I am open to receive

Often times there is something in our lives that we desire such as greater financial abundance or greater love. But, deep down inside of ourselves we feel we don’t deserve that which we are seeking. This feeling of not deserving or not being good enough creates a scism in our bodies and mind where we have our foot on the gas and we have our other foot on the brake all at the same time. Years go by and we wonder why we feel so stuck.

It can be helpful when you find yourself in such a pattern to work deeply on self love, self forgiveness and feeling worthy to receive. So often the places in our lives where we feel stuck come down to a self love issue. It can be helpful to ask ourselves what might change in our lives if we loved ourselves more? What might we do differently? Would we speak up more? Would we speak up less? Would we be kinder and more forgiving towards ourselves? What blockages in our bodies and minds and life would be released if we truly forgave ourselves and felt worthy to receive?

We work frequently with this issue in our meditation classes and group healings and I thought I’d share a brief meditation/affirmation on the topic with all of you.

I love myself.
I love myself.

I forgive myself.
I forgive myself.

I let myself off the hook.
I stop punishing myself.

I offer myself love and kindness.
I offer myself love and kindness.

I accept that I am human and have made mistakes.
I allow myself to go from one imperfect activity to the next.

I offer myself love and compassion.
I offer myself love and compassion.

I am spirit.
I am good and
I am learning.

We are all spirit.
We are all good and
We are all learning.

I am spirit and I am learning.
We are all spirit and we are all learning.

The earth is a school and we have all come for learning and growth. Stop being so hard on yourself. Learn to offer yourself love and forgiveness and tolerance and acceptance as you go from one imperfect activity to the next. Do not strive for perfect. Strive for continued growth and learning. Allow yourself to be a student of life and in so doing you will become a teacher. Allow yourself to be filled with humility and in so doing you will step into your greatness.

Step into your greatness now and offer yourself love and compassion.

What might heal in your body if you truly loved and forgave yourself? What might heal in your life if you fully felt worthy to receive.

Affirm now:

I am good and I deserve goodness.
I am good and I am worthy to receive.

I feel so worthy to receive.
I feel so worthy to receive.

I am open to receive.
I am open to receive.

I am open to receive goodness.
I am open to receive love.
I am open to receive abundance.
I am open to receive joy and freedom.
I am open to receive healing and wholeness.
I am open to receive all that life wants to bring to me now.

I take my foot off the brake.
I stop the self punishment.

I instead offer myself the love and compassion I desire from others and in so doing become a beacon of light and love for all.

I love myself.
I forgive myself.

I see my goodness and I know that I deserve goodness.

I am growing in my capacity to love myself.
I am growing in my capacity to forgive myself.
I am growing in my capacity to open to receive.

I am worthy to receive.
I deserve goodness.

We all deserve goodness.

I am open to receive.
I am open to receive.

I am open to the light.
I am open to miracles.
I am open to goodness.
I am open to love.
I am open to abundance.
I am open to healing.
I am open to assistance.
I am open to all that life wants to bring into my world.

So let this be your experiment for the day and the week. How open can you be to receive? How much can you love yourself? How much genuine forgiveness can you cultivate for yourself and others? Take your foot off the brake. Let go of the past and step into the life that awaits you now. Shower yourself with love and kindness and be aware of how this affects your body, your mind, the quality of your day and your life.

If you found this mediation/affirmation helpful and you live in the Amherst area, feel free to join us for our Tong Ren Chakra Balancing group on Monday nights at 7 p.m. or our Meditation class on Thursday nights at 7 p.m.

Email me or click here for more information.


Hayley Mermelstein

Cultivating Confidence

I am confident.
I am powerful.
I am beautiful and
I am radiant.

Take a moment now and allow the vibration of the words to awaken your confidence, power, beauty and radiance.

Affirm once again:

I am confident.
I am powerful.
I am beautiful and
I am radiant.

Connect with that part of you that is confident, powerful, beautiful and radiant. Embody these qualities now as you affirm:

I am confident.
I am powerful.
I am beautiful and
I am radiant.

Feel your confidence. Feel your power. Embody beauty and radiance now.

I embody confidence.
I embody power.
I embody beauty and radiance.

I embody these things and I develop an I can do this attitude.

I can do this.
I can do this.
I can do this.

I can do what I ‘ve come here to do.
I can learn what I’ve come here to learn.
I can achieve what I’ve come here to achieve.

I can do this.
I can do this.
I can do this.

Stand in your power now.
Stand in your confidence.
Stand in your beauty and your radiance and
Stand in your rememberance of who you are.

You can do what you’ve come here to do.
You can learn what you’ve come here to learn.
You can achieve what you’ve come here to achieve.

You can do this.
You can do this

You are not alone.
With spirits help you can do this.

So often we wait until the external conditions of our world are the way we want them to be in order to feel confident or powerful.

What would it be like to connect to our power and our confidence and then see how life begins to show up differently. Let this be your experiement for this day and this week. Embody the attitudes that you wish to feel. Embody the attitudes that you are waiting for the external world to give you permission to feel. Feel the feelings first and then be aware of what shows up differently in your life.

Affirm once again,

I am confident.
I am powerful.
I am beautiful.
I am radiant and
I develop an I can do this attitude.

I can do this.

I am powerful.
I am beautiful
I am radiant.

And I can do this.

I can do this.
I can do this.

~Hayley Mermelstein