I experience love wherever I go.

I experience love wherever I go.
I experience love wherever I go.

I live in a loving universe.
I live in a loving universe.

All of life is conspiring in my favor.
All of life is conspiring in my favor.

I am love and love is all around me.
I am love and love is all around me.

I give love with ease.
I give love with ease.

I receive love with ease.
I receive love with ease.

Loving people fill my world.
Loving people fill my world.

I experience love wherever I go.
I experience love wherever I go.

I am love.
I am love.

I exude love.
I exude love.

I radiate love.
I radiate love.

I am a radiant being of light and love.
I am a radiant being of light and love.

All the love that I put out into the universe comes back to me multiplied.
Love is all around me.

I am love and love is all around me.
I am love and love is all around me.

My world is filled with love.
My world is filled with love.

I live in a loving universe.
All of life is conspiring in my favor.

Divine love guides me.
Divine love guides me.

Divine love is all around me.
Divine love is all around me.

I experience love wherever I go.
I experience love wherever I go.

I experience miracles.
I experience miracles.

I experience synchronicities.
I experience synchronicities.

I experience love wherever I go.
I experience love wherever I go.

Everything is always working out for me.
Everything is always working out for me.

All of life is conspiring in my favor.
All of life is conspiring in my favor.

I experience love wherever I go.
I experience love wherever I go.
I experience love wherever I go.

Take a moment now to affirm: I experience love wherever I go. Feel it. Embody it. Become it. Radiate it.

What might it be like to hold this attitude for an hour, a day, a week or a month? What might change in your life if you could hold this attitude more and more.

So often we are reacting to our lives, reacting to the circumstances that present themselves. What is instead we radiated the energy we wished to experience? What is we were at cause in our life? What if instead of being reactors we were powerful creators?

Practice stepping into a creator role today. Practice becoming a powerful creator. Affirm frequently: I experience love wherever I go. I experience love wherever I go. I am a powerful creator. I create a life of love. I experience love wherever I go. I experience love wherever I go.

Allow this to be your experiment with life. What shows up differently when you show up differently? What changes when you change?

Allow this to be a process. What would happen if you cultivated this attitude over time?

Many people overestimate what can happen in a short period of time and underestimate what can happen in a longer period of time.

Commit to a new attitude today and see what happens over time. Be patient and be persistent. Be a powerful creator in your life rather than a reactor to the circumstances that you find yourself in.

I will be practicing right along with you!

~Hayley Mermelstein

P.s. This is an excerpt from our Thursday night meditation class. If you would like more information about either our Monday night group healing or Thursday night meditation group (both happening on zoom) please feel free to text or call at 413-992-8581, I look forward to hearing from you!