I am a radiant being of light.

Deep inside of each one of us is our spirit, our best self, our enlightened self.  Deep inside each one of us is a spark of divinity. We are here on this earth learning to actualize our spirit.  Learning to actualize our best selves.  Learning to actualize our divinity.

Our personalities are evolving.  We are learning and growing.  We make mistakes. And yet there is this place of wholeness with in us.  A place that is untouched by all that has transpired in this lifetime, a place of certainty, of wisdom, of never ending compassion.  I would like to share a guided meditation now to assist you in connecting to your spirit, assist you in connecting to your wisdom, your power, your beauty and your strength. I would like to do a meditation now to assist you in connecting to the light that resides within.

Guided Meditation:

I would like to begin by imaging a pillar of light.  Imagine this pillar of light starting at the top of your head, traveling down your spinal column, down your legs and out your feet.  This is the light of your spirit, your best self, your enlightened self.  Your spirit is wise and your spirit is compassionate, confident and strong. Feel the strength of your spirit.  Feel the confidence of your spirit.  Feel the wisdom of your spirit.  Feel the compassion that resides deep within you and feel the light that resides within.


I am light.
I am light.
I am light.

Feel this light deep within you and remember who you are.  You are a being of light.  You have come to be of service, you have come to learn, to grow, to enjoy.  You have come to share your light with the world.

Affirm now:

I am light.
I am light.
I am light.

See the light with in you growing brighter and brighter now.  Allow this light to fill every cell of your body, every cell of your body becoming illumined with the light of your spirit.  Feel your body filling with light, every cell filling with light.

I am light.
I am light.
I am light.

Allow this light to expand and fill your mind now.  Your thoughts are becoming uplifted, positive, creative and infinitely wise.  Any limited thoughts or attitudes are dissolving in the light of your spirit.  You are becoming brighter and brighter, more and more illumined.  Your mind is filled with the light of your spirit now.  This light is awakening your brilliance, awakening your magnificence, awakening your creativity, awakening your wisdom, awakening the genius within.

I am light.
I am light.
I am light.

Feel this light filling your emotional body now.  Your emotions are becoming balanced, positive, peaceful and serene.  More and more light filling your entire body.

I am light.
I am light.
I am light.

Now allow this light to expand out beyond your body.  Radiating out and filling the room you are sitting in.


I am a radiant being of light.
I am a radiant being of light.
I am a radiant being of light.

You are shining brighter and brighter now, your light becoming more and more radiant.  Remember who you are.

You are a beacon of light.  You have come to bring light and healing to the world.   See yourself as a shining star.

The world needs your light.   Offer your full contribution.
The world needs your light.   Offer your full contribution.
The world needs your light.   Offer your full contribution.

Remember who you are.  Remember who you are.  This is not a time to play small.  This is a time to shine.  Shine brightly now.  Be a light a mist the darkness.

I am a radiant being of light.
I am a radiant being of light.
I am a radiant being of light.

Connect once again to the light within.  Go deeper and deeper now and experience your light.  You are a radiant being of light. You are spirit.  You are the light of the world.  You are divinity itself.  Remember who you are.  Remember who you are.

I am a radiant being of light.
I am a radiant being of light.
I am a radiant being of light.

I am a radiant being of light.
I am a radiant being of light.
I am a radiant being of light.

I am a radiant being of light.
I am a radiant being of light.
I am a radiant being of light.


Take time this week to remember who you are.  Work with this guided meditation and work with the affirmation: I am a radiant being of light.  Repeat the affirmation often and embody it as you go through your day.  Take a walk.  What does it feel like to walk down the street remembering that you are a radiant being of light?  How does your body feel as you embody this affirmation?

Speak with a friend.  How do you speak when you hold this awareness? Do you speak up more?  Are you quieter?  Perhaps you are more discerning about when to speak and when to listen.

Be aware of how you respond to challenges during the week when you remember you are a being of light and that you have come to bring light to the world.  Be open, be flexible and see where this affirmation leads you.

I am filled with appreciation

And as we enter the season of Thanksgiving, I’d like to take a moment and thank all of you for taking the time to read my posts and blogs, for allowing me the great pleasure of doing the work that I love to do and for being in my life as clients, friends, and family members. Thank you for your words of encouragement and appreciation. And thank you for giving me a venue to explore the world of healing, writing and creating. I wish each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

Today’s guided meditation is on appreciation:

Lets take a moment now and begin with the affirmation:

I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.

