I send light to the world

In today’s world it can be helpful to have tools to promote the healing of ourselves, others, and the world at large. One technique is the sending of gold light. Take a moment today and send light to the world at large. When you send light you send all of the qualities of spirit. When you send light, you send love. You send peace. You send strength. You send sensi…tivity. You send healing energy. And so imagine now the earth in front of you. Imagine waves and waves of celestial light pouring down upon the earth. See the whole earth being immersed with gold light. Know that as you do this you are raising the vibration of all of humanity, and elevating consciousness and awareness. And so continue to see waves and waves of gold light shining down upon the earth and allow this gold light to flood the planet. Ask, that all who are suffering be uplifted by the light. Ask that all who are lonely find comfort by the light. Ask that all of humanity be elevated by the light so that peace can prevail and healing can occur. Continue to see waves and waves of gold light penetrating the earth. See the whole earth being showered in scintillating golden light. See more and more light shining down upon the earth. Infuse the world with light. Raise the vibration. Elevate consciousness. Send peace. Send healing. Send love. Send trust. Send strength. Send sensitivity. Send light to the earth daily, and ask that this light be a healing force in the world. Know that as you send this light that you are adding light to the earth. And so one last time shower the earth with light, and allow this light to infuse all of humanity. Send light to the world at large and ask that the light go where it is needed. Do not fight darkness with darkness. Instead send light, and allow the light to raise consciousness and awareness. Allow light to bring healing. Allow light to bring in divine will. Send light, and shower the earth and all of humanity with healing energy.

And now shower yourself with gold light. Shower yourself with love, with healing, with compassion, with confidence and with strength. Immerse yourself in this gold light and allow it to uplift you. Allow it to take you higher. Allow it to elevate your consciousness and awareness. See waves and waves of gold light showering down upon you, and allow this light to bring you the healing that you need today. For some it will be a physical healing. For some it will be a shift in attitude. Some will feel deeper peace and love and others will step into greater wisdom and clarity. Shower yourself with light today, and allow the light to fill you with whatever it is you need.

“And so make sending light to yourself and sending light to the earth a daily practice. There are so many productive ways to use the mind. Instead of dwelling in negativity and contributing to the vibration of discord and fighting and hatred, spend time everyday sending light to yourself and light to the earth. It need not take more than a minute or two. Interrupt your negative thinking and instead send light. Send light to yourself. Send light to others. Send light to the world. Learn to train your mind to be a source of healing and upliftment. Seek to rise above the negativity and despair. Be a source of light for yourself and others. Use your mind productively and for the healing of yourself and the planet. Send light daily and see how this transforms both your own world and the world at large.”

Affirm frequently:

I send light.
I send light to myself.
I send light to others.
I send light to the earth, and all of humanity.

I have a trained mind.
I use my mind for my own healing, the healing of others, and the healing of the planet.
My light is a healing force in the world.
The world needs my light. I offer my full contribution.

I send light.
I send light.
I send light.
I send light.

Hayley Mermelstein