Stepping out of your comfort zone

“You may be challenged to do things that cause you discomfort, that cause you to stretch. Be brave. Be bold. Dare yourself to step out of your comfort zone on a daily basis for this is the way of growth. If it is scary for you to reach out then reach out. If it is scary for you to spend time alone then spend time alone. Follow your bliss and your passions and at the same time challenge those places in you that are afraid. If it is scary to speak in public then you must speak in public. Challenge yourself daily for this is the way of growth. If you are to achieve what you came here to achieve then you must be comfortable doing the uncomfortable. It is simply a fact of life. Many say follow your bliss and while this is true, you must remember that in following your bliss you will inevitably hit up against uncomfortable places. Do not pull back. Instead challenge yourself daily to stretch and grow and do the thing that you are afraid to do. This is part of your clear priority. Part of your clear priority is growth, is expansion, is discovering what you are truly capable of. And so follow your bliss, follow that which calls to you and at the same time challenge yourself to do that which scares you. Not in a reckless sort of way but in a guided sort of way. You will be guided to the edge of your comfort zone and then will be asked to step outside of your comfort zone, for this is the way of growth. Learn to step outside of your comfort zone. If you talk to much, practice listening. If you are comfortable being the hermit practice being more out there in the world. Honor who you are but at the same time challenge yourself to grow and learn for in this way you can live a life of actualization and fulfillment. And so step out, be brave, offer your contribution and know your clear priorities. Stretch, learn, grow, develop and step out into unfamiliar territory for this is the way of growth. Do not be timid any longer. You are each needed. Step out, express, say what needs to be said, be bold, be loud, be quiet, be courageous. You will be rewarded for your bravery.”

~Hayley Mermelstein
Founder of TRCB

I am light

Take a moment and see yourself as a being of light. See yourself as a being of light on a divine mission. You have come to bring light to the earth. You have come to bring light to the people. You have come as a messenger of light. Do not forget your divine mission. Do not forget why you are here and why you have come. See yourself as a being of light who has come to bring light to th…e planet. See yourself as a being of light who has come to bring light to the people. The world needs your light. Offer your full contribution.

Also remember that you are human and learning. Know that the earth is a school and that you have come to learn, to grow and to share. Remember that you have strengths and weaknesses. Be okay with your humanness. You are learning and you are growing. Learn to embrace both the light and the divinity and the humanness and learning. Ypu are human and you are learning and you are spirit and filled with great divinity. You have come to learn and grow and so do not be so disappointed by the mistakes, the stumbles, the falls. They are part of the plan as well. So embrace that you are here as a student, as a learner, and embrace that you are also on a divine mission. A mission to spread the light. Ultimately, you are a being of light who has come to bring light to the earth. The world needs your light. Do not hold back. The world needs your light. Offer your full contribution.

Affirm frequently:

I am light.
I am the light of the world.
I am the miracle.
All who come into my presence are healed.

I am light and I offer my light to the world.
I am light and I bring light to the darkness.
I am light and I bring light to the people.
I am light and I offer my full contribution.

I am light.
I am the light of the world.
I am the miracle.
All who come into my presence are healed.

~Hayley Mermelstein
TRCB Founder

Embrace, embrace, embrace

Learn to embrace the various circumstances in your life, even the unwanted circumstances. Understand that everything that transpires in your life has come for your learning. Everything has come to serve you. When you learn to embrace even the unwanted circumstances, you will more easily see what the learning is for you. But do not confuse this embracing with passivit…y. Often, you are learning to be bold, to be clear, to be direct and firm. And so embrace your various life circumstances. Welcome them in, invite them to the table. Ask, “What have you come to teach me?” Perhaps you are learning patience or love or compassion or understanding or strength or power or courage. Welcome the various circumstances of your life and look for the learning. When you understand what you are learning you can more easily walk through a challenging situation. Sometimes you will not know until after a circumstance is over what you are learning. In that case you must trust that the situation, no matter how unwanted, has a gift for you, has something that it is has come to teach you. And so once again learn to embrace your various life circumstances, welcome them in. In this way you will not add to the difficulty by your layers of resistance. In the words of Eckhart Tolle: “Resist Nothing”.

