I let go.

I’ve been thinking a lot this week about surrender. The theme got “triggered” because I woke up one morning much too attached to something that wasn’t going the way I thought it should. I could feel how deeply painful it is to be attached and needed to do something to free myself from the pain.

I decided the only solution was to spend the day (the whole day) letting go of my attachments. For me this meant affirming: I let go. I let go. I let go. Every time this subject entered my mind.

This could be mistaken for passivity, but actually when we let go of our tight grip on people and situations in our life what is meant to be can come to us and what is not meant can leave. Also when we let go of our attachments we can more easily hear the whispers of spirit within us and all around us.

All in all, letting go of attachments can be an incredible tool for accessing clarity and releasing blockages that are holding us back in our lives and allowing the hand of spirit to more easily guide us.

In terms of my situation, I was letting go of an attachment to healing a relationship with a friend. Interestingly (and surprisingly), at the end of my long day of letting go of attachments this friend emailed me and asked if i want to get together and talk. (something we haven’t done in over a year.)

I didn’t let go with the purpose of getting what I wanted. I let go because I was in pain and I knew that my tight grip blocks energy and clarity. In my situation, letting go of my attachments released the blockages so that my friend and I could talk. In another case, it may have freed me to move on to a more appropriate relationship.

The attunement varies, but again when you let go of your attachments it opens you to the miraculous. What your miracle will be will vary. In one case you may get what you actually wanted, in another, a deep acceptance of what is may occur. We can’t be attached when we are letting go. We must let go and be open to what transpires next.

On a side note, I also stumbled upon a book this week called The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer which i’m really enjoying so far, and is reinforcing the theme about the power of letting go.

Being attached and holding on too tight is painful and blocks our clarity and our ability to read the energy and know what is right for us.

Practice letting go of your attachments this week (this does not mean to get rid of all of your belongings!) and surrendering to a force of life greater than yourself.

See it as your experiment, and be aware of how this affects the quality of your week.

Here is a little something I wrote on the topic to assist all of us in letting go:

I let go.
I let go.
I let go.

I let go and I trust the process of life.
I let go and I trust that spirit is working with me to manifest what I need.

I let go.
I let go.

I let go and I give spirit the control.

I let go
I let go.

When I let go and I give spirit the control the miraculous can occur.
When I let go and I give spirit the control the miraculous can occur.

And so,

I let go.
I let go.

I surrender.
I surrender.

I trust.
I trust.

I allow.
I allow.

I let go.
I let go.

I let go and then
I let go some more.

I spend my day letting go of my attachments.

This does not make me passive for when I let go of my attachments, when I let go of the places that I am holding too tight, when I truly surrender, I become very clear.

When I let go, I can hear the whispers of spirit within me and all around me.
When I let go of my fears and blockages, I can do that which is mine to do.

But the first step is always to surrender.

My first step is to let go of my fear, to let go of my tight grip, and to let go of my tension.
My first step is to let go of the voices in my head that try to dictate how it should be.
My first step is to surrender my attachments completely.

My first step is to let go and spend my days in a state of surrender.
I surrender frequently through out the day.

I affirm many times:

I let go.
I let go.

I let go and I trust the process of life.
I let go and I surrender to spirit.

I let go and I surrender to a force of life greater than myself.
I let go and I surrender to a force of life that knows what is needed next.

I let go of my personal will.

I surrender.
I surrender.

When I let go, I can hear the whispers of spirit within me and all around me.
When I let go, I align with a force of life that has everyone’s best interest at heart.
When I let go, I become powerful.

I let go.
I let go.

I surrender.
I surrender.

I allow.
I allow.

I trust.
I trust.

I let go in the morning.
I let go in the evening.

I let go through out my day.
And this is my experiment, to live a surrendered life .

I let go, and I open to the miraculous.
I let go, and I open to a force of life grater than myself.

I let go of my personal will and I merge with the will of spirit.

I let go.
I let go.

I let go, and when I let go I can more easily hear the whispers of spirit all around me.
When I let go, I will know what to do

But for now I focus on letting go.

