And as we enter the season of Thanksgiving, I’d like to take a moment and thank all of you for taking the time to read my posts and blogs, for allowing me the great pleasure of doing the work that I love to do and for being in my life as clients, friends, and family members. Thank you for your words of encouragement and appreciation. And thank you for giving me a venue to explore the world of healing, writing and creating. I wish each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.
Today’s guided meditation is on appreciation:
Lets take a moment now and begin with the affirmation:
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
Take a moment to fill yourself with a feeling of appreciation. Cultivate appreciation as a state of being. Cultivate appreciation as a way of being in the world. Cultivate appreciation so that you may notice all that you have. Cultivate appreciation so that nothing in your life is taken for granted.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
Feel your depth of appreciation growing now. Allow appreciation to rise up in you. Sit in the depth of your appreciation now.
I sit in the depth of my appreciation.
I sit in the depth of my appreciation.
I sit in the depth of my appreciation.
Look around you now. Look around and begin to appreciate everything in the room around you. Appreciate the chair that you are sitting on. Appreciate the people who assembled the chair. Appreciate the people who delivered the chair. Appreciate the store that sold you the chair. Look around you and appreciate each object in the room. Appreciate the beauty. Appreciate the effort. Appreciate all that has been given to you.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
In the hustle and bustle of today’s world it is easy to overlook all the blessings and gifts that have been handed to us. Make it a daily practice to pause and appreciate. Make it a daily practice to pause and give thanks. Make it a practice to express your appreciation on a daily basis, not just to yourself but to others as well.
Take a moment now and think of the people in your life. Take a moment now to appreciate the people in your life. Take time today and verbally thank five to ten people for their presence in your life. Thank loved ones, thank store clerks, thank the random acts of kindness and give thanks for the bigger acts of generosity. Remember to say thank you both to spirit for all that has been given and to say thank you to others for all that they bring to the table. ( Be extra sure to thank your mother this thanksgiving!)
I am appreciative.
I express my appreciation easily.
I express my appreciation often.
I express my appreciation frequently.
I make the expression of appreciation one of my top priorities.
I am appreciative.
And so thank 5-10 people today and then thank 5-10 people tomarrow and then the next day and the next. See if you can cultivate an attitude of appreciation and a habit of offering appreciation frequently. Do this both for yourself and for others. As you appreciate what you have you will be given more to appreciate. And as you appreciate others you will offer encouragement and love and deepen the quality of your relationships. And so be generous with your appreciation and remember to notice the little acts of kindness as well as the larger acts of generosity.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
And now take a moment to sit and simply appreciate your life at this moment. Yes, there is still much to do and accomplish, still much work to be done on the self, still many things left to learn and yet there is also so much to appreciate. As you focus your mind on appreciation you will build your confidence, raise your vibration and set in motion the forces of life so that you will find yourself with even more to appreciate. And so reflect now on five things that you appreciate about your day today or 5 things that you appreciate about your current life circumstances. Remember that as you cultivate an attitude of appreciation you raise your vibration. As you raise your vibration you will draw even more to appreciate into your life.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
Feel your appreciation deepening now Feel your appreciation expanding now. Feel your appreciation radiating out into the world. Again, cultivate appreciation as a state of being. Do this for both your own vibrational health and for the benefit of others as well.
And this time, I would like you to offer appreciation for the things you desire to manifest in your life. I would like you to give thanks now for things, people and life circumstances that are on there way to you. As you give thanks in advance you help to draw in that which you are working to manifest. As you give thanks in advance you will draw in that which is meant for you.
I give thanks.
I give thanks for all the love in my life.
I give thanks for my ever increasing prosperity.
I give thanks for my ever increasing health and wellness.
I give thanks for my increased spiritual connection.
I give thanks that I am growing everyday.
I give thanks for the healing of my relationships.
I give thanks for the seen and unseen blessings in my life.
I give thanks.
And so make your own list now. Give thanks for the blessings that are on your way to you. Give thanks for that which you wish to manifest as if it is already here. Give thanks for the seen and unseen blessings. Give thanks often. Give thanks frequently. Let the cultivation of appreciation be of the utmost importance to you.
I am filled with appreciation.
I sit in the depth of my appreciation.
I express my appreciation frequently.
I notice small acts of kindness.
I appreciate all that I have and all that I have been given.
I appreciate seen and unseen blessings.
I appreciate blessings that are on their way to me.
I live a life of appreciation.
And now take a moment to appreciate yourself. Appreciate the work that you have done. Appreciate where you are. Appreciate the efforts made. Appreciate the places of ease within yourself and the places of struggle. Take time to appreciate yourself. As you appreciate your strengths, they will grow. And as you appreciate your places of growth and learning you will offer yourself a balm that will assist in healing the places that are wounded. Be honest with yourself but be kind. Appreciate all that you are learning. Appreciate all that you bring to the table. Appreciate your strengths and appreciate the places of weakness. When you appreciate your weaknesses you will realize that your weaknesses are deepening your compassion for the human condition. For all have strengths and all have weaknesses. And when you appreciate yourself in your strengths and weaknesses, it will be easier for your to appreciate others for their strengths and their weaknesses. All are learning and all are growing and no one is exempt from this process. And so appreciate it all now. Appreciate the strengths and assist in calling them forward. Appreciate the weaknesses and offer yourself and others healing. Appreciate the weaknesses and allow your appreciation to open your compassion for the human condition which we all share together.
And so open the flood gates of appreciation this thanksgiving season and everyday. See how much appreciation you can bring into your daily life. Start an appreciation journal and write down 5-10 things you appreciate each and everyday. Do this for one year and see what transpires. Take time to express appreciation daily. Take time to express appreciation for all that you have and remember to give thanks in advance for blessings that are on their way to you. Let appreciation lead the way today. Say thank you often. Appreciate yourself and appreciate others. Flood the world with appreciation today and begin the process of healing yourself and others. Allow the appreciation that resides deep within come up to the surface now. Sit in the depth of your appreciation and radiate your appreciation out into the world.
I sit in the depth of my appreciation.
I appreciate myself and I appreciate others.
I appreciate all that I have.
I appreciate the many gifts in my life.
I express my appreciation to at least 5 people per day.
I keep an appreciation journal.
I give thanks for the seen and unseen blessings in my life.
I give thanks in advance.
I am an appreciative person.
I sit in the depth of my appreciation, and I radiate my appreciation out into the world.
I sit in the depth of my appreciation.