This concept of embracing, welcoming and accepting is governed by the solar plexus. To further cultivate this attitude you can take your Tong Ren doll and hammer and tap on the solar plexus of the Tong Ren doll and affirm:

I embrace, I embrace, I embrace.
I welcome. I welcome. I welcome.
I welcome the various circumstances of my life for I know that everything has something to teach me.
I welcome. I welcome. I welcome.
I accept. I accept. I accept.
I allow. I allow. I allow.
I allow and I look for the learning.
I resist nothing. I resist nothing. I resist nothing.
I embrace. I embrace. I embrace.
I embrace and I look for the learning.

Embrace all that transpires today and look for learning. Sometimes you will be learning to say yes and sometimes you will be learning to say no. Sometimes you are learning to be strong and sometimes you are learning to be sensitive. Embrace all that transpires today so that you can learn from it. Once you have learned what you needed to learn the situation can change and evolve. The embrace of the various life circumstances allow this process to happen more smoothly and sometimes more quickly as well.

Practice embracing both wanted and unwanted circumstances today and remember to ask what you are learning. Be aware of how this impacts the quality of your day.

~Hayley Mermelstein

I am special

We are each special. We all have special gifts, talents and strengths. We all have something that makes us unique. Take a moment today to connect with your specialness. Take a moment to connect with that which makes you unique. Take a moment to embody and experience your specialness. Affirm frequently through out the day:

I am special.
I have special gifts.
I have special tal…ents.
I have special powers.
I have special qualities that only I have.
I am special and we are all special.
I am special.

Connect with that place within that is special. Imagine that you have a golden crown on your head and that you have royalty coursing though your veins. Feel your specialness. Experience yourself as special. Do not confuse this with being superior to others, for everyone is special and everyone has a unique gift that they bring to the table. Embrace your specialness today. Seek to see yourself as special. Pretend, if need be, that you have special and magical powers that only you know about and possess. Embody the feeling of specialness. Embrace the feeling of specialness. Know that you are special and that everyone you come in contact is special. Strive to treat yourself as if you are special and strive to treat others as if they are special as well. Let this be your experiment today and see what transpires.

~Hayley Mermelsetin

I know what to do

I had a friend point out to me several years ago that I had a tendency to say, “I don’t know” a lot. For example, maybe I’d be telling a story about a friend and at the end of the story I’d through in something like: “I don’t know, people are complicated.” or “I don’t know, we will just have to see how this unfolds”. If you believe in the power of words and the power of affirmations, if you believe that the body believes every word you tell it then the affirmation, “I don’t know isn’t something you want to go around affirming. It would simply strengthen the idea that we don’t know. I was appreciative of my friend for pointing this out to me, and now I make a habit of catching myself when I go to say “I don’t know.” I will usually replace it with, “When the time is right I will know, or I will know what to do. or even I know what to do, depending on the situation.

Take some time today to watch your words, and to watch your expressions. If you catch yourself affirming I don’t know antidote it with something like: When the time is right I will know or better yet simply affirm:

I know what to do.
I know what to do.
I know what to do.

Affirm: I know what to do, and then allow knowing to come to you. Again, it is said that the body believes every word that you tell it. Affirm knowing and watch to see what transpires as you go through your day. As you affirm that you know, a quiet knowing will arise. Perhaps not in that very moment, but little by little knowing will descend upon you. Practice this for today, practice embodying an attitude of knowing. Affirm often:

I know what to do.
I know what to do.
I know what to do.

