I once heard it said: That is you listen deeply enough the people around you will unravel into their own answers. This simple sentence has been echoing in my mind for over ten years now. It’s been a slow re- learning for me and sometimes I forget. A lot of times I forget.
But lately, I’ve been remembering more and more.
If you listen deeply enough the people around you will unravel into their own answers.
To listen in this way we must be patient, because this can take some time. To listen in this way we must be humble, for it is no longer about us being the wise advisor saving our wounded and injured clients, friends and family members.
To listen in this way we become the humble servant creating space for the wise one in front of us to unfold into the wisdom that lies within them.
Seek to get out of the way when you listen. Seek to create a deep space for others to unfold. Seek to listen as deeply as you can so that others can unravel into their own answers. Do not seek to be the healer. Do not seek to be the wise one. Do not worry about what you need to say or do. Seek instead to listen as deeply as you can. Seek to remember that the one you are listening to has tremendous wisdom in them and if you listen deeply enough they will unravel into their own knowing.
Pull up a chair and seek to listen as deeply as you can. Watch in wonder as the person in front of you slowly unfolds into their own knowing.
When you listen in this way you will know when it is your turn to speak and when it is your turn to listen. But more often than not you will remain silent more of the time. More often than not your main job will be to hold space for someone to access their own wisdom and inner knowing.
Let this be your experiment with life.
See how deeply you can listen as you go through your day today. How deeply can you listen to yourself? How deeply can you listen to others? How deeply can you listen to the whispers of spirit that are all around you?
Resist the urge to jump in prematurely with your words of wisdom or advice giving. Trust that you will know if and when it is your time to speak.
Seek instead to see how deeply you can listen. Remember that the person before you has a depth of wisdom in them and that when given the right kind of time and attention can unfold into this wisdom.
Again let this be your experiment with life.
Listen deeply to yourself.
Listen deeply to others.
Listen deeply to whispers of spirit all around you.
And above all else, listen in such a way that you allow others to unravel into their own answers.
Do not just take my word for it either. Let this truly be your experiment with life. It truly is amazing what happens when you listen deeply.
And so listen deeply today and allow yourself and others to unravel into their own answers. Listen deeply and see what unfolds. Listen deeply and observe what wisdom arises from your own being and observe what wisdom arises from others.
This will take time and patience.
One of the reasons you do not listen deeply is because you are in a rush. Give others the gift of your time and patience.
(When it is yours to give.)
In listening deeply you will know what conversations are yours to have and which are not the ones that are right for you.
In listening deeply you will know when it is time to talk and when it is time to listen.
In listening deeply you will know when it is time to start a conversation and when it is time to end a conversation.
In listening deeply you will know what will best serve the oneness.
So devote today to listening deeply:
Listen deeply to yourself.
Listen deeply to others.
Listen deeply to the whispers of spirit all around you.
See what wisdom unravels in yourself and others when you listen in this way.
Allow this to be your experiment with life today.
~Hayley Mermelstein