Thanksgiving Message

Step into your maturity now.

Come to expect the unexpected.

Come to expect the imbalances both in yourself and in others.

When there is fear there will also be greed, selfishness, and lack of consideration.

Do not be so surprised by this, as if it shouldn’t be this way.

It is this way, and until the fears are resolved this will continue.

It is your job to learn to love despite the imbalances.

It is your job to learn to find compassion for the selfish behavior.

It is your job to be the best you can be.

It is not your job to take their inventory.

It is your job to take the high road and do your best to navigate in difficult seas.

Rise to the occasion now.

Rise up.

Rise up.

Use your challenges as an opportunity to practice.

Use your challenges to help you become stronger in the face of adversity.

Use your challenges as a vehicle to stepping into your greatness.

Step into your greatness.

Offer love in the face of greed.

Offer kindness in the face of selfishness.

Offer compassion in the face of inconsiderateness.

This is not to say that you should tolerate unacceptable behavior, but instead use it as an opportunity to bring out the best that lies within you.

When you respond with an internal feeling of love, compassion and kindness you reaction will be diminished.

When your reaction is diminished there will be greater clarity about how to best respond.

And so step into your greatness now.

Step into your compassion.

Step into your kindness and step into you love.

Do not wait for others to go first.

Do not expect others to be kind, or loving, or compassionate just because you did go first.

Instead seek to be the best you can be and do not worry about how others are behaving.

Again, you must take your own inventory and let others attend to themselves.

Your mission is to be the best that you can be.

Allow others to find their own mission.

Step up now and offer the best that lies with in you.

In the end you will be glad that you did.

(Spending time with family and friends will, of course, give you ample opportunity to practice these principles.)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

~Hayley Mermelstein

Cultivating Deeper Appreciation with TRCB

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share a new healing video with you this week. In honor of Thanksgiving, todays topic is on appreciation.

Appreciation is a powerful principle that rapidly elevates your state of mind and your vibration, and can help move you to a whole new level.

Today we are going to focus on giving thanks in advance. Because your body doesn’t know the difference between a real and imagined event, when you give thanks for something that you are working to manifest, as if it is already here, you help to bring it into manifestation.

For example, if you give thanks that you are growing in your wisdom everyday, your body thinks that you are in fact growing in your wisdom everyday. This helps to bring forward the deep wisdom that lies at the core of your being. If you give thanks in advance for your increasing abundance and prosperity, again your body believes that you are growing more abundant and prosperous and begins to vibrate differently, this in turn helps to bring in greater abundance.

So for today, we are going to practice giving thanks in advance for the things that we are working on cultivating. In so doing, we are elevating our vibration, raising our frequency and beginning to put out a different vibration out into the world, this in turn impacts how we feel and how we manifest in our lives.

Try flooding yourself with a feeling of appreciation this week. Be aware of how this impacts not only how you feel but also how you manifest in your life.

This weeks chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I appreciate that divine favor follows me where ever I go.

Third eye: I appreciate that I am able to bring forward my inner wisdom more and more.

Throat: I appreciate that my confidence is growing everyday.

Heart: I appreciate that I am growing in my ability to give and receive love.

Solar Plexus: I appreciate that I am growing in my ability to accept myself and accept others.

Identity: I appreciate that I am growing in my ability to respond in a balanced way in my life.

Base: I appreciate that my disciplines are improving everyday.

And there you have it. Your seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. Work with these seven affirmations and practice feeling deep appreciation for all that you’d like to manifest in your life as if its already here now.

The practice of flooding yourself with appreciation will elevate your state, change your vibration and impact how you manifest in the world.

Try this for the next seven days and watch what happens! When you find yourself getting caught in more limited states of mind experiment with “changing the channel” and turning on appreciation instead.

For additional support be sure to watch todays powerful video on appreciation!

Thank you all for your attention, for reading my emails and for your love and support through out the year. I deeply appreciate you and I deeply appreciate the opportunity to be of service.

Have a lovely Thanksgiving and a nice holiday.

May we all grow in our ability to appreciate ourselves, each other and the many opportunities for growth and service that we experience through out our day.


Hayley Mermelstein

Opening to possibility with TRCB

Hi there everyone!

Its been a while since we’ve done a video so I wanted to share one with you today. Its a video on opening to greater possibility. When we narrow our focus too much we can become self centered and limited in our perceptions. We can also tend to focus on the worst case senarios of our lives and really freak ourselves out! In todays healing video we will focus on opening to the field of infinite possibilities and maintaining a more expanded awareness and point of view.

Here are this weeks chakra balancing affirmations:

Crown: I am open to the field of infinite possibility.

Third eye: I am open and I am wise.

Throat: I am open and I am expressive.

Heart: I am open and I am loving and I am generous.

Solar Plexus: I am open and I welcome all of life.

Identity: I am open and I stand in my convinctions.

Base: I am open and I am filled with humility.

And there you have it. Your seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. Seek to experience greater openness this week while also embodying greater wisdom, clarity, expression, love, convinction and humility.

As you balance all seven chakras you will elevate your frequency and raise your vibration and positively impact your own life and the lives of others.

Have a good week.


Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. I am working hard to complete my TRCB book of affirmations! Stay tuned for more info.

P.S.S. I am also working on our first webinar. Stay tuned for more exciting information about that as well!