I know what to do

I had a friend point out to me several years ago that I had a tendency to say, “I don’t know” a lot. For example, maybe I’d be telling a story about a friend and at the end of the story I’d through in something like: “I don’t know, people are complicated.” or “I don’t know, we will just have to see how this unfolds”. If you believe in the power of words and the power of affirmations, if you believe that the body believes every word you tell it then the affirmation, “I don’t know isn’t something you want to go around affirming. It would simply strengthen the idea that we don’t know. I was appreciative of my friend for pointing this out to me, and now I make a habit of catching myself when I go to say “I don’t know.” I will usually replace it with, “When the time is right I will know, or I will know what to do. or even I know what to do, depending on the situation.

Take some time today to watch your words, and to watch your expressions. If you catch yourself affirming I don’t know antidote it with something like: When the time is right I will know or better yet simply affirm:

I know what to do.
I know what to do.
I know what to do.

Affirm: I know what to do, and then allow knowing to come to you. Again, it is said that the body believes every word that you tell it. Affirm knowing and watch to see what transpires as you go through your day. As you affirm that you know, a quiet knowing will arise. Perhaps not in that very moment, but little by little knowing will descend upon you. Practice this for today, practice embodying an attitude of knowing. Affirm often:

I know what to do.
I know what to do.
I know what to do.

Hold yourself with confidence. Fake it until you make it. Affirm knowing throughout the day, and allow the vibration of knowing to fill you. As you do you will gain access to your deeper knowing for what you focus on comes forward. What you focus on grows. And so for today, focus on that part of you that knows. Affirm: I know what to do and see what transpires. Let this be your experiment today. Suspend disbelief for one day, just put it aside and work with this affirmation today. The results may surprise you. You may be surprised to witness the knowing that does arise. We all have more wisdom than we currently realize. All are more competent and capable than they think. There is a place of great wisdom that lies within. Focus on this wisdom and you will gain greater access to it.

In chakra language the third eye is the center of wisdom, clarity, the mountain top view, the spiritual perspective, knowing and clairvoyant sight. One way to activate knowing is to tap on the third eye of the Tong Ren doll with your tong ren hammer and affirm:

I know what to do.
I know what to do.
I know what to do.

Let this be your affirmation today. Affirm frequently: I know what to do. I know what to do. I know what to do. Allow these words and the tapping to assist you in stepping into your wisdom and your deep knowing about what is right for you. Sometimes your knowing will tell you to seek out help. Other times your knowing will guide you to be patient. Sometimes your knowing will guide you to be bold. Affirm frequently: I know what to do, and see what inner wisdom arises. Let this be your experiment for the day. Affirm frequently:

I know what to do.
I know what to do.
I know what to do.

Affirm: I know what to do, and step into your wisdom. Affirm: I know what do, and step into your strength. Affirm: I know what to do, and step into your certainty. Affirm: I know what to do, and step into the life that you were meant to live. Affirm frequently: I know what to do, and allow these words to activate that part of you that does know what to do. Try this for a day and let the results amaze you.

I know what to do.
I know what to do.
I know what to do.