Take a moment to fill yourself with a feeling of appreciation.  Cultivate appreciation as a state of being.  Cultivate appreciation as a way of being in the world.  Cultivate appreciation so that you may notice all that you have.  Cultivate appreciation so that nothing in your life is taken for granted.

I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.

Feel your depth of appreciation growing now.  Allow appreciation to rise up in you.  Sit in the depth of your appreciation now.

I sit in the depth of my appreciation.
I sit in the depth of my appreciation.
I sit in the depth of my appreciation.

Look around you now.  Look around and begin to appreciate everything in the room around you.  Appreciate the chair that you are sitting on.  Appreciate the people who assembled the chair.  Appreciate the people who delivered the chair.  Appreciate the store that sold you the chair.   Look around you and appreciate each object in the room.  Appreciate the beauty.  Appreciate the effort.  Appreciate all that has been given to you.

I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.

In the hustle and bustle of today’s world it is easy to overlook all the blessings and gifts that have been handed to us.  Make it a daily practice to pause and appreciate.  Make it a daily practice to pause and give thanks.  Make it a practice to express your appreciation on a daily basis, not just to yourself but to others as well.

Take a moment now and think of the people in your life.  Take a moment now to appreciate the people in your life.  Take time today and verbally thank five to ten people for their presence in your life.  Thank loved ones, thank store clerks, thank the random acts of kindness and give thanks for the bigger acts of generosity.  Remember to say thank you both to spirit for all that has been given and to say thank you to others for all that they bring to the table. ( Be extra sure to thank your mother this thanksgiving!)

I am appreciative.
I express my appreciation easily.
I express my appreciation often.
I express my appreciation frequently.
I make the expression of appreciation one of my top priorities.
I am appreciative.

And so thank 5-10 people today and then thank 5-10 people tomarrow and then the next day and the next.  See if you can cultivate an attitude of appreciation and a habit of offering appreciation frequently.  Do this both for yourself and for others.  As you appreciate what you have you will be given more to appreciate.  And as you appreciate others you will offer encouragement and love and deepen the quality of your relationships.  And so be generous with your appreciation and remember to notice the little acts of kindness as well as the larger acts of generosity.

I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.

And now take a moment to sit and simply appreciate your life at this moment.  Yes, there is still much to do and accomplish, still much work to be done on the self, still many things left to learn and yet there is also so much to appreciate.  As you focus your mind on appreciation you will build your confidence, raise your vibration and set in motion the forces of life so that you will find yourself with even more to appreciate.  And so reflect now on five things that you appreciate about your day today or 5 things that you appreciate about your current life circumstances.  Remember that as you cultivate an attitude of appreciation you raise your vibration.  As you raise your vibration you will draw even more to appreciate into your life.

I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with appreciation.

Feel your appreciation deepening now   Feel your appreciation expanding now.  Feel your appreciation radiating out into the world.  Again, cultivate appreciation as a state of being.  Do this for both your own vibrational health and for the benefit of others as well.

And this time, I would like you to offer appreciation for the things you desire to manifest in your life.  I would like you to give thanks now for things, people and life circumstances that are on there way to you.  As you give thanks in advance you help to draw in that which you are working to manifest.   As you give thanks in advance you will draw in that which is meant for you.

I give thanks.
I give thanks for all the love in my life.
I give thanks for my ever increasing prosperity.
I give thanks for my ever increasing health and wellness.
I give thanks for my increased spiritual connection.
I give thanks that I am growing everyday.
I give thanks for the healing of my relationships.
I give thanks for the seen and unseen blessings in my life.
I give thanks.

And so make your own list now.  Give thanks for the blessings that are on your way to you.  Give thanks for that which you wish to manifest as if it is already here.  Give thanks for the seen and unseen blessings.  Give thanks often.  Give thanks frequently.  Let the cultivation of appreciation be of the utmost importance to you.

