Learning to stand your ground and remain open.

Hello Everyone,

Just this week I was talking to a friend about a situation I was struggling with. This very well meaning friend had a strong opinion about what I needed to do…asap!

And though my friend was well meaning I realized after some reflection that I didn’t agree with her opinion. But because of the strength of her opinion, and my own insecurity about the situation I was facing, it took some work on my part to get beyond the opinions and hear my own inner voice.

I spent much of the week meditating on the situation and received the following message in one of those meditations. I thought that I’d share it here with all of you, in case you too need some assistance getting past all the opinions that are out there, and connecting instead with your own inner wisdom and knowing.

Learning to stand in your own convictions.

Opinions are everywhere. Everyone’s got an opinion, they are a dime a dozen.

There will be voices all around you that seek to distract you. There will be voices all around you that mean well but are incorrect. There will be people who are sure that they are right about what you must do, but who are wrong. And there will those who speak timidly and whose depth of opinion is accurate but who lack the inner conviction to make their words heard.

In the end you must go deep within and listen to your own inner promptings. You must go deep within and do what you think is best.

And so go deep within and desire to seek your own counsel.

You have become too dependent on the opinion of others.

Go within and do what your spirit guides you to do. Let others share their opinions, but in the end you must be your own authority.

Everyone thinks they know what it is best. Everyone has an opinion. But opinions are easy. You are the one who must live with the consequences of your actions. You are the one who must live with the decisions that you make. It’s easy to have an opinion when it’s not your life. Its easy to have an opinion when its not you who has to live with the consequences of that opinion.

So go deep within now and listen deeply within so that you will know what is yours to do and what is not yours to do.

There are so many opinions and if you are overly affected by the opinions of others you will not be able to do what is yours to do. There will always be those who dislike your work. There will always be those who look with a critical eye or have nothing constructive to say. There will always be those who mean well but still shout out their bad advice despite their best intentions.

Go deep within now. Listen to your own inner voice. Listen to your own guides. Listen to the whispers of spirit all around you. All of life is guiding you.

Stand in your own convictions now.


I stand in my convictions.
I stand in my convictions.
I stand in my convictions.

See what it feels like to stand in your convictions. Feel the strength. Feel the confidence. Feel the clarity.

Stand in your convictions and allow your life to unfold.

Do not allow yourself to be unduly influenced by the opinions of others. Instead seek your own counsel. This is the lesson being set before you.

Become a more independent thinker.


I seek my own counsel.
I seek my own counsel.
I seek my own counsel.

In the end it is you that will have to live with the consequences of your decisions and so it is you that must decide how to be.

Do not give your power away to others.

Claim your power now.

Stand up.
Stand up.
Stand up.

Have the courage to stand in your convictions even if all those around you disapprove.

Stand in your convictions and remain open to the learning process knowing that your thoughts, feelings and beliefs will evolve and grow.

Stand in your conviction now and go forward with an attitude of openness and deep listening, attuning as best you can to the moment.

If you are in conviction alone, you will become too rigid.

If you are just in openness you will be a leaf in the wind.

And so combine the two now, stand in your convictions and maintain the openness needed to learn, grow, and evolve.

You can always find someone to support your belief and you can always find someone to tell you, you are wrong.

Listen deeply instead. Keep your own counsel. Stand in your convictions and maintain an openness so that continued growth and learning can occur.

Seek to be as open as you can and as full of conviction as you can.

Do not be afraid to be open and do not be afraid to stand in your conviction. Both are needed for a life of balance.


I am open.
I am open.
I am open.

I am open to learning.
I am open to growing.
I am open to evolving my current state of mind.

I am open.
I am open.
I am open.

And affirm:

I stand in my conviction.
I stand in my conviction.
I stand in my conviction.

I hold my point of view.
I express my opinions.
I say what is mine to say.
I stand my ground.


I am balanced.

I am both open and I stand in my convictions.

I am open to the thoughts and opinions of others but in the end I seek my own counsel.

I am not overly affected by the opinions of others.

I listen deeply to my own inner wisdom.

I am an independent thinker.

I am learning to listen within.

I am learning to listen to my guides.

I am learning to listen to the spiritual forces that are all around me.

I am learning to listen to myself and my deepest knowing.

Practice now going within, listening deeply, and following your own inner guidance. In this way you will learn how to seek your own counsel and how to stand in your own convictions, while simultaneously remaining open to growth, learning, and the evolutionary process of life.

Hayley Mermelstein

p.s. If you haven’t already be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel:


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Learning to say no.

Hello Everyone,

Just last week a friend asked me for a favor. I was sort of in a rush at the time and not as tuned in to the moment as I might like to have been. I said yes to the favor despite the fact I really didn’t have time. ( I have a tendency to say yes sometimes before really thinking it through). Well, I won’t go into the details but my saying “yes” to this favor didn’t go so well. Let’s just say my car broke down on the way home which felt like spirit reminding me that I need to listen more deeply.

Anyway, upon finally returning home I sat and meditated and heard a message on listening deeper, saying no and seeking to serve the oneness rather than the individual.

I assume the message could help more than just myself so I thought I’d share it with all of you. I hope it helps you to feel more comfortable saying yes and saying no and assists all of us in listening more deeply to the attunement of the moment.

