I am a Powerful Being of Light

The throat chakra is the center for expression, confidence, power, self-esteem, growth and learning.[1]  When the throat chakra is balanced we know that we are spirit and that we are good.  When the throat chakra is balanced we know that our behavior is evolving and yet our essential self is light filled.  When the throat chakra is balanced we know that we are filled with divinity and that we are learning.  We feel a sense of confidence in our selves and a sense of confidence that we can learn what it is we need to learn.  We have confidence in ourselves and confidence that there is a spiritual force of life that is working with us to manifest what we need.  When our throat chakra is balanced we can say what we need to say.  When our throat chakra is balanced we can step into our power and shine our light out into the world.

I’d like to share an exercise that we worked with in last weeks Thursday night meditation class that helps to balance and heal the throat chakra.

Try this:

Imagine a golden orb of light in the center of your throat.  Imagine that this golden orb of light is growing brighter and brighter now.  See this orb of golden light filling your throat chakra.  See this orb of golden light filling your throat chakra with healing energy.  Now imagine this gold light beginning to radiate from your throat chakra.  See beams of golden light radiating from the throat.  See these beams of light growing brighter and brighter, more and more expansive.  See rays of golden light radiating in all directions from your throat chakra.


I am a powerful being of light.

I am a powerful being of light.

I am a powerful being of light.

Feel the power of your spirit.  Know that your essential self is good and that you are learning and growing.  Know that your essential self is light filled and powerful.  Know that there is a place of great confidence that lies within you.

When you know that you are good and you sit in the light of your spirit you will naturally emanate light and love and power and goodness.  When you know that you are good and sit in the power of your spirit you will have the courage to say that which is yours to say.  When your know that you are good you will not fear the criticism of others.  When you know that you are good you can radiate your goodness out into the world and be a powerful force of light.

And so sit in the power of your spirit now.  Know that there is a place of light and love and power and goodness that lies within you.  Connect to the great light of your spirit now and radiate this light out into the world.  Devote yourself to service and use your power and your light for the good of all of humanity.

Affirm once again:

I am a powerful being of light.

I am a powerful being of light.

I am a powerful being of light.

Let this be your affirmation for the day.  See how this impacts the quality of your day, your relationships and your manifestation.  Also work with the gold light visualization.   Allow the golden orb of light to strengthen and balance your throat chakra and help you step into your full power.

How does it feel to repeat the affirmation, I am a powerful being of light?  Does working with a golden orb of light help heal your throat chakra?  What do you experience as you do this meditation?  Feel free to leave your comments in the space below.  I welcome your feedback and it can be useful for others to know how the affirmation and visualization has impacted you.

Also, feel free to check out our Monday night TRCB group healing and our Thursday night meditation class where we explore these ideas in more detail.  Both groups meet at 7 p.m. and are drop in.



1Ellen Tadd, Wisdom of the Chakras.  Lantern Books © 2010. Page xvi


I send light to the earth

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

This weeks TRCB healing group met just hours after the Boston Marathon.  We had a full house that night, perhaps because it was a holiday, but perhaps it was also because people wanted to join together in light and love and healing after such an event.  Everyone was anxious to assist those in Boston and those all over the world who are suffering and so we took a moment to send gold light to the earth and to all those who are suffering upon the earth.

To send light to the earth simply imagine the earth in front of you and then imagine streams of golden light shining down upon the earth.  Imagine the earth filling with light, filling with love, filling with compassion and all of the principles of spirit.  Imagine more and more light shining down upon the earth and know that this light is bringing healing energy to those in need.  Know that this light is elevating your own consciousness as well as elevating the awareness of those upon the earth.

Light is a powerful force.  When you send light you are sending all of the principles of spirit.  When you send light you are sending healing energy, love, compassion, strength, sensitivity, balance, and wholeness.  When you send light you elevate consciousness.  When you send light you raise your own vibration as well as assist others as well.  And so send light often.  Send light to yourself, to others, and to the earth.  As you do you will assist in bringing healing energy to the planet and light to the darkness.

