Embrace, embrace, embrace

Learn to embrace the various circumstances in your life, even the unwanted circumstances. Understand that everything that transpires in your life has come for your learning. Everything has come to serve you. When you learn to embrace even the unwanted circumstances, you will more easily see what the learning is for you. But do not confuse this embracing with passivit…y. Often, you are learning to be bold, to be clear, to be direct and firm. And so embrace your various life circumstances. Welcome them in, invite them to the table. Ask, “What have you come to teach me?” Perhaps you are learning patience or love or compassion or understanding or strength or power or courage. Welcome the various circumstances of your life and look for the learning. When you understand what you are learning you can more easily walk through a challenging situation. Sometimes you will not know until after a circumstance is over what you are learning. In that case you must trust that the situation, no matter how unwanted, has a gift for you, has something that it is has come to teach you. And so once again learn to embrace your various life circumstances, welcome them in. In this way you will not add to the difficulty by your layers of resistance. In the words of Eckhart Tolle: “Resist Nothing”.

This concept of embracing, welcoming and accepting is governed by the solar plexus. To further cultivate this attitude you can take your Tong Ren doll and hammer and tap on the solar plexus of the Tong Ren doll and affirm:

I embrace, I embrace, I embrace.
I welcome. I welcome. I welcome.
I welcome the various circumstances of my life for I know that everything has something to teach me.
I welcome. I welcome. I welcome.
I accept. I accept. I accept.
I allow. I allow. I allow.
I allow and I look for the learning.
I resist nothing. I resist nothing. I resist nothing.
I embrace. I embrace. I embrace.
I embrace and I look for the learning.

Embrace all that transpires today and look for learning. Sometimes you will be learning to say yes and sometimes you will be learning to say no. Sometimes you are learning to be strong and sometimes you are learning to be sensitive. Embrace all that transpires today so that you can learn from it. Once you have learned what you needed to learn the situation can change and evolve. The embrace of the various life circumstances allow this process to happen more smoothly and sometimes more quickly as well.

Practice embracing both wanted and unwanted circumstances today and remember to ask what you are learning. Be aware of how this impacts the quality of your day.

~Hayley Mermelstein