I let go of my own personal will.
I let go of how I think it should be.

I let go
I let go.

I let go and I live a guided life.
I let go and allow the people in my life to be who they are.

I let go and I know when to intervene and
I let go and I know when to step back.

But when in doubt,
I let go of my attachments some more.

I let go of my fear.
I let go of my tight grip.
I let go of my thoughts about how it is supposed to be.

I surrender.
I surrender.

I allow.
I allow.

I let go.
I let go.

I trust.
I trust.

I open to the miraculous.
I open to the miraculous.

When I let go and allow spirit to have the control the miraculous can occur, and so:

I let go and I open to the miraculous.
I let go and I open to the miraculous.

I let go and I sit in silence now.

I let go and I sit in my wholeness.
I let go and I sit in my power.
I let go and I sit in strength.
I let go and I remember who I really am.

I let go and I open to the miraculous.
I let go and I open to the miraculous.

I let go.
I let go.

I let go.
I let go.

~Hayley Mermelstein

Cultivating Trust

Hello Everyone,

I was driving in my car yesterday and was listening to a Joel Osteen video about deepening trust. (I’m not Christian, but like to draw spiritual inspiration from many sources.) When I got to my destination an affirmation/message started going through my head. I didn’t have any paper with me but then it occured to me that I could speak the message into the microphone of my phone and my phone would write it down for me. (The wonders of technology!).

Anyway, I managed to capture the message and wanted to share it with all of you, so that we can all enjoy a little Sunday morning inspiration.

I trust.

I trust.
I trust.

I let go and I trust the process of life.
I trust that spirit is working with me to manifest what I need.

I trust that spirit is my helper.
I trust that spirit is my partner.

I trust.
I trust.

I trust that powerful guides are by my side.
I trust that I am being guided.
I trust that I live a guided life.

I trust.
I trust.

I trust that there is a spiritual force of life that is always working with me.

I trust.
I trust.

I trust the power of spirit and focus on that power rather than focusing on the size of my problems.
I trust the power of spirit and make that power bigger than my enemies.

I trust.
I trust.

I devote myself to service and I draw in even more powerful assistance.
I devote myself to service and I am surrounded by powerful beings of light.

I let go and I trust the process of life.
I let go and I trust the process of life.

I trust.
I trust.

Take a moment now and immerse yourself in trust. Give yourself permission to remember that powerful beings of light are all around you working with you to manifest what you need. Remember that you are never alone.

When you are tempted to become overwhelmed with your problems, turn instead and focus on the power of spirit.

Focus on the power of spirit within you and the power of spirit all around you. Ask for divine assistance. Focus on the power of spirit and allow the power of spirit to bring you through.

Be sure to couple your trust in spirit with wise decision making and appropriate action.

Be aware of how this impacts the quality of your day.

~Have a nice Sunday everyone!


Hayley Mermelstein

I listen deeply.

I’ve been thinking a lot this week about listening deeply to our own inner knowing. Its easy to get caught up in how society tells us we need to be and distance ourselves from the small, still voice within that is guiding us. Take some time this week to really listen within and see what your own inner spirit is trying to tell you. Instead of moving from a place of obligation and guilt, experiment with listening deeply within and allowing your own inner spirit to lead the way.

I listen deeply.

I listen deeply to my own inner spirit.
I listen deeply to the small, still voice within.

I listen deeply to what is mine to do and what is not mine to do.

I listen deeply.
I listen deeply.

I listen deeply and I let go of societal expectations of how I should be.

I listen deeply and I let go of the “shoulds” and the “have to’s”.

I listen deeply and devote myself to something deeper.
I listen deeply and devote myself to listening to the whispers of spirit within me, and all around me.

I listen deeply and devote myself to pleasing spirit rather than playing by the rules of our society.

I listen deeply and devote myself to living a guided life.

I listen deeply.
I listen deeply.

When I listen deeply I do what is best for all concerned.

At the spiritual level there is consensus.
At the spiritual level what is right for one, is right for the whole.

And so let go of your ideas of right and wrong.
And so let go of your ideas of how it is supposed to be.