I am filled with appreciation.
I sit in the depth of my appreciation.
I express my appreciation frequently.
I notice small acts of kindness.
I appreciate all that I have and all that I have been given.
I appreciate seen and unseen blessings.
I appreciate blessings that are on their way to me.
I live a life of appreciation.

And now take a moment to appreciate yourself.  Appreciate the work that you have done.  Appreciate where you are.  Appreciate the efforts made.  Appreciate the places of ease within yourself and the places of struggle.  Take time to appreciate yourself.  As you appreciate your strengths, they will grow.  And as you appreciate your places of growth and learning you will offer yourself a balm that will assist in healing the places that are wounded.  Be honest with yourself but be kind.  Appreciate all that you are learning.  Appreciate all that you bring to the table.  Appreciate your strengths and appreciate the places of weakness.  When you appreciate your weaknesses you will realize that your weaknesses are deepening your compassion for the human condition.  For all have strengths and all have weaknesses.  And when you appreciate yourself in your strengths and weaknesses, it will be easier for your to appreciate others for their strengths and their weaknesses.  All are learning and all are growing and no one is exempt from this process.  And so appreciate it all now.  Appreciate the strengths and assist in calling them forward.  Appreciate the weaknesses and offer yourself and others healing.  Appreciate the weaknesses and allow your appreciation to open your compassion for the human condition which we all share together.

And so open the flood gates of appreciation this thanksgiving season and everyday.  See how much appreciation you can bring into your daily life.  Start an appreciation journal and write down 5-10 things you appreciate each and everyday.  Do this for one year and see what transpires. Take time to express appreciation daily.  Take time to express appreciation for all that you have and remember to give thanks in advance for blessings that are on their way to you.  Let appreciation lead the way today.  Say thank you often.  Appreciate yourself and appreciate others.  Flood the world with appreciation today and begin the process of healing yourself and others.  Allow the appreciation that resides deep within come up to the surface now.  Sit in the depth of your appreciation and radiate your appreciation out into the world.

I sit in the depth of my appreciation.
I appreciate myself and I appreciate others.
I appreciate all that I have.
I appreciate the many gifts in my life.
I express my appreciation to at least 5 people per day.
I keep an appreciation journal.
I give thanks for the seen and unseen blessings in my life.
I give thanks in advance.
I am an appreciative person.
I sit in the depth of my appreciation, and I radiate my appreciation out into the world.
I sit in the depth of my appreciation.

I open to more

I open to more.
I open to more.
I open to more.

I open to more love.
I open to more abundance.
I open to more light.
I open to more adventure.
I open to more vitality.
I open to more depth.
I open to more wisdom.
I open to more work satisfaction.
I open to more contribution.
I open to more new experiences.
I open to more friendships.

I open to more.
I open to more.
I open to more.

Take a moment to appreciate all that you have, and then take a moment to open to more. Take a moment to open to the life that you are meant to live. Take a moment to open to your divine destiny. Take a moment to open to fulfilling the highest potential in each area of your life. Take a moment to open to the universe and open to life. As you release your blockages and open you will drawn in all that you need to fulfill your destiny and achieve your highest potential.

~Hayley Mermelstein

I am filled with the power of spirit

Take a moment today to connect with the infinite well of power that lies within.  There is a place of great strength that lies within.  There is a place of great power that lies within.  There is a place of great confidence that lies within. Take a moment now and connect with the power of your spirit.  Feel the power that lies within you and seek to bring this power forward more and more in your every day life.  Use your power for the good of all humanity.

See yourself as a powerful being of light who has come to make a powerful contribution.  Some will make their contribution through their work.  Some will make their contribution through the raising of a child.  Some will make their contribution by bringing more joy or more compassion or more love or more wisdom to the world.  We each make our contribution in different ways and so do not compare or limit your contribution by making it only related to your work.  Sometimes your contribution is related to your work and sometimes it is related to how you do your work. Sometimes your contribution is to be a healer or a builder or teacher and sometimes your contribution is to spread joy or love or compassion or wisdom.  Seek to offer your full contribution in all that you do, whether it with a kind smile, the forgiving of an offense, the writing of a book, or in doing your job well.  Know that you are more powerful than you realize.  Know that great power lies at the core of your being.  Know that as you focus on the power that lies within you, you will manifest more of your power.  Devote yourself to service every day and use your power to assist all of humanity.  Affirm frequently:

I am filled with the power of spirit.
I am a powerful being of light.
I am powerful, and I use my power for the good of humanity.
I am powerful, and I use my power wisely.
I am powerful, and I radiate my power out into the world.
I am filled with the power of spirit.

