I am special and you are special.

I am special.
I am special.

I am unique.
I am me.

There is no one quite like me on the planet.
There is no one with my unique gifts, talents, and mission.

I am special.
I am special.

I am special and therefore I value myself.
I am special and therefore I love myself.

I am special.
I am special.

I am unique.
I am valuable.

I am special.
I am special.

I am special and we are all special.
I am special and we are all special.

Unique like a snowflake.

I am special.
I am special.

I am special and you are special.
I am special and you are special.

I am special.
I am special.
I am special.

Take a moment now and allow yourself to feel special. Embody the vibration. Feel it. Allow yourself to feel special. When you allow yourself to feel special there is a sparkle in your energy field. Feel special. Radiate the feeling of being of special.

Affirm frequently: I am special. I am special. I am special.
What shows up differently in your life when you show up differently?

So often we try to change the external world so that we can feel better. What if changed our vibration and then observed how the external world begins to show up differently? Wbat changes when we change?

For today affirm: I am special. I am special. I am special.
Be aware of what shows up differently when you show up differently?

What changes when you go through the day in the energy of: I am special?
How do you show up differently? And how does the world around you reconfigure as you reconfigure?

All of life is a mirror. Embody the energy I am special and see what changes.

Remember that just like you are unique and special, so is everyone else. Practice seeing others as special as well. How do other people respond when you treat them as if they too are special?

Affirm frequently: I am special and you are special. I am special and you are special. Practice seeing other people as special and see how they show up differently.

Let this be your grand experiment with life.