The new book entitled Tong Ren Chakra Balancing written by yours truly just went to print and should be available in the next week or so. It is a quick and easy to read book that details the history of Tong Ren Chakra Balancing and how I went from someone embarrassed to tap on a doll for healing to a someone who developed a whole healing system around it. The book also details the step by step process of doing a TRCB treatment for yourself or for someone else. In addition, it includes several wonderful guided meditations and introduces the TRCB 30 day challenge. Its a must read for those wanting to incorporate TRCB into their daily lives and for those wanting to use TRCB to assist others. I thought I’d share a brief excerpt from the book here. It is a passage about accepting both our greatness and divinity and our humanness and learning process. Acceptance is governed by the solar plexus. You can tap on the solar plexus of your Tong Ren doll at anytime to develop greater self acceptance.
Here is the excerpt from Tong Ren Chakra Balancing:
Take a moment to remember that everyone is spirit and filled with goodness. Take a moment to remember that everyone is filled with divinity. Take a moment to remember that everyone has a place of great wisdom that lies within. Remember that everyone has a place of balance and love that lies within. At the same time recognize that everyone is also human and learning and growing. Seek to welcome the humanness and the learning process. As you learn to acknowledge and accept the humanness in others you offer a salve that is healing to the soul. At the same time learn to welcome the spirit in others as well. As you learn to acknowledge the greatness in others you will assist in bringing this greatness forward in everyday life. And so learn to see and welcome both levels, see the humanness and the learning process that all are engaged in and at the same time see the greatness and the divinity. Allow your acceptance of the humanity and the acknowledgement of the greatness to be part of the gift that you offer yourself and others.
We are all learning and growing and it is okay. We are here on earth learning to embrace, welcome and accept our weaknesses for that is how we learn and grow. We simply cannot heal what we do not acknowledge. At the same time we are all spirit and filled with divinity and have great gifts to share. We are also here on earth learning to recognize our divinity and bring forward more and more of our divinity every day.
Take a moment to affirm:
I accept. I welcome. I embrace.
We are all learning and growing.
We are all learning and growing.
As we acknowledge and embrace our weaknesses we can learn and grow. As we acknowledge and embrace our strengths we can also learn and grow. As we learn and grow we can bring forward more and more of our best self in every day life.
I accept.I welcome.I embrace.
I accept. I accept. I accept.
I would also like to add that acceptance is not mere complacency. Once we have accepted what is, we can ask: “Given what is, what am I to do?” When dealing with ourselves we may decide to make personal changes, to apologize, or to handle things differently in the future. When dealing with others, once we accept what is, we may decide to address what we see, we may become clear that we need to step back, or we may decide that we wish to step closer. The individual attunement will vary. What is important to remember is that acceptance is the first step. Your acceptance will lead you to calm and your calm will lead you to clarity. Your clarity will lead you to appropriate action.
The book can be preordered and comes with a wonderful chakra balancing guided meditation CD that will greatly enhance your understanding of the chakra system and your understanding of TRCB. The price for the book and the CD is $19.99. Click here to order now