are learning and growing and we are also spirit and filled with greatness. We each have a spark of the divine that lies within and when we learn to connect deeply we can access the best that is within us.

When we learn to connect deeply we can connect to the place within us that is already wise, already confident, already loving and compassionate, already balance and filled with humility. When we learn to connect deeply we can more easily bring forward the best that lies within.

Be sure to check out this weeks healing video if you would like to experience the healing power of TRCB (Tong Ren Chakra Balancing) and learn how to connect more deeply to your inner spirit so that you can more easily bring the best that is within you forward.

This weeks healing affirmations are:

Crown: I am connected. I am connected to my own inner spirit.

Third eye: I connect deeply to the wisdom of my spirit.

Throat: I connect deeply to the confidence of my spirit.

Heart: I connect deeply to the love that lies within.

Solar Plexus: I connect deeply to the acceptance that lies within.

Identity: I connect deeply to the balance of my spirit.

Base: I connect deeply to the humility that lies within my spirit.

And there you have it. Your seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. Remember to use the pauses in your day to practice your affirmations and to practice connecting deeply to the best that is within you.

Again, when you connect to deeply to your own inner spirit, you will more easily access and bring forward the wisdom of your spirit, the confidence of your spirit, the love and compassion of your spirit, the depth of your spirit, the emotional balance of your spirit, and the humility of your spirit.

Practice connecting deeply with your own inner spirit this week and bring forward the best that is within you. Remember to be kind and patient with yourself, for the process of learning to consistently bring forward your best self is in fact a process. Be patient with the stumbles and falls for they are to be expected. Know that all are learning and all are growing and all are on a long journey home.

Have a good week.


Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. If you would like greater assistance in learning to connect to your own inner spirit, Hayley is available for private phone sessions. Feel free to email her to set up your free 15 minute consultation to see if her work is right for you!

P.S.S. Stay tuned for information about our first live webinar coming in November!