So many have become numb from cultural conditioning of how you are supposed to be, that you have lost yourself.

And so let go of the preconceived ideas of how you should be and step into the person that you are.

Let go and listen deeply.

When you are devoted to listening deeply you will know what is yours to do and what it not.

When you are devoted to listening deeply you will know what is the attunement of the moment.

Listen deeply now and do what is yours to be.
Listen deeply now and let go of playing by the rules.
Listen deeply now and aspire to please spirit.
Listen deeply now and be true to your own inner spirit.
Listen deeply now and seek to express who you truly are.
Listen deeply now and let go of obligation and guilt and step into a knowing about who you are and why you are here.

Listen deeply now and express your truest version of yourself.
Listen deeply now and say what is yours to say.

Listen deeply now and be free.
Listen deeply now and be free to be yourself.
Listen deeply now and do not move from a place of obligation.
Listen deeply now and allow your own inner spirit to move you.
Listen deeply now and be true to yourself even if your society has trained you to push down your own inner knowing.

Listen deeply now and step into the best version of who you are.
Listen deeply now and be true to yourself.
Listen deeply now and express who you are and what you need.

Listen deeply.
Listen deeply.
Listen deeply.

Take a moment now and devote yourself to listening deeply. Listen deeply to yourself. Listen deeply to the small, still voice within. Listen deeply to the whispers of spirit all around you. Seek to free yourself from doing things from a place of guilt and obligation. Instead, commit to listening deeply and leading a guided life.

Your society has given you a set of rules to live by that has taken you away from your own inner knowing. Rules such as family comes first, or its better to give than to receive, or girls should be nice, or you should put the needs of others ahead of your own. All of these rules take you away from your own inner knowing about what is truly right for you. And so free yourself now from the rules and seek to listen to your own inner authority. Seek to listen to your own inner voice which will guide you in right action. Seek to listen to your own inner voice which will seek to serve at the deepest level.

At the deepest level we are in agreement. At the deepest level there is consensus. And so seek to listen now at the deepest level and carry out that which you are guided to do, even if it goes against the wishes of others, or your societal conditioning. Seek to be free of your conditioning and instead listen deeply within. There is a voice within that will guide you if you are willing to listen.

When learning to listen to this voice within, you may be guided to do things that are not pleasing to those around you. Perhaps those around you are used to you accommodating their needs or going along with the status quo. As you break free from this you may encounter resistance. Be prepared for this but stand in your own convictions and know that when you are listening deeply within you are actually doing what is best for all concerned, even if you meet with external resistance.

Seek to be true to yourself. Allow this to be a process for you are learning and growing, and learning to listen within is a process as well. You will get better at it over time. And so devote yourself to deep listening now. Listen deeply within and seek to move from a place of deep listening. When feelings of I have too or obligation arise, seek to return to deep listening and see how your inner spirit wants to proceed.

Seek to move from a place of deep listening rather than obligation.

You will not become irresponsible when you move in this way. In fact, you will become more responsible because you will be serving a force of life that truly has everyone’s best interest at heart. This cannot be understood from an intellectual model. This is an experiential model.

So listen deeply now and allow yourself to be guided in right action. Listen deeply now and devote yourself to a force of life that has everyone’s best interest in mind. Listen deeply now and be free of your societal conditioning of how you are supposed to be. Listen deeply now and allow yourself to live a guided life.

Listen deeply. Listen deeply. Listen deeply.

You will be amazed at what you hear when you open yourself to really listening.

~Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. We have our monthly TRCB Teleclass tonight at 7 p.m.. We look forward to joining with you for an evening of healing and light and elevated awareness.

Click here for more information.

The call we be an opportunity to be immersed in light, healing energy, and elevated awareness. When we join together as a group, we are more powerful than we work alone. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience the healing power of TRCB for yourself!

A Plate of Compassion All Around

Who am I to judge you?
Things aren’t always what they appear.

For today, I am filled with humility.
For today, I acknowledge that I too have made mistakes.

Some days I am embarrassed by these mistakes.
Some days I cringe when I think of something I did or said.