Hold yourself with confidence. Fake it until you make it. Affirm knowing throughout the day, and allow the vibration of knowing to fill you. As you do you will gain access to your deeper knowing for what you focus on comes forward. What you focus on grows. And so for today, focus on that part of you that knows. Affirm: I know what to do and see what transpires. Let this be your experiment today. Suspend disbelief for one day, just put it aside and work with this affirmation today. The results may surprise you. You may be surprised to witness the knowing that does arise. We all have more wisdom than we currently realize. All are more competent and capable than they think. There is a place of great wisdom that lies within. Focus on this wisdom and you will gain greater access to it.

In chakra language the third eye is the center of wisdom, clarity, the mountain top view, the spiritual perspective, knowing and clairvoyant sight. One way to activate knowing is to tap on the third eye of the Tong Ren doll with your tong ren hammer and affirm:

I know what to do.
I know what to do.
I know what to do.

Let this be your affirmation today. Affirm frequently: I know what to do. I know what to do. I know what to do. Allow these words and the tapping to assist you in stepping into your wisdom and your deep knowing about what is right for you. Sometimes your knowing will tell you to seek out help. Other times your knowing will guide you to be patient. Sometimes your knowing will guide you to be bold. Affirm frequently: I know what to do, and see what inner wisdom arises. Let this be your experiment for the day. Affirm frequently:

I know what to do.
I know what to do.
I know what to do.

Affirm: I know what to do, and step into your wisdom. Affirm: I know what do, and step into your strength. Affirm: I know what to do, and step into your certainty. Affirm: I know what to do, and step into the life that you were meant to live. Affirm frequently: I know what to do, and allow these words to activate that part of you that does know what to do. Try this for a day and let the results amaze you.

I know what to do.
I know what to do.
I know what to do.

Elevate, elevate, elevate

Elevate you thinking. Elevate your words. Elevate your actions. Elevate your vibration. In this way you will offer your full contribution in all that you think, say, and do. In this way you will raise your vibration and contribute to the healing of the planet. The world needs your light. Offer your full contribution. Seek to elevate your awareness. Seek to elevate your c…onsciousness. Bring an elevated state of mind to all you do. Look for the spiritual perfection in all that transpires. Look for the learning. In this way you will maintain an elevated awareness and offer your full contribution. Let this be your focus for today.

Affirm often.

My thinking is elevated.
My words are elevated.
My actions are inspired.
I raise my vibration.
I offer my full contribution and
I actualize my best self in everyday life.
The world needs my light.
I offer my full contribution in all that i think, say and do.
I look for the learning.
I look for the spiritual perfection.
I maintain an elevated awareness.
I raise my own vibration and contribute to the healing of the planet.

As it is said: “Let there be peace on earth and may it begin with me.”

~Hayley Mermelstein

I serve the oneness

I was reminded last night that at the spiritual level there is consensus. At the spiritual level what is right for me is also right for you. At the deepest level we are in agreement. When you are unsure of what is best you can go into meditation and ask what would serve the oneness? What is best for all concerned? Strive to listen deeply and you will be guided. Do not feel guilty when you do what is truly best for yourself. Do not feel guilty when you cannot fill the needs of others. If you continually respond to the needs of others you will not accomplish that which you are here to accomplish. Strive to be true to yourself. Strive to offer your full contribution. Strive to offer the contribution that you came to offer. Listen deeply and you will know which needs are yours to fill and which are not. Listen deeply and you will know what is your path of contribution and what is not. Listen deeply and you will be guided in your path of actualization and contribution. Listen deeply and you will know what is yours to do and what is not. This level of listening is essential if you are to fulfill your life’s purpose. To many are pulled in multiple directions, losing their focus due to this lack of clarity. Ask yourself, is this mine to do? Does this contribute to my life’s purpose or pull me off course. Strive to listen deeply so that you know that which is yours to do and that which isn’t. Too many spend their days responding to the needs of others and not attending to that which is truly part of their path to attend to. Listen deeply so you will know that which is yours to do and that which is not. Know that at the spiritual level their is consensus. Trust that when you are connected to the depth of your being and listening deeply to that which is yours to do you serve everyone. Strive to listen deeply and you will be guided. Do not strive to please the personality of others. For the personality is often not connected to this deep well of knowing. Instead devote yourself to spirit and devote yourself to listening deeply to the attunement of the moment. In this way you will be less focused on pleasing the personality of others and more focused on doing what is truly attuned. In this way you will be focused on pleasing a force of life that is working for the good of all of humanity. Train yourself to listen deeper to what is truly yours to do and you will be successful.

