Even Though

Even Though.

Even though you have made many mistakes.
I love you anyway.

Even though you have said yes, when you should have said no.
I love you anyway.

Even though you said no, when you should have said yes.
I love you anyway.

Even though you feel resentment when you want to feel compassion.
I love you anyway.

Even though you feel uncertain when you want to feel certainty.
I love you anyway.

Even though you wake up anxious some days.
I love you anyway.

Even though you feel hate sometimes.
I love you anyway.

Even though you thought you were right but you were wrong.
I love you anyway.

Even though you said the wrong thing.
I love you anyway.

Even though you wanted to speak up and you didn’t.
I love you anyway.

Even though you wanted to save more money but didn’t know how.
I love you anyway.

Even though you are a late bloomer.
I love you anyway.

Even though you are an adult but feel like a child sometimes.
I love you anyway.

Even though there is a place of great power in you and sometimes you hide it.

I love you anyway.

Even though you are imperfect, flawed, wounded and lost somedays.
I love you anyway.

Can you love all parts of yourself?

Can you love the hatred?
Can you love the betrayal?
Can you love the mistakes?

Can you love the lack of acceptance?
Can you love the lack of love?

Can you love all of you?

This is what is being asked of you today.

Love all of you.
Just the way you are.

No need to change to be loved.
No need to be perfect.

Show up to the dance as you.






Let all of you be welcome today.
Dance with it all.

Nothing to hide.
Nothing to protect.

No where to go.



It is when you can love all of you that you will begin to heal.

When you suppress that which you don’t like it festers like an open wound beneath the surface.

And so love all of you.
Even the parts that don’t know how to love.
For however long it takes.

To sooth your soul.

Love all of you.
For however long it takes.

To heal.

Love all of you.
For however long it takes

To find the peace that you desire.

Love all of you.
For however long it takes

And become a beacon of light and love.

Love all of you.
For however long it takes

And become the real you.

Imperfect, flawed, wounded.
Beautiful, powerful, wise, whole.


Perfectly, imperfect.

~Hayley Mermelstein

When we feel rejected.

I was talking to a friend recently who was feeling rejected at every turn. The path he was trying to take just wasn’t opening up. I shared with my friend the wise words that a teacher once shared with me: Sometimes, rejection is the universe telling us that we are going in the wrong direction.

My friend stopped in his tracks. Suddenly he had a major shift in his thinking. Maybe he wasn’t being rejected (i.e. shown all the ways he wasn’t good enough and not measuring up)maybe, just maybe he was being rerouted.

In my friends case he had been unhappy for quite a while in his current situation and had been contemplating a change but had lacked the courage and conviction to make such a change (hey, happens to the best of us, we get comfortable where we are and who wants to change anyway.). Maybe, just maybe life has a better, more satisfying path for my friend and it is through being rejected at his current situation that life is nudging him (or forcing him) to make the change he has resisted.

Anyway, this story is a good reminder to all of us that one of the ways that life moves us forward is through rejection.

Where in your life are you feeling a feeling of rejection? What is life trying to tell you? Are you being rejected or is life simply letting you know that you are trying to open a door that is no longer right for you?

Of course, there are also stories of great poets or authors who were rejected 500 times before the right publisher came along and in those cases being persistent was the key to there success. But even in those cases, rejection was rerouting them to the publishing company that was ultimately right for them.

It is only through deep listening that we will know the right path to take. It is only through deep listening that we will know when to walk away and when to be patient and wait for the right opportunity.to present itself.

So take some time this weekend and listen deeply (not analysis or think to death). But listen deeply to what life is trying to tell you. Life gives us signs and messages if we are listening and one of the ways that life talks to us is through rejection.

Next time you are feeling rejected ask: What is life trying to tell me? And then listen deeply for the answer.

And remember that sometimes: Rejection is the universe telling us that we are moving in the wrong direction.

When we see life in this way we tend not to feel not good enough or hurt but rather that we are being rerouted to the place that we are most meant to be on at this time.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Also, we are having our group healing on Monday, November 18th from 7-8:30 at 800 Main Street, Amherst, Ma (middle door in the front of the building). The cost is $15.

Hope you can join us for a wonderful evening of healing, and meditation, and community and fun!

We also have our weekly meditation group on Thursday evenings from 7-9 at 800 Main Street, Amherst, Ma. The cost is $20.

Both groups are drop in and are a wonderful way to explore topics that I write about in a deeper way.

Feel free to stop by or for more information email me or call the office at 413 253 7978l

I look forward to seeing you soon!


Hayley Mermelstein

What if?

I was doing some cleaning this morning and these words started echoing in my head. I thought I would share them here because they are a great reminder that sometimes our greatest challenges are also our greatest gifts.

What if?

What if this is a big gift?

What if you let go of all external strvings and sought to refine your own character?

What if you decided to welcome this as your greatest teacher?

What if you saw this as good instead of bad?

What if you let go of your worries and allowed the universe to take care of you?

What if you attended to yourself, your healing, and your inner development?

What if your lowest moment was your greatest gift?

What if?

What if despite appearances to the contrary you are a chosen one. Chosen to sit in the fire of discomfort until all impurities are burned away?

What if this is happening for your highest good?

What if after the fire is over you will emerge as a sparking diamond?

What if your greatest challenge is your greatest gift?

Appreciate the person you are becoming.
Appreciate the flood.
Appreciate the fire.
Appreciate the journey on sunny days and rainy days.
Appreciate the process and be curious about where it will lead.

You have chosen the road less traveled.

Welcome the journey.
And ask: What if?