But these mistakes have given me a deep compassion for the human condition.

We are all flawed.
And at the same time we all have greatness within us.

And when I am tempted to judge another, I quietly reflect on all the times I’ve been out of balance too, all the times I’ve misread the energy, and instead of judgement I offer compassion.

I offer a plate of compassion all around.

Everyone is learning.
Everyone is growing.

No one is exempt.

I am filled with humility and
I offer a plate of compassion all around.

Everyone is suffering.
Everyone has some burden they are carrying.

And so when I can find this place within me,
I offer compassion.

Some days this comes easy and other days its a challenge.
But for today, this compassion bubbles up within me.

We are all learning.
We are all growing.

No one is exempt.

I am filled with humility, and
I offer a plate of compassion all around.

I am filled with humility, and
I offer a place of compassion all around.

Hayley Mermelstein


Hayley Mermelstein

Humble and Kind

Hello Everyone,

I just got back from a folk concert last night. I went to listen to Lori Mckenna who is singer I first heard sing on the Oprah show many years ago. The highlight of the evening was a song she wrote for her children called: Humble and Kind.

(to listen to this beautiful song click here:

It’s a song, as you might guess, about staying humble and kind, and saying thank you and please, and helping the next guy or gal in line when given the opportunity.

The song made me reflect on my own life and struggles, and the developing of humility.

You see, in my twenties I had several major episodes of anxiety that really brought me to my knees. When I recovered I remembered thinking that the anxiety and the pain that came with it, had softened me and burned away some of my arrogance, (i had an arrogant side back then.)

And then in my thirties I had some health problems that once again brought me to my knees. Once again, as I recovered and healed, I remember feeling that the experience had deepened me, and deepened my understanding of the human condition.

I thought that even though I would never wish that pain on myself or anyone else for that matter, I wasn’t sorry for the experience because it deepened my compassion and removed yet another layer of my arrogance. (arrogance is a slippery thing, it can slip right in when your not paying attention).

In fact, there was even a day recently were I actually was able to look back on those painful experiences and truly appreciate that they happened because they contributed to the person I am today.

So why do I share all of this? I guess it’s to say that no matter what you are going through right now, no matter how painful, there is always a silver lining, and although you may not fully see it right yet, there may come a day when you might even feel grateful that you had the experience, because despite all the pain, it brought you a gift that you otherwise wouldn’t have received.

And sometimes the gift that is brought is compassion for the human condition and for human suffering. Sometimes the gift is the burning away of your arrogance, leaving just the soft light of your soul to shine through. Sometimes the gift is that you find out that you are stronger than you thought and sometimes the gift is that you learn to ask for help.

Whatever it is that you are learning right now, may it deepen your humility and your kindness and your compassion for the human condition.

I’ve always liked the phrase, “Be kind. For everyone has a battle that they are fighting.”

And so, we are all human and learning and at the same time we are spirit and filled with great divinity. We are filled with humility, and we all have greatness in us too. And so let your humility be the doorway to your greatness. Let you compassion help you step even deeper into who you really are.

And then when you have learned what it is that you were meant to learn from your experience, you can turn around and help the next person in line.

Have a nice Sunday.


Hayley Mermelstien

P.S. As some of you know by now I am hosting my first ever Free TRCB Group Healing Teleclass. It’s going to be a great opportunity to balance your chakras and promote healing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It’s also a great opportunity to be immersed in the healing energy of spirit and the healing energy that is generated when a group of people come together for the purpose of healing and transformation.

We have over 130 people signed up for the call so far, so its going to be a really powerful experience. If you’d like to join us, please click here: http://trcbhealing.com/teleclass and then leave your name and email address. We will send you the information for the call 24 hours before the event.

I look forward to sharing TRCB with you in this live event.

Announcing Our TRCB TELECLASS:

Meditation Background

Hello Everyone,

I’ve got some great news! I’m finally ready to offer our first FREE Tong Ren Chakra Balancing teleclass. This teleclass will be a great way to experience the healing power of TRCB on a whole new level.