Affirm often:

I serve the oneness.
I serve the oneness of which I am a part.
When I do what is truly best for myself, I serve everyone.
At the spirit level there is consensus.
At the spirit level we are all in agreement.
At the spirit level what is truly best for one is right for the whole.
I listen deeply, and I do what is best for all concerned.
I serve the oneness.

~Hayley Mermelstein

I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.

I recently came across this affirmation when I was reading about Paul Braggs, a spiritual seeker and advocate of fasting and healthy eating.  Evidently this was an affirmation he used daily and gave to his students to work with as well.  It peeked my interest so I thought we could work with this affirmation today.

And so, lets begin by affirming:

I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.

Take a moment to embody this affirmation.  Put all preconceived notions about yourself aside and simply “try on “ this affirmation.  How does it feel to see yourself as a genius?  How does it feel to awaken you inner genius in this way?

I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.

Take a moment to become aware that there is a place of greatness inside of you.  Take a moment to become aware that you have unique strengths and talents that no one else has.  Take a moment to become aware that there is genius that lies within you just waiting to be recognized and brought to the light of day.

Everyone is special.  Everyone is unique.  And what you focus on you bring forward and so for today focus on the genius that lies with in you and affirm:

I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.

“See yourself as a genius and allow that which is special and unique about you to come forward. Do not listen to the voices both internally and externally that tell you that this is not so.  These are the voices of insecurity and jealousy.  Learn to have compassion for those that are so easily threatened and instead focus on the greatness that lies within.   All have the seeds of greatness within them.  All have unique talents and gifts.  All have great genius that lies within.  And so for today focus on your inner genius and in so doing help to bring that genius forward more and more.”

I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.

Close your eyes for a moment now and bring to mind a situation that you’d like to consult your inner genius about.  Bring your awareness up to the center of your forehead, your third eye, and imagine a golden triangle in the center of your forehead.  Hold the vision of this golden triangle as a way to activate your third eye, the center for wisdom and clarity.  Hold this vision for approximately 30 seconds.

Now imagine a round window in the center of your forehead.  If you have a question, ask your question now and then gently peer through this round window in the center of your forehead.  How do you perceive this situation when you look through the center of wisdom and clarity?  How do you perceive this situation when you are accessing your inner genius?  What insights come forward?

You may receive insights in this moment or they may come to you as you go through your day.

I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.

See yourself as a genius. Know that there is greatness that lies within and seek to bring this greatness forward more and more.  Do not hold your greatness back any longer.  The greatness within desires to be seen and acknowledged.  The greatness within desires to come forward.   Let the greatness within shine forth now without apology or explanation.  So many fear making others feel bad and so they hold back their greatness in protection to others.  But in actuality, as each one allows their greatness to shine you pave the way for others to allow their greatness to come forward as well.  And so focus on the greatness that lies within you today and know that you have genius that lies within you.  As you focus on this genius you will help to bring this genius forward more and more.  And so let this affirmation be your affirmation for today and perhaps one of your daily affirmations.  Work with this affirmation often to help activate your inner genius.

I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom now.

This time bring to mind a second situation that you would like insight and clarity about.  Bring your awareness to your crown chakra located at the top of your head and affirm:

I am open to guidance.
I am open to guidance.
I am open to guidance.

Your crown chakra is the center for trust, devotion, happiness, spontaneity, oneness, unity and connection.  It is also the doorway to spirit. Another way in which you access genius is to learn to open to a spiritual force of life that is greater than yourself.  When you learn to open this way you gain access to the genius of your guides and the genius of the spiritual oneness.