~Hayley Mermelstein
Founder of TRCB

Everyone has a story

I attended a conference this past weekend, and as I arrived I joined a group of about 75 people who were mingling in an open auditorium.  The conversation was animated and I found myself in the middle of an interesting discussion when suddenly a meek voice quietly shouted out for everyone to be quiet because he had an announcement.  This person lacked the authority in his voice to sufficiently quiet the crowd, and so the crowd basically went on talking.  He sort of whined again, will everyone please be quiet.  I quieted now as did a few others but found myself annoyed with this man.  I could quiet this group, I thought to myself, somewhat arrogantly.  Why doesn’t he speak up, speak with some authority.  He again asked for everyone to be quiet and at long last the group hushed.   This man was obviously not used to working with groups I thought to myself, again in a somewhat judgmental and impatient tone.

Anyway, the day proceeded, and I went to the first talk and then to talk number two.  The speaker at the second talk was the man who was unable to quiet the crowd in the morning.  I thought, oh no, as he started to talk because I wasn’t overly impressed with his ability to manage the group earlier.  The first words out of his mouth were: “My mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor when I was 9.  She spent two years really sick and in pain.  She died when I was 11 years old.  That event changed my entire life.”  The audience became very quiet.  I grew quiet inside of myself.  Oh damn, I thought to myself, as I cringed inside, if I had known that your mother died when you were 11 years old I would have been nicer to you when I first arrived.  I began to feel a bit like a jerk, to put it mildly.  Its not that I would have done anything different externally, it’s that I would have had been more compassionate and patient when this man was struggling to get control of the group.  I quickly shifted focus and continued to listen to this mans story and the information that he was imparting.

After the talk was over, and as I write this now, I realize that the most important thing I got from this person was the reminder that everyone has a story.  I remember my meditation teacher, Ellen Tadd, saying that if we saw deep enough into someone and if we knew their story we would naturally be flooded with a feeling of compassion.  In this case, my impatience and judgmentalness was quickly replaced with compassion as I heard this mans story.

So often, we don’t have the opportunity to hear someone’s story.  Our lives are filled with quick encounters and quick interactions.  We get annoyed or judgmental or impatient but perhaps if we did see deeply enough or knew someone’s story those feelings would be replaced with patience and compassion.  And so for today I am taking time to remind myself that everyone has a story, whether I happen to know that story or not.  Everyone has suffered.  Everyone has experienced great pain.  For today, I remind myself of the words of Plato who said:  “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

And so I share my little story with you to remind you as I remind myself:  Everyone’s got a story.  Everyone has suffered.  Everyone has experienced loss and pain.  And so for today let’s work on embodying a deeper compassion for the human condition.

As I write I hear this message:

“Life can be challenging and everyone is engaged in some kind of battle and so train yourself to bring more and more compassion to your daily life.  Start with compassion for yourself for despite your best efforts you will fall, you will be impatient and judgmental.  The important thing is to pick yourself up each time you fall and challenge yourself to hold compassion for longer and longer periods of time.  Devote the next ten minutes of your day to compassion.  With each interaction and with each person that comes to mind, see if you can hold compassion for that person, no matter how annoying or irrational or just plain wrong they may seem on the surface.  Do not confuse compassion with sympathy or with being overly nice or accommodating.  In compassion you may say yes or you may say no.  But when you hold compassion you will recognize that everyone is learning, everyone is growing and that everyone has a story.  When you are in a true compassion you will want to do what most serves the growth of the individual.  When in a true compassion you will stay patient with the learning process that everyone is involved in.  And so remember today that everyone has a story.  Remember that everyone is fighting a battle, whether you can see it or not.  Remember that everyone is learning and everyone is growing and everyone is on a long, long journey home.