If you have enjoyed the TRCB videos, you will really enjoy the LIVE call and experience TRCB on a whole new level.

During this call you will experience greater clarity, confidence, power, compassion, love, and emotional balance. This is because TRCB assists in balancing the chakras, and when the chakras are balanced you can more easily access the best that lies within you.

Also, there is tremendous energy that comes from gathering together as a group for healing and transformation.

Be sure to join us for this call and experience the power of group energy healing for yourself!

What to expect during this TRCB teleclass:

I will begin the call with a guided meditation through the chakras, this will help all of us to come into deeper alignment and balance and give you a greater understanding of the chakras as well.

I will then do 2-3 TRCB treatments for the group.

This will further assist in balancing the chakras and helping all of us step into greater trust, wisdom, confidence, power, peace, compassion, love, balance, and discipline.

If time permits, I will also open the line for some Question and Answers.

We will conclude our group call with a brief closing meditation and the sending of light and healing energy to everyone who is signed up for this call.

This will be a wonderful opportunity to be immersed in the healing energy of spirit and the healing energy generated by a TRCB group session.

Be sure to sign up for this call so that you can experience the power of TRCB for yourself!

Also, if you have friends or family that you think would benefit from this experience feel free to forward this email to them as well. This is an open call and all are welcome.

The call we be held on Sunday March 29th at 7 p.m. E.S.T and is expected to last anywhere from 60-90 minutes.

Don’t worry if you can’t make the call, because we will be recording it, and will be sending the recording out to all who have signed up. (We will get the recording to you within seven days of the call.)

If you’d like to join us, go to: http://trcbhealing.com/teleclass
and enter your email address.

Twenty-four hours before the call you will be sent the phone number for the call.

This is going to be a very powerful and unique healing experience.

Right now this call is already half full! (i announced this event on my Facebook page a week ago and people are signing up quickly.) I expect this call to fill completely and so if you are interested in joining us, be sure to reserve your spot.

If you have any questions feel free to email me.

I truly look forward to sharing the healing power of TRCB with you on this Live event!


Hayey Mermelstein,
TRCB Founder

Cultivating Greater Strength with TRCB

Hello Everyone and welcome to Tong Ren Chakra Balancing (TRCB) Tuesday.

This week’s video will focus on using TRCB to cultivate greater strength. Dealing with our daily challenges and the general challenges of being on the planet requires that we connect with the strength that lies within the core of our being. Our spirit, our true self, that spark of divinity that lies within is strong, powerful and confident. For today, we will be balancing the chakras and reconnecting with the strength of our spirit so that we can more easily access this strength so that we can have the fortitude that we need to face our challenges.

This weeks chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I trust that spirit is working with me to manifest what I need.

Third eye: I am a wise decision maker.

Throat: I am powerful and powerful beings of light are all around me.

Heart: I am love and love is all around me.

Solar Plexus: I am filled with depth.

Identity: I am both sensitive and strong.

Base: I am spirit. I am eternal. I am infinite. I am safe.

And there you have it. Your seven TRCB affirmations for the week. Take time this week to listen to the video and to connect with the strength of your spirit. Take time to connect with the strength that lies at the core of your being. There is a place of strength that lies within each one of us and as we learn to connect with this place of strength we can begin to bring this strength forward more and more.

Have a good week everyone.

Also, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel


like us on Facebook, so that you can be kept up to date on all of the latest happenings over here at TRCB headquarters!

Finding Deeper Peace with TRCB

Hi there everyone,

I had a request this week to produce a video to assist with healing anxiety. There are many things that can help with anxiety such as eating well, exercise and the use of affirmations. For today’s video, we will focus on balancing the chakras to help us all hold a greater emotional balance and bring our best selves forward more and more.

Today’s chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I walk in light. I walk in light.

Third eye: I see clearly and I understand.

Throat: I am confident.

Heart: I am a radiant being of light and love.

Solar Plexus: I am filled with simplicity.

Identity: I am steady.

Base: I am spirit. I am eternal. I am infinite. And I am safe.