Continue to affirm:

I am open to guidance.
I am open to guidance.
I am open to guidance.

Open now to a force of life that is greater than yourself.  Open to the wisdom of your spiritual guides and open to the wisdom of the universal oneness.   Plug into this force of life that is greater than yourself.  If you have a question you may ask it or you simply can sit in openness and allow a spiritual insight or creative idea to simply come to you from on high.

Part of your genius is your ability to connect to a force of life that is greater than yourself.  Part of your genius is your ability to access knowledge and ideas and insights beyond your current capacity.  And so open now to guidance from a force of life that is greater than yourself.  Open and allow creative ideas, insights and awareness to come to you.  These skills, the skill of learning to use your third eye and the skill of learning to open your crown chakra will give you access to your own inner genius and the genius and insight of your guides and the spiritual oneness.

I am a genius and I apply my wisdom.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom.

And so work with this affirmation daily.  Also work with accessing your third eye and opening your crown chakra so that you have greater access to your own inner genius and the genius of the spiritual oneness and guides.

I am a genius and I apply my wisdom.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom.

Remember that there is greatness within you and that you are more capable than you realize.  As you learn to focus upon this greatness you will bring more of your greatness forward.  Also as you learn to open to guidance from your spiritual guides and the spiritual oneness you will have access to wisdom, creativity, insight and awareness that goes beyond your current capacity.  As you learn to plug in in this way you will gain greater access to the genius of the universe.  A force of life far greater than yourself will become available to you.  And so connect within and activate your own inner genius and connect to the spiritual forces that are all around you and have access to a level of creativity and genius that is bigger than you.  Affirm daily:

I am a genius and I apply my wisdom.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom.
I am a genius and I apply my wisdom.

Cultivating Positive Expectancy

I am filled with positive expectancy

I am filled with positivity.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I expect the best possible outcome.
I expect things to change in my favor.
I expect the goodness of the universe.
I expect new opportunities.
I expect something wonderful to happen.
I expect to be at the right place at the right time.
I expect divine intervention.
I expect divine synchronicity.
I expect healing.
I expect learning.
I expect growth.
I expect the silver lining.
I expect divine love.
I expect supernatural abundance.
I expect miracles.

What I focus on grows.
What I focus on comes forward.
I aim my focus wisely.

I expect divine favor.
I expect divine good fortune.
I expect the best possible outcome for all concerned.
I couple my expectancy with wisdom and wise decision-making.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positivity.

I wrote this affirmation after listening to a talk on positive expectancy.  It is easy, I realized, to think about the worst possible scenario or to dwell in fear or negativity or worry.  These states seem to come naturally to most of us and don’t require much vigilance.   Staying in positivity and positive expectancy that is more of a discipline and cultivation.  What would it be like to start the day looking for the good?  What would it be like to look for miracles?  To look for possibilities?   What would it be like to really embrace the idea that there are spiritual forces of life that are working with us to assist us in our life’s journey?

During last nights meditation class we explored some of these themes.  I thought I’d share some of that exploration with all of you.

Lets begin today’s meditation with the affirmation:

I am filled with positive expectancy
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.

Positive expectancy resides in the crown chakra, the center for trust, devotion, inspiration, positivity, spontaneity and connection to spirit.

Allow yourself to sit in this energy now.  Feel the open and expanded feeling at the top of your head.  Feel your connection and unity and oneness with all of life.  Remember that you are not alone.  Remember that powerful beings of light are all around you assisting you in your life’s path.  Remember that these forces of life want you to be successful, want you to bring your work out into the world, want you to actualize your best self and offer your full contribution.  We are here on earth to learn, to grow, to contribute and to enjoy. Sometimes difficult experiences are needed for growth and learning.  Know that your challenges have come to help you grow.  Learn to embrace your challenges and learn to look for the learning.  Any situation can be filled with positivity when you know what you are learning.

I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.

Take an area of your life where you feel discouraged, bring this part of your life to mind and then fill yourself with positive expectancy.

I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.

Sit in this feeling of positive expectancy now.  When you are in this open state ideas will come to you.  Creative solutions will fill your mind. When you are in this open state you will be able to hear the whispers of spirit that are guiding you in your path of fulfillment.

I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.

Now this time, I would like you to bring your awareness to your third eye, located in the center of your forehead.  This is the center for wisdom and clarity.  We always want to couple our deep trust in life with wisdom and clarity.  Children trust.  There crowns are wide open but trust alone can be dangerous.  A young child will get into a car with almost any stranger.  As adults we want to couple our trust in life with wisdom and discernment and wise decision-making.  And so this time sit in positive expectancy, sit in the knowledge that powerful forces of light are working with you.  Sit in the awareness that all of life is conspiring in your favor, wishing you growth and learning and actualization.  And at the same time bring your awareness to the center of your forehead.  I would like you to activate your third eye by holding a vision of a triangle in your minds eye (focus and concentration help to strengthen the third eye).  Hold this vision of a triangle for 30 seconds.  Now let go of the image of the triangle and imagine a round window in the center of your forehead. Look at the area of your life that you have brought to mind.  It can be a relationship, your finances, your work, your health and wellness.  Look at this situation and ask, what can I do to improve this situation?  What action do I need to take?  Gently peer out of your third eye and see what you see.  Allow the third eye to guide you in appropriate action.  Sometimes you will be guided to take steps forward and sometimes you will be guided to be patient and simply sit in positive expectancy.

I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positive expectancy.

And so, once again, we want to remember to couple our positive expectancy with wisdom and clarity and wise decision-making.  We want to couple our deep trust in life with discernment and awareness.  What we focus on grows.  What we focus on comes forward.  Learn to aim your focus wisely.  Learn to look for the learning.  Learn to look for the growth.  Begin your day with the question, What miracles will come my way today?  What good fortune will unfold today?  Couple this optimism with wisdom and clarity.  Learn to go through your day with your crown chakra open and couple this openness with the wisdom and clarity of the third eye.  My meditation teacher says go through your day looking through the center of your forehead.

And so stay in positive expectancy today and at the same time  stay focused in the third eye.  You can do this by imagining a round window in the center of your forehead and peering out of this window as your go through your day.  In this way your crown will be open and you will have access to your guides and you will be centered in wisdom and clarity and have access to the your own deep inner wisdom.  Be trusting, have faith and couple this trust and faith with great wisdom and discernment.

And so affirm one last time:

I am filled with positivity.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I expect the best possible outcome.
I expect things to change in my favor.
I expect the goodness of the universe.
I expect new opportunities.
I expect something wonderful to happen.
I expect to be at the right place at the right time.
I expect divine intervention.
I expect divine synchronicity.
I expect healing.
I expect learning.
I expect growth.
I expect the silver lining.
I expect divine love.
I expect supernatural abundance.
I expect miracles.

What I focus on grows.
What I focus on comes forward.
I aim my focus wisely.

I expect divine favor.
I expect divine good fortune.
I expect the best possible outcome for all concerned.
I couple my expectancy with wisdom and wise decision-making.
I am filled with positive expectancy.
I am filled with positivity.

~Affirmation from Advanced TRCB- The Book of Affirmations
(coming this fall!)


Cultivating Confidence

I took a stand with a friend a few days ago who was trying to talk me into doing something I didn’t want to do.  And although I was clear in the moment I found myself feeling guilty afterwards.  Deep down, I knew the stand that I took was appropriate but the caregiver in me still has trouble saying no sometimes.  As a way to alleviate my guilt I began to search for an affirmation that would help bring me back to balance.  I went  through each of the chakras as a way to methodically begin my search.  I started with the crown chakra and repeated:  I serve the oneness.  Nice affirmation I say to myself, but I can feel that it’s not releasing my turmoil.  I move to the third eye:  I am wise.  Well that is nice too, but no go.  Still feeling out of balance, I then move to the throat chakra, I am filled with confidence. And there it is.  I feel my energy shift and suddenly I see that my issue is a confidence issue.  When I affirmed confidence I very quickly began to feel better and I also became clear on where my work resided.