Aspire to bring more compassion to your daily life.  Aspire to be a beacon of compassion.  Aspire to be the one who sees.  Aspire to be the one who understands.  Hold yourself to a higher standard than is commonly expected in your culture.  Hold yourself to a standard of excellence.  Focus on compassion for yourself and focus on compassion for others.  In this way, you will become a beacon of light for many and offer healing by your very presence alone.  Your world needs more compassion.  Your world needs more understanding.  Seek to be the one, instead of waiting for others to lead the way.  Set a new tone.  Hold a higher standard.  Aspire daily to bring more compassion to your daily life.  Let this be your experiment this week, and be aware of how this transforms and heals you and how it affects your environment. “

Affirm frequently:

I am filled with compassion.
I am filled with compassion.
I am filled with compassion.

I am filled with compassion for myself.
I am filled with compassion for others.
I am filled with compassion for all of humanity.

Everyone’s got a story.
Everyone’s got a battle.

I aspire to a new level.
I hold a new standard.
I hold a vibration of love and compassion more and more everyday.

I am filled with compassion.
I am filled with compassion.
I am filled with compassion.

Work with this affirmation through out the week and remember that everyone’s got a story. Remember that everyone is learning and remember that everyone is growing.  Know that if you knew the story you would naturally be flooded with compassion.  And so remind yourself daily that everyone has a story.  Sometimes the story has taken place in this lifetime and sometimes the story has taken place in a previous lifetime.  But know that everyone has a story.   Everyone is learning and everyone is growing.

“As you grow in your ability to hold compassion this will positively impact you, your health, your vibration, your level of awareness, how you manifest in your life and will impact your relationship with others.  Aspire daily to an elevated awareness.  Aspire daily to bring more compassion to your world. Aspire daily and you shall be successful.

Affirm frequently:

I am filled with compassion.
I am filled with compassion.
I am filled with compassion.

And continue to remind yourself that everyone, including you has a story.  As you grow in your compassion you will emanate a vibration that will assist in transforming not only the people you interact with but you and your life as well.  Compassion is the pinnacle spiritual principle, aspire daily to bring more of it into your life.  Do not be so concerned about how others are treating you, instead turn your attention to how you are treating others.  In the end it is your own thoughts and behavior that you will need to account for and so do not try to control others instead work on your own evolution and know that there is an force of life that is working with each individual.  As you grow and evolve you will naturally bring others along with you who will learn from your example and emanation.  And so do not worry so much about the actions of others, seek to be the best that you can be and allow others the space they need to learn and grow.  All shall eventually be successful.”

Work with the theme of compassion this week and allow it to transform you, your environment, your relationships and your quality of life.

I send light to the world

In today’s world it can be helpful to have tools to promote the healing of ourselves, others, and the world at large. One technique is the sending of gold light. Take a moment today and send light to the world at large. When you send light you send all of the qualities of spirit. When you send light, you send love. You send peace. You send strength. You send sensi…tivity. You send healing energy. And so imagine now the earth in front of you. Imagine waves and waves of celestial light pouring down upon the earth. See the whole earth being immersed with gold light. Know that as you do this you are raising the vibration of all of humanity, and elevating consciousness and awareness. And so continue to see waves and waves of gold light shining down upon the earth and allow this gold light to flood the planet. Ask, that all who are suffering be uplifted by the light. Ask that all who are lonely find comfort by the light. Ask that all of humanity be elevated by the light so that peace can prevail and healing can occur. Continue to see waves and waves of gold light penetrating the earth. See the whole earth being showered in scintillating golden light. See more and more light shining down upon the earth. Infuse the world with light. Raise the vibration. Elevate consciousness. Send peace. Send healing. Send love. Send trust. Send strength. Send sensitivity. Send light to the earth daily, and ask that this light be a healing force in the world. Know that as you send this light that you are adding light to the earth. And so one last time shower the earth with light, and allow this light to infuse all of humanity. Send light to the world at large and ask that the light go where it is needed. Do not fight darkness with darkness. Instead send light, and allow the light to raise consciousness and awareness. Allow light to bring healing. Allow light to bring in divine will. Send light, and shower the earth and all of humanity with healing energy.

And now shower yourself with gold light. Shower yourself with love, with healing, with compassion, with confidence and with strength. Immerse yourself in this gold light and allow it to uplift you. Allow it to take you higher. Allow it to elevate your consciousness and awareness. See waves and waves of gold light showering down upon you, and allow this light to bring you the healing that you need today. For some it will be a physical healing. For some it will be a shift in attitude. Some will feel deeper peace and love and others will step into greater wisdom and clarity. Shower yourself with light today, and allow the light to fill you with whatever it is you need.