And there you have it. This weeks chakra balancing affirmations. Work with these affirmations frequently through out the week to help assist you in staying calm and balanced a mist the many challenges of life. Also watch this weeks video to further assist in balancing the chakras and bringing your best self forward more and more.

Feel free to let me know in the comments below how this video impacts you.

Also, if you haven’t already be sure to subscribe to our you tube channel.

Have a great week.


Hayley Mermelstein

Cultivating Deeper Appreciation with TRCB

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share a new healing video with you this week. In honor of Thanksgiving, todays topic is on appreciation.

Appreciation is a powerful principle that rapidly elevates your state of mind and your vibration, and can help move you to a whole new level.

Today we are going to focus on giving thanks in advance. Because your body doesn’t know the difference between a real and imagined event, when you give thanks for something that you are working to manifest, as if it is already here, you help to bring it into manifestation.

For example, if you give thanks that you are growing in your wisdom everyday, your body thinks that you are in fact growing in your wisdom everyday. This helps to bring forward the deep wisdom that lies at the core of your being. If you give thanks in advance for your increasing abundance and prosperity, again your body believes that you are growing more abundant and prosperous and begins to vibrate differently, this in turn helps to bring in greater abundance.

So for today, we are going to practice giving thanks in advance for the things that we are working on cultivating. In so doing, we are elevating our vibration, raising our frequency and beginning to put out a different vibration out into the world, this in turn impacts how we feel and how we manifest in our lives.

Try flooding yourself with a feeling of appreciation this week. Be aware of how this impacts not only how you feel but also how you manifest in your life.

This weeks chakra balancing affirmations are:

Crown: I appreciate that divine favor follows me where ever I go.

Third eye: I appreciate that I am able to bring forward my inner wisdom more and more.

Throat: I appreciate that my confidence is growing everyday.

Heart: I appreciate that I am growing in my ability to give and receive love.

Solar Plexus: I appreciate that I am growing in my ability to accept myself and accept others.

Identity: I appreciate that I am growing in my ability to respond in a balanced way in my life.

Base: I appreciate that my disciplines are improving everyday.

And there you have it. Your seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. Work with these seven affirmations and practice feeling deep appreciation for all that you’d like to manifest in your life as if its already here now.

The practice of flooding yourself with appreciation will elevate your state, change your vibration and impact how you manifest in the world.

Try this for the next seven days and watch what happens! When you find yourself getting caught in more limited states of mind experiment with “changing the channel” and turning on appreciation instead.

For additional support be sure to watch todays powerful video on appreciation!

Thank you all for your attention, for reading my emails and for your love and support through out the year. I deeply appreciate you and I deeply appreciate the opportunity to be of service.

Have a lovely Thanksgiving and a nice holiday.

May we all grow in our ability to appreciate ourselves, each other and the many opportunities for growth and service that we experience through out our day.


Hayley Mermelstein

Opening to possibility with TRCB

Hi there everyone!

Its been a while since we’ve done a video so I wanted to share one with you today. Its a video on opening to greater possibility. When we narrow our focus too much we can become self centered and limited in our perceptions. We can also tend to focus on the worst case senarios of our lives and really freak ourselves out! In todays healing video we will focus on opening to the field of infinite possibilities and maintaining a more expanded awareness and point of view.

Here are this weeks chakra balancing affirmations:

Crown: I am open to the field of infinite possibility.

Third eye: I am open and I am wise.

Throat: I am open and I am expressive.

Heart: I am open and I am loving and I am generous.

Solar Plexus: I am open and I welcome all of life.

Identity: I am open and I stand in my convinctions.

Base: I am open and I am filled with humility.

And there you have it. Your seven chakra balancing affirmations for the week. Seek to experience greater openness this week while also embodying greater wisdom, clarity, expression, love, convinction and humility.

As you balance all seven chakras you will elevate your frequency and raise your vibration and positively impact your own life and the lives of others.

Have a good week.


Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. I am working hard to complete my TRCB book of affirmations! Stay tuned for more info.

P.S.S. I am also working on our first webinar. Stay tuned for more exciting information about that as well!