I was meditating this morning when these words started echoing in my mind. I had to pause and write them down as they were flying by. Thought I would share them here in case they might speak to you as well.
This is your mission, should you choose to accept it.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to become a being of love and compassion while here on earth. You will be challenged. You will be betrayed. You will be lied about. People you love will misunderstand you. People you trust will share your secrets. Lovers will cheat on you. People you give generously to will complain about you and not appreciate the depth of what has been given to them.
This mission is not for the faint of heart. This mission will challenge you to your core. You will feel many, many times like you cannot do it. This mission sounds easy, but it is not.
You will be challenged daily and still if you choose to accept it your mission is to become a being of light and love upon this planet. Think long and hard about this before you decide whether or not to accept this mission.
Of course, you really have no choice. For you will suffer until you fully decide to accept this challenge. For to live in disappointment or grief or pain or victimhood is really no way to live.
And so the challenge is put before you on this day. We suggest that you start small. Start with 10 minutes. Commit the next ten minutes to being a being of light and love and compassion. See if you can hold it for ten minutes and then slowly build from there.
We suggest that you keep in mind that you will be tested. These tests are meant to challenge you. How else will you become a warrior of the light? How else will you become the person that you are meant to become? Do not be naïve about what these challenges will entail. Do not be childlike in this endeavor.
Also be clear and be sure to love yourself through this initiation. For your life here on earth is an initiation. Part of your learning is to learn to fiercely love yourself and be clear about what you will and won’t tolerate in the name of love.
This is not about being a doormat for all who come into your vicinity. No this is about being a warrior of light. This is about being a warrior of love. To become a warrior of the light you will have to be very strong and very clear. It takes great power to be a warrior of love in a world filled with fear, greed, animosity, hatred and poor judgement.
To step into this role you will need to be prepared. You will need to see very clearly. You will need to be able to say yes and you will need to be able to say no. If you cannot say no you will be eaten alive and your ability to be a being of light and love will be highly compromised. If you cannot say no you will in fact fail at your mission here.
Do not succumb to sympathy or over giving. Both are a sign of weakness on your part. Instead, be a being of great compassion. Be fierce in your love and compassion and be fierce in your ability to set limits and to be able to say yes and to say no.
Seek to do the loving thing. The loving thing is not always to please the personalities of those with whom you engage. The loving thing is that which supports the spiritual growth of all those with whom you interact. It is not loving to enable weakness in those you love.
Be wise. Be fierce. Be loving. Be compassionate. Be kind. Be strong. Be powerful. Do the loving thing.
Your path will challenge you and is not for the faint of heart. Step into your high and destined role. Become the messenger of love you are meant to become. Be gentle with yourself because this is not an easy assignment in a world filled with so much imbalance. But also, be fierce and uncompromising. This is why you came to the earth. We suggest you accept your mission and begin today. Become who you are meant to become and you will be satisfied with your journey.
God speed and remember:
You are a warrior of the light in a world filled with imbalance. Carry the torch and remain steadfast in your vision and your assignment. Step into your high and destined role. Step into your power. You are more powerful than you know. Remember your power and this will help you to become the person that you are meant to become.
We are with you. You are never alone.
This is your mission should you choose to accept it. Become the being of light and love and compassion and power that you are meant to become. We promise you, if you can do this, you will be satisfied with your journey.