
May we all find deeper peace within ourselves and in so doing, contribute to our own healing, the healing of others and the healing of our planet. ~ Hayley Mermelstein

I was meditating on feeling deeper peace within myself and deeper peace within my relationships this morning and was inspired to write a short meditation about it and share it with all of you.

Take a moment and fill yourself with a feeling of peace now. Give thanks for the peace that is filling your heart. Imagine feeling peace now. Imagine that you have a deeper feeling of peace than ever before. Imagine bringing this feeling of peace to your relationships, to your work, to your life. Fill yourself with peace today. Give thanks that you are able to hold this inner peace more and more. Give thanks that your relationships are filled with peace. Above all else, give thanks (in advance even) for the peace that resides within your heart. Be appreciative of this new found peace. Embrace it, ask for it, appreciate it. Embody peace today.

Affirm often:

I am filled with peace.
I embody peace.
I embrace peace.
I am peace.

I give thanks for the peace in my heart.
I give thanks that my ability to embody peace is growing everyday.

I am deeply peaceful.

My peace radiates out into the world and creates a vibration of peace.
My peace radiates out into the world and effects every aspect of my life.
My peace radiates out into the world and helps create a new vibration of peace on the planet.

I start with myself.
I start with peace.
I start with love.
I start with a desire for a new way of being.

Today i embody peace and I bring peace to the planet.

Hayley Mermelstein

General Balancing with TRCB

I hope that you are well and have been enjoying and benefiting from TRCB Tuesday. When I first started this project the plan was to record eight videos. I got so into it that instead I have recorded and shared 17 videos! That is 17 videos to inspire and assist all of us in bringing our best self forward more and more!

I’ve decided to take a break from TRCB Tuesday for a little while so that I can complete my second book (Balance Your Chakras, Change Your Life) and so that I can prepare to start offering live healing webinars in the late fall or early winter.

But this won’t be the last video. Instead I will send out a TRCB video on special occasions or simply when the mood hits! I may even send out a video on a Thursday or Friday (i’m really living life on the edge now!).

Anyway, I do hope that you have enjoyed the videos and I look forward to offering many new venues in which to learn more about the chakras and how to work with them so that we can all bring our best selves forward more and more.

Today’s healing video is a general chakra balancing that powerfully aligns and balances the chakras.

Be sure to watch the video here:

Today’s chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I am open and expanded. I expand my idea of what is possible.

Third eye: I am a wise decision maker.

Throat: I am fully expressive.

Heart: I am a radiant being of light and love.

Solar Plexus: I am deeply appreciative.

Identity: I am infinitely creative.

Base: I am filled with humility. I am enough as I am.

Enjoy today’s video and allow it to elevate your state of mind and assist you in being your best.

To watch other TRCB videos be sure to check out and subscribe to our youtube channel by clicking here.

Till next time!


Hayley Mermelstein

Cultivating Greater Joy With TRCB

Welcome to TRCB Tuesday, where each week I will share with you a healing video for the purpose of releasing blockages in the chakra system. When the blockages are released all aspects of your being can come into greater alignment and you can more easily bring your best self forward more and more.

This week we are focusing on creating greater joy. (The nice thing about cultivating joy is that we can feel joy in our hearts regardless of what is going on externally.)

Take a moment now and go deep inside of yourself and fill yourself with a feeling of joy.

Fill yourself with joy by repeating the following affirmation:

I am filled with joy.
I am filled with joy.
I am filled with joy.

As you repeat this affirmation to yourself practice feeling it as well.

I am filled with joy.
I am filled with joy.
I am filled with joy.

Feel it, embody it and experience it now. Really allow yourself to be filled with a feeling of joy.

Practice radiating that joy out into the world by affirming:

I am filled with joy and I radiate my joy out into the world.
I am filled with joy and I radiate my joy out into the world.
I am filled with joy and I radiate my joy out into the world.

Feel the joy that lies within you. Connect with this joy and seek to bring it forward more and more.

We have infinite choices about the emotions that we choose to experience. Practice being more creative in the emotions that you choose to experience. Practice elevating both your thoughts and emotions this week and practice cultivating this new feeling regardless of what is going on externally. Be aware of how this affects the quality of your day.

Here are this weeks chakra balancing affirmations:

Crown: I am happy.

Third eye: I am a wise decision maker.

Throat: I am fully expressive.

Heart: I am filled with joy and I radiate my joy out into the world.

Solar Plexus: I welcome greater joy and happiness into my life.

Identity: I am creative and I am expressive.

Base: I am disciplined. I attend to my mind, body, and spirit everyday.

And there you have it. Your seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. Work with them frequently, remembering to not only say them to yourself but really practice feeling the principles as well. As we begin to embody greater joy and happiness we will help bring more joy and happiness into our lives. In addition, focusing on joy and happiness helps to elevate our vibration and helps to heal our body as well. Let this be your focus for this week. See how much true joy you can cultivate.

Have a good week!


Hayley Mermelstein

Staying positive with TRCB

Hello everyone and welcome to TRCB Tuesday where each week I will share with you a new chakra balancing healing video. Watching the video will assist in releasing blockages in the chakra system. When the blockages are released we can heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and more easily bring forward the best that lies within us.

This week we are focusing on cultivating a greater positivity. When we are in a true positivity we are better able to hold the spiritual principles, principles such as: trust, wisdom, power, love, appreciation, balance, discipline and spontaneity. True positivity is different than candy coating for in a true positivity we are looking very honestly and deeply at our lives and yet still able to hold compassion and balance for what we see. This is an ongoing practice for many of us, but if we aspire to hold more positivity today than we did yesterday then little by little we will heal.

When we hold a true positivity we assist in elevating our vibration. When we elevate our vibration our body can heal and we can manifest more of our best selves. Also, when we hold a true positivity we emanate a more elevated frequency, which contributes to the healing of our planet as well. Little by little, as we each step into a more positive version of who we are we contribute both to our own healing and the healing of our planet.

Here are this weeks affirmations to assist all of us in this endeavor:

Crown: I am filled with positivity. I am a being of great positivity and light.

Third eye: I am filled with positivity. I look honestly at myself, others and all of life.

Throat: I am filled with positivity. I am a powerful being of light.

Heart: I am filled with positivity. I am a radiant being of light and love.

Solar plexus: I am filled with positivity. I deeply appreciate all that I have.

Identity: I am filled with positivity. I am emotionally balanced.

Base: I am filled with positivity. I am a being of great discipline.

And there you have it, your seven-chakra balancing affirmations for the week. Work with these affirmations this week and allow them to elevate your vibration and your point of view. Be sure to watch the video for a more powerful experience of positivity and chakra balancing as well.

Have a great week!


Hayley Mermelsetein

P.S. Hayley is available for private TRCB and energy healing sessions which are done in person or over the phone.

P.S.S. For more words of daily inspiration, please “like” our facebook page:

P.S.S.S. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at: