Stepping out of your comfort zone

“You may be challenged to do things that cause you discomfort, that cause you to stretch. Be brave. Be bold. Dare yourself to step out of your comfort zone on a daily basis for this is the way of growth. If it is scary for you to reach out then reach out. If it is scary for you to spend time alone then spend time alone. Follow your bliss and your passions and at the same time challenge those places in you that are afraid. If it is scary to speak in public then you must speak in public. Challenge yourself daily for this is the way of growth. If you are to achieve what you came here to achieve then you must be comfortable doing the uncomfortable. It is simply a fact of life. Many say follow your bliss and while this is true, you must remember that in following your bliss you will inevitably hit up against uncomfortable places. Do not pull back. Instead challenge yourself daily to stretch and grow and do the thing that you are afraid to do. This is part of your clear priority. Part of your clear priority is growth, is expansion, is discovering what you are truly capable of. And so follow your bliss, follow that which calls to you and at the same time challenge yourself to do that which scares you. Not in a reckless sort of way but in a guided sort of way. You will be guided to the edge of your comfort zone and then will be asked to step outside of your comfort zone, for this is the way of growth. Learn to step outside of your comfort zone. If you talk to much, practice listening. If you are comfortable being the hermit practice being more out there in the world. Honor who you are but at the same time challenge yourself to grow and learn for in this way you can live a life of actualization and fulfillment. And so step out, be brave, offer your contribution and know your clear priorities. Stretch, learn, grow, develop and step out into unfamiliar territory for this is the way of growth. Do not be timid any longer. You are each needed. Step out, express, say what needs to be said, be bold, be loud, be quiet, be courageous. You will be rewarded for your bravery.”

~Hayley Mermelstein
Founder of TRCB