“And so make sending light to yourself and sending light to the earth a daily practice. There are so many productive ways to use the mind. Instead of dwelling in negativity and contributing to the vibration of discord and fighting and hatred, spend time everyday sending light to yourself and light to the earth. It need not take more than a minute or two. Interrupt your negative thinking and instead send light. Send light to yourself. Send light to others. Send light to the world. Learn to train your mind to be a source of healing and upliftment. Seek to rise above the negativity and despair. Be a source of light for yourself and others. Use your mind productively and for the healing of yourself and the planet. Send light daily and see how this transforms both your own world and the world at large.”

Affirm frequently:

I send light.
I send light to myself.
I send light to others.
I send light to the earth, and all of humanity.

I have a trained mind.
I use my mind for my own healing, the healing of others, and the healing of the planet.
My light is a healing force in the world.
The world needs my light. I offer my full contribution.

I send light.
I send light.
I send light.
I send light.

Hayley Mermelstein

Light is all around me

Take a moment and imagine that you are in a waterfall of golden light. Imagine a celestial golden light coming down from the heavens and your entire being is being showered in this light. Imagine every cell of your body being showered in this light. Allow the gold light to elevate your awareness. Allow the gold light to take you higher and higher. Allow the light to raiseyour vibration. Allow the gold light to sweep away any limited attitudes, replacing those attitudes with a feeling of expansion, possibility, creativity and unlimited potential. Continue to shower yourself with this golden light now. Gold light is the color of the enlightened individual. It is filled with trust, with wisdom, with creativity, with power, with confidence, with love, with compassion and with healing. As you shower yourself with light you shower yourself with all of the spiritual principles. Allow the light to elevate you and raise your vibration. Allow the light to awaken your wisdom, your clarity, your love and your compassion. Allow the light to awaken your creativity, your kindness, you power and your strength. Shower yourself daily with gold light and be aware of how this affects the quality of your day.

Affirm frequently:

Celestial golden light shines down upon me.
I am enveloped in gold light.
This gold light elevates my awareness.
This gold light raises my vibration.
This gold light sweeps away any limited beliefs.
This gold light fills me with a feeling of expansion and a feeling of possibility.
This gold light awakens my wisdom, my love, my compassion, my strength and my power.
This gold light awakens my creativity, my confidence, my trust, and my expressiveness.
This gold light fills me with all of the principles of spirit.
This gold light fills me with the qualities of the enlightened individual.
I am enveloped in light.
I walk in light.
I am light, and light is all around me.
Celestial golden light shines down upon me.

~Hayley Mermelstein
TRCB Founder

The 15 minute rule

When I was in acupuncture school my friend and I made up “the 15 minute rule.” Actually, I’m not even sure if we made it up or simply heard about it somewhere. Anyway, our version of the rule was that we had to spend at least 15 minutes per day studying. Now, I realize this sounds like a very short period of time. But the trick was that it was every single day and that it …got me to sit down and begin. I found that if I just started, if I just sat down, I’d often get into it. In fact, it seemed that the hardest thing to do about studying was starting. Once I began I would sometimes stick to my 15 minutes but more often than not, I would study for longer periods of time. The key to my success as a student came from my 15 minute rule. I rarely crammed for an exam because I was such a regular studier, even if it was only for 15 minutes. Just recently I came across this same concept for house cleaning. The article suggested that you devote 15 minutes per day to house cleaning. Now once again, one could yell out, but this isn’t enough. And while it may not be enough, 15 minutes per day adds up to almost 2 hours of house cleaning per week which is a lot more than zero!

