Welcoming Rejection

Hello Everyone,

(Sometimes, well most times, I feel rather vulnerable sharing my writing. In fact, I often wonder whether it is even wise to do so. But I push the send button, because I know that we all share the same human experience and are working on many of the same issues in our own ways.

I often have people come up to me and say they feel I wrote a particular blog post just for them. This does comfort me and gives me some reassurance that there is value in sharing some of my writing rather than keeping it all to myself.

I also read once that if you don’t feel a little nauseous before sending out a blog post, that you haven’t been honest enough.

It is in this vein, that i share todays blog with you.)

Welcoming Rejection

I decided to talk to a friend recently about something that was bothering me in our relationship. The conversation took an unexpected turn and ended with her asking me not to contact her again. I had hoped that talking about our connection would bring us closer and instead it severed what was left of an already mangled situation.

Rejection is never pleasant, for any of us. We all have a desire to be liked, to be included, and to be understood.

And yet, I have been taught to welcome rejection and to understand that rejection is one of the ways that life reroutes us and shows us what path is not ours to traverse.

And so, I sit and I ask: What would it be like to welcome this? What would it be like to invite this to the table and surrender to it?

Thoughts swirl: Could I have done something differently? Could I have addressed the situation more gently? Maybe I shouldn’t have brought up the sensitive topic that i did?

I don’t know the answer to those questions. I do know that what is done is done, and that I communicated as honestly and sincerely as I knew how.

And so for now, I begin the process of letting go and I affirm:

I let go.
I let go.

I welcome this situation.
I welcome this situation.

I let go of my resistance to what is.
I let go of my wanting to go down a path that doesn’t appear to be meant for me.

I let go.
I let go.

I am learning to embrace rejection.
Rejection is one of the ways that life communicates with me.

Some paths open and some paths close.

I resist no longer.

I surrender.
I surrender.

I accept.
I accept.

I allow.
I allow.

I welcome what wants to come into my life and allow what wants to go, to go.

I welcome what is.
I let go of my resistance.

I allow those who want to go, to go.
I allow those who are meant to be in my life to come.

I surrender my will.

I surrender.
I surrender.

I let go.
I let go.

i let go.
I let go.

Letting go is a process. I remember a teacher of mine said once that it took her two years of active letting go, to really surrender something that she had wanted.

(And then I hear)

And so do not be discouraged if it takes some time to let go of that which is leaving your life. Be gentle and patient with yourself as your learn to surrender and release that which no longer serves. Accept all that is transpiring and know that when the time is right, new life will sprout form the ashes of what once was. Be patient, be kind. Review what you have allowed to transpire and than rise up stronger than before, more committed to healthy and mutually satisfying relationships. Do not settle for bread crumbs in your relationships. Do not settle for one way streets. Do not settle for lack of care and consideration. Dare to ask for more. Sit empty for a while and allow yourself to be refilled. When the time is right new life will emerge.

Shed the old now. You will find the reciprocity that you seek. Do not cling to that which is no longer meant for you. Instead think upon what it is that you do desire in relationship and allow those that are meant to be in your life to find you.

Chase no longer. Let what wants to go, go.

Welcome the new with open arms.

Remember that each time you have truly let go in the past, something more satisfying and right for your stage of development has found its way to you. Trust in that process. Surrender gladly into the unknown and wait with open arms for the future that beckons you.

Have a good weekend everyone.


Hayley Mermelstein

Letting go of anger with TRCB

Welcome back to TRCB Tuesday where each week we will explore another chakra balancing treatment. This weeks video is on using TRCB to release old anger and hurt. It is a very useful video and I myself have watched it many times to help me release anything that I might still be holding on to.

I highly recommend setting aside 20 minutes to watch this video and allow it to assist you in releasing old hurts and anger so you can step into the best version of who you are.

Here are this weeks TRCB affirmations.

Crown: I let go and I trust the process of life.

Third eye: I let go and I step into my wisdom.

Throat: I let go and I step into my power.

Heart: I let go and I step into my love.

Solar Plexus: I let go and I step into my acceptance.

Identity: I let go and I step into my wholeness.

Base: I let go and I step into my full discipline.

Work with these affirmations this week. You may want to chose one affirmation and make it your affirmation for the day, working with it frequently as you go through your day to release anything that you need to let go of and to assist you in stepping into your best self.

Enjoy your week and enjoy the video.

Hayley Mermelstein