See yourself as a light worker.  See yourself as someone who has come to bring light to the planet.  See yourself as someone who has come to assist.  Offer your full contribution in all that you think, in all that you say, and in all that you do.  It is in this way that your world will be transformed.  Each must first work to heal themselves and then assist others in healing as well.  But do not wait until you are fully healed.  Start wherever you are at and offer your full contribution.  As you serve and assist you will grow, learn and evolve as well.  And so work on your own evolution, offer your contribution and work with the light.”  

For today, practice sending light to the earth and know that as you do you are sending waves of healing energy out to the planet that will impact the world at large.  Step into your power.  Know and understand the power of your mind and use it for your own healing, the healing of others and the healing of the planet.”

This week work with the following affirmation:

I send light.

I send light to myself.

I send light to others.

I send light to the earth.

I send light and I ask that this light be a healing force.

I send light and I ask that all who are in need receive the light.

I send light and I ask that this light bring healing to those on the earth.

I send light and I ask that this light bring healing to the planet.

I send light and I ask that this light raises the vibration.

I send light and I ask that this light elevate awareness.

I send light and I contribute to the healing of the planet.

I send light.

I send light to myself.

I send light to others.

I send light to the earth.

Our Tong Ren Chakra Balancing group meets every Monday night from 7-8:30.  I think that from now on we will end our healing group with sending light to the planet.  In this way the healing energy generated by our group can ripple out and positively impact the world at large.   Also, we have a powerful meditation class that meets from 7-9:00 on Thursday evenings.  Both groups are drop-in.  I look forward to seeing you!


How to experience deeper peace using TRCB

We all have to contend with stress on a daily basis.  Sometimes its minor stresses like being late to work, having a lot to do, or needing to give a speech in front of a large group.  Sometimes are sources of stress are more significant.  During all of these times it is essential to have tools that will help us to sustain our emotional balance, peace and calm.

TRCB (Tong Ren Chakra Balancing) is a such a tool.  TRCB is an energy healing technique that balances each of the 7 chakras.  The chakras are energy centers located along the front line of the body.  When the chakras are balanced we feel emotionally calm and peaceful.  In addition, when the chakras are balanced we can more easily access our inner wisdom, clarity, trust, love, compassion, confidence, power, acceptance, creativity, wholeness, and discipline.

The beauty of TRCB is that it is a simple and yet powerful tool that can be used by anyone, anytime to promote healing in themselves or others.

How does TRCB work? 

TRCB works by releasing conscious and unconscious blockages in the chakra system.  When the blockages are released our true self can step forward and we can step into a life of actualization and contribution.

How do you do a TRCB session for yourself?

To do a TRCB session for yourself, simply pick up your TRCB doll and hammer (available at www.trcbhealing.com) and tap on each of the seven chakras of the Tong Ren doll.  As you tap you will be sending healing energy to your chakras and releasing blockages.  In addition, as you tap on each of the seven chakras you repeat the following affirmations either aloud or to yourself:


I let go and I trust the process of life.

Third eye:

I am wise.


I am fully expressive.  I express myself fully and appropriately.


I am a radiant being of light and love.

Solar plexus:

I accept myself completely.

I accept that I have strengths.

I accept that I have weaknesses.

I accept that I am learning and growing.

I accept myself completely.


I am balanced.


I am disciplined.  I attend to my mind, body, and spirit everyday.

Another way to do a TRCB session for yourself, especially if you don’t yet have a doll and hammer, is simply go to our website and watch the TRCB how-to video (http://trcbhealing.com/how-to-video/).  In this video, I tap on the seven chakras of the Tong Ren doll and repeat the appropriate affirmations.  The video is a wonderful way to become familiar with the technique and experience the healing energy as well.

Many people like to begin their day with a TRCB treatment.  This will assist you staying balanced through out the day.  I recommend either watching the video or tapping for yourself daily for best results.

Also feel free to join our Monday night group that meets from 7-8:30 at 800 Main Street, Amherst, Ma. or  email me to set up your own private phone session.