Recently, I decided to apply this same rule to the “marketing” of my business. I’m a healer. I like to focus on healing, writing, creating, sharing. I do well at these things but am not as good about going out into the world and letting people know about Tong Ren Chakra Balancing, about my acupuncture practice, about my energy healing practice, about my cd’s and my books. In fact, I have resisted it terribly. Just recently I had someone suggest that I make one call or take one action per day in relation to the promotion of my various projects. This instantly reminded me of my 15 minutes per day rule. Of course, 15 minutes per day. Spend a minimum of 15 minutes per day promoting your business. Seems like such a simple concept and again seems like not enough time. But one action per day times 365 days per year adds up! So, I’m just embarking on this endeavor. Its been a whole 5 days now(which of course, gives me total license to write about it!) In that time, I’ve promoted this page, called two md’s, and written an article for a magazine. Of course, some of these actions took more than 15 minutes but the point is that breaking it down to devoting 15 minutes per day towards the sharing of my work with the world has suddenly made a daunting task feel more manageable. Some days my action step is a quick phone call, other days it’s the writing of an article. In the past I would stare blankly out into the vast world of options and become paralyzed. Since starting my 15 minutes per day project, it suddenly doesn’t seem so daunting. Just one action step a day. Even I can handle that!

The beauty of the 15 minute a day rule is that it can help get us going in any area of our life where we feel blocked. If your not exercising create a 15 minute rule for yourself. Walk for 15 minutes a day. Do something. Do anything. Just get the energy moving. If your home or office is a mess challenge yourself to spending 15 minutes per day restoring order. 15 minutes times 365 days per year adds up.

I think we, myself included, can get overwhelmed by the many tasks that we have in a day and can overwhelmed by the projects before us. I suggest that you take an area of your life that needs more attention and start by devoting just 15 minutes per day to it. This will help the task feel less daunting and allow you to break it up into doable steps. If you aren’t sure what to do, well just do something, it will help move the energy. Day by day, week by week, change will occur.

As I’m writing I hear this message:

“Too many are looking for the big moves, the big steps, the big action, when so much of life is made up of the little things: the writing of the letter, the 15 minutes of straightening up, the quick phone call. Do not over look these seemingly small action steps for one by one, little by little, they add up and before long you have mastered an art, built a business, gotten in shape, lost the weight, or saved the money. It’s the little things done on a daily basis that create the basis for our lives. Do not overlook the little things. Do not overlook the small steps and changes. Break down your task into small steps and they will seem more doable. If you haven’t exercised in years start with a 10-15 minute walk everyday. If you understood the power of walking 15 minutes per day and how it could transform your health you would for sure begin to day.”

And so again, pick some area of your life where you feel blocked and commit to working on it for 15 minutes a day.
Know that at first you will resist. You won’t want to. Be brave. Be courageous. If you can push through this initial resistance you will find yourself looking forward to your 15 minutes a day and your 15 minutes may become 20 or 25 or longer. But start small and be consistent.

“Too many overestimate what can happen in a short period of time and underestimate what can happen over a longer period of time. And so begin today by devoting 15 minutes to some area of your life that feels blocked. Let this be your commitment to yourself, to your body, to your home, to your business, to your studies, or to whatever area in your life needs it. Begin today and see how this transforms the quality of your life. Remember slow and steady wins the race.”

~Hayley Mermelstein

I am spirit and I am learning

Spirit and learning

I am spirit.
I am learning.
I am good.

Everyone is spirit.
Everyone is learning.
Everyone is good.

We are all learning and growing.
We all make mistakes.

Our behavior is evolving but our essential self is good.

As I focus on the goodness of my spirit, I manifest more of my goodness.

As I focus on the greatness that lies within, I manifest more of my greatness.

I am spirit.
I am learning.
I am good.

~Hayley Mermelstein

From Advanced TRCB: The Book of Affirmations (coming this fall)

Sit in your radiance

Sit in your radiance. Sit in your wisdom. Sit in the knowing of who you truly are. When you know who you truly are you will be less affected by the opinions of others. When you know who you truly are you will actualize more and more of your best self. Those who do not behave well have forgotten who they and so have compassion for yourself and for others for it is easy to forget your true identity. It is easy to forget the tremendous greatness that lies within. And so seek to remember who you are and to actualize your true spiritual nature more and more. As you do this you will become a beacon of light for many and you will help others remember their true spiritual nature as well. And so go forth and shine brightly now for each is needed. The world needs your light and so offer your full contribution. Have patience and compassion with your self and have patience and compassion for others. For all are learning and all are growing and all are on a long journey home.

~Hayley Mermelstein