Welcome back to TRCB Tuesday where each week we will explore another chakra balancing treatment. This weeks video is on using TRCB to release old anger and hurt. It is a very useful video and I myself have watched it many times to help me release anything that I might still be holding on to.
I highly recommend setting aside 20 minutes to watch this video and allow it to assist you in releasing old hurts and anger so you can step into the best version of who you are.
Here are this weeks TRCB affirmations.
Crown: I let go and I trust the process of life.
Third eye: I let go and I step into my wisdom.
Throat: I let go and I step into my power.
Heart: I let go and I step into my love.
Solar Plexus: I let go and I step into my acceptance.
Identity: I let go and I step into my wholeness.
Base: I let go and I step into my full discipline.
Work with these affirmations this week. You may want to chose one affirmation and make it your affirmation for the day, working with it frequently as you go through your day to release anything that you need to let go of and to assist you in stepping into your best self.
Enjoy your week and enjoy the video.
Hayley Mermelstein