And so for today, lets all  work on our throat chakra and cultivating confidence. The throat chakra is the center for confidence, expression, power, self eestem, growth and learning.*  As you work on cultivating confidence you help to strengthen the throat chakra.

And so lets begin with the affirmation:

I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.

I am confident that I am spirit.
I am confident that I am good.
I am confident that I am learning.
I am confident that by being true to myself, I serve everyone.

I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.

“And so let go now of the need to be right or wrong and simply sit in the confidence of your being.  You are spirit and you are good.  You are spirit and you are learning and you are growing.  There is a place of great confidence that lies within you.  To access this confidence you can simply relax into that part of you that is already confident. 

Your spirit, your true self, your enlightened self is confident.  Your spirit is wise.  Your spirit is powerful.  Relax now into your true identity.  Relax into your true confident nature.  Remember who you are.  Remember who you are.  You are a being of great light and you deserve to be treated well.  You are a being of great light and you are here to take care of yourself.  You are a being of great light and you are here to be of service to yourself and others as well.  Sometimes you serve best by saying a firm no.  And so do not feel guilty for saying no.  Many need to learn appropriate behavior. When you continually reward and condone inappropriate behavior you strengthen the weakness in others.  When you put your foot down you not only show respect for yourself you also demonstrate to others what will and won’t be tolerated.  Do not be afraid of being firm. Sometimes the people you are dealing with are like children who will push the boundries whenever possible. It does not serve to allow them to get away with pushing. And so learn to become comfortable saying no.   Be firm and be gentle for all are learning.”

And so step into your confidence now and affirm daily:

I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.

“Feel the confidence that lies within you.  Feel the confidence of your spirit.  Again, do not be afraid to be firm.  Do not be afraid to say no.  Sometimes the no is what is needed.  Sometimes we serve the oneness by saying yes and sometimes we serve the oneness by saying no.  Do not let the response of others dictate your actions.  You may at times do something that is completely appropriate and those involved will become angry or upset, just because they are angry does not mean that you did anything wrong.  Allow your own inner spirit to guide you in appropriate action.  Look for approval from spirit not from others.  Others often have hidden agendas and wounds that block their ability to see clearly.  And so be the one who listens to spirit. Aspire to listen deeply and let go of your need for approval.  Allow your confidence to be very separate from whether you receive approval or not.  For approval is always fleeting.  One moment you’ve got it and the next moment it is gone.  Seek the approval of spirit whose love for you is consistent and who is always guiding you on your path of growth and learning.”

Feel the confidence of your spirit now.  Affirm often:

I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.

Allow this to be your affirmation for the day.  Be aware how you feel as you fill yourself with confidence.  Be confident that you are spirit.  Be confident that there is a place of greatness that lies within you.  Be confident that you are learning and growing and be confident that you are never alone.

I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.

As you step into your confidence greater clarity will follow.  Often we try to get clear so that we can feel confident.  Try working it in reverse today.  Step into your true confidence.  Step into the confidence of your spirit and greater wisdom and clarity will be the bi product.  As you step into your confidence you create a light and a surety.  This light and surety will then connect you to the natural wisdom that lies within.  So step into confidence first and allow wisdom and clarity to follow.  Let this be your experiment for today.  Embody confidence and see what happens.

I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.

If this meditation touches you in some way please feel free to leave a comment.  It is helpful for me to hear how it impacts you and may inspire others as well!


*Chakra definitions based on the work of Ellen Tadd, author of The Wisdom of the Chakras, 2010.