I’m not here to serve the individual. I am here to serve the oneness.

Its important when going through your every day life that you are clear about why you are here. You are not here to serve the individual. You are here to serve the oneness.

Many have needs. Many may think they know what you owe them or need to give to them.

If you respond to what others think they want from you, you will become drained and frustrated and resentful.

Instead, you must train yourself to listen more deeply, to listen to the words beneath the words and to listen at the spirit level.

At the spirit level, you are not concerned about pleasing the personality, at the spirit level you are concerned with doing what is truly best for all concerned.

The problem happens when you doubt yourself. You so want to be of service that you mistakenly focus on giving others what they want rather than listening deeply to your own inner knowing and having the confidence to do what you believe to be best.

You must develop greater self-confidence so that you can begin the process of saying no more often, so that you can begin the process of really listening deeply and following your own inner knowing and your own inner spirit.

Do not be so concerned about making mistakes.

Give yourself permission to truly listen within and do that which you believe is yours to do. As you practice in this way you will get better at knowing what is yours to do and what is not yours to do.

Everyone needs and if you are constantly responding to the needs of others you will not do the one thing that you came here to do.

Living in this way will mean that you will need to say no more than you are currently comfortable with, but you will grow in your ability to know what is yours to do and what is not. And so practice now going within and really listening to your own inner knowing.

Do not allow the forcefulness of others to pull you from your own inner knowing. Others may think that you owe them, or that they know what is best. But truly, only you know what is best.

And so once again, go within and learn to listen to your own inner knowing. Be more fierce about what you allow into your sphere of life. Do not allow others to push their way in or bully you into submission or to simply make you feel guilty for not meeting their needs.

No, you must be stronger. You must step into your power in a greater way.

Do not be afraid of your power or of your strength. And it’s okay to make a mistake. What is most important is that you commit on a deeper and deeper level to following the attunement of the moment.

What is most important is that you make listening to your own inner knowing a top priority. Do not think that others know better than you, for they do not.

You must practice listening within on a deeper level. You must practice saying no and not feeling guilty. You must practice having the fierceness and power to allow others to find their own way and not think that you must save them.

In your effort to save others you may drop your own pillar of light and not do the one thing that you came to do. And so commit now to listening deeply. Commit now to going within and asking your spirit what it wants. Commit now to not being bullied by the demands and needs of others. Commit to a deeper listening and a deeper commitment to spirit.

This will, in the long run, strengthen your relationships because it will reduce the resentment that you feel. And so commit to listening to spirit now. Commit to following your own inner attunement as best as you can. Commit to listening deeply and doing what is truly best at the spirit level.

At the spirit level it is sometimes best to say no, and let people find their own way. And at the spirit level it is sometimes best to say yes and lend a much needed helping hand. This will take deep listening to ascertain and is a practice.

And so begin your practice again, this time deeper. Commit to this deeper listening and you will grow in your ability to know what is yours to do and what is not. This deeper listening will be imperative if you are to carry out the tasks that are being set before you.

Listen deeply now and affirm:

I listen deeply.
I listen deeply.
I listen deeply.

I listen deeply to my own inner spirit.
I listen deeply to the whispers of spirit all around me.
I listen deeply to the words beneath the words.
I listen deeply and I know what to do.
I listen deeply and I am guided.
i listen deeply and I am wise.
I listen deeply and I do what is mine to do.
I listen deeply and I can say yes and I can say no.
I listen deeply and I do what is best for the oneness.
I listen deeply and I do not try to please the individual.
I listen deeply and I aspire to please spirit.
I listen deeply and I do what is truly best for all concerned.
I listen deeply for I know that at the spirit level there is consensus.
I listen deeply and I do what is attuned, even if it is unpleasing to others.
I listen deeply and do my best to do what is truly best for all concerned, whether it is appreciated or not.

I listen deeply and I step into my strength.
I listen deeply and I step into my confidence.
I listen deeply and I step into my knowing.
I listen deeply and I step into my wisdom.

I know that this is a process and so I am patient with myself as I learn and grow.

I listen deeply and I do what is best for all concerned.
I listen deeply and I seek to please spirit.
I listen deeply and I am devoted to the spiritual oneness.

I listen deeply.
I listen deeply.
I listen deeply.

~message received through Hayley Mermelstein

Finding Deeper Peace with TRCB

Hi there everyone,

I had a request this week to produce a video to assist with healing anxiety. There are many things that can help with anxiety such as eating well, exercise and the use of affirmations. For today’s video, we will focus on balancing the chakras to help us all hold a greater emotional balance and bring our best selves forward more and more.

Today’s chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I walk in light. I walk in light.

Third eye: I see clearly and I understand.

Throat: I am confident.

Heart: I am a radiant being of light and love.

Solar Plexus: I am filled with simplicity.

Identity: I am steady.

Base: I am spirit. I am eternal. I am infinite. And I am safe.

And there you have it. This weeks chakra balancing affirmations. Work with these affirmations frequently through out the week to help assist you in staying calm and balanced a mist the many challenges of life. Also watch this weeks video to further assist in balancing the chakras and bringing your best self forward more and more.

Feel free to let me know in the comments below how this video impacts you.

Also, if you haven’t already be sure to subscribe to our you tube channel.

Have a great week.


Hayley Mermelstein