Welcoming what is.

I was thinking about an unwanted situation in my life, and the more I protested in my mind about what was happening, the worse I felt. I had to stop myself (before things got out of hand!) and began to just welcome what was transpiring.

This wasn’t easy for me (and still isn’t) but I did notice that as I welcomed what was happening my body began to relax and my internal tension began to subside.

I decided that for today I would welcome what is and not add insult to injury by railing against what is. This may sound like passivity, but I believe that when we accept what is, we are better able to think clearly and hear guidance to help us navigate the challenges in our lives.

Anyway, as usual, I wrote a short affirmation to assist in this process and thought I’d share it here in case you too have some undesired situation that you are currently navigating.

I welcome.

I welcome this pain.
I embrace this pain.
I accept this pain.

I resist no longer.

I welcome.
I embrace.
I accept.
I surrender.

I set the table and I invite you to dinner.

What is it that you have come to teach me?
What is it that you would have me learn?

Why did you come?
What is your message?

I’m listening now.
I open to learning.

I welcome you.
I embrace you.
I resist no longer.

I am open and receptive.

I surrender.
I surrender.
I surrender.

Stay as long as you like.
Stay until I have learned what you want me to learn.

I resist you no longer.
Teach me what you came to teach me.

I welcome you.
I welcome you.
I welcome you.

Take a moment now and welcome some unwanted situation that is currently in your life. Welcome that which you currently are resisting. How deeply can you welcome what is? How deeply can you embrace what is happening? How deeply can you surrender?

Ask, what have you come to teach me? What is your message? What is it that you would have me learn?

As you welcome, embrace, and surrender, you will access greater peace. As you access greater peace you will be guided in right action.

But for today, simply surrender and simply welcome what is. Simply embrace all that is transpiring. See how deeply you can welcome what is.

Tomarrow (or another day) you can work on solving the problem. But for today, simply surrender and welcome what is. End the war. End the resistance. Embrace what is transpiring and be aware of how this impacts your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Be content to simply put one foot in front of the next for a little while as you learn that which is yours to learn. Surrender deeply and resist no more. Work with what shows up, and allow life to guide you in the path of right action.

Surrender. Surrender. Surrender. Listen. Listen. Listen.

Do that which is yours to do.

Listen deeply and you will be guided.

~Hayley Mermelstein

I am open to the will of spirit.

I was thinking this morning about “being more open” and opening to the will of spirit. I decided to write a short affirmation to assist me in this process. I thought I’d share it here in the event that it might be helpful for you as well.

Have a good weekend!

I am open to the will of spirit.

I am open.
I am open.

I am open to the will of spirit.
I am open to the will of spirit.

May thy will be my will.
May thy will be my will.

I am open.
I am open.

I am open and my openness draws new opportunities to me.
I am open and my openness draws new experiences to me.

I am open and my openness draws divine favor and divine blessings and divine opportunities into my life.

I am open.
I am open.
I am open.

Take a moment now and focus on opening. Open to receive. Open to greater love. Open to greater world service. Open to greater financial abundance. And above all else open to aligning your will with the will of spirit.

Let this be your experiment today, to open in greater ways: to open to divine blessings, to divine favor, and to divine opportunities.

Go through your day in a state of openness (coupled of course with wisdom and wise decision making). Be aware of how your openness to life impacts the quality of your day.

~Hayley Mermelstein

I am here to love you, not judge you.

Sometimes a phrase starts going through my head repeatedly. When that starts to happen, I know that a blog post or a guided meditation, or something wants to be written.

While going through my day earlier in the week, the phrase: I am here to learn to love you, not judge you, kept going through my head. On one level, I knew that this phrase was meant for me. There are several people in my life I am working on learning to love instead of judge. Also, I’m working on forgiving myself for my own mistakes as well.

On the other hand, i also feel like I am meant to share what I am learning, in the event that it may be beneficial for more than just myself.

It is in this vein, that I share this meditation that poured through me during a short break in between clients the other day.

I am here to learn to love you, not judge you.

It is easy to be judgmental. It takes no skill. Anyone and everyone can be judgemental, and I’m sure we have all had our moments, days, weeks or even months of seemingly justified judgementalness.

And who can blame us, when the people around us are so hopelessly impossible sometimes?

And yet, the fact remains, that we didn’t come here to be judgemental, we came to learn to love.

What? I can hear you shout out (and I hear my own brain protest as well), How can I love this and this, and that and that? It is all so difficult. And people are just so unreasonable sometimes.

And yet, no one said it would be easy and no one said it wouldn’t test every fiber of our being.

But part of why we came to the earth was to learn to love that which we deem unlovable.

Part of why we came to the earth was to learn to love the imbalances, to learn to love the wounds, both in ourselves and others and so:

Step into your love now.
Step into your power.
Step into your balance.

Learn to love that which you deem unlovable.

You do not need to invite all to dinner or even interact with everyone, but part of why you have come is to learn to keep your heart open, to learn to love that which you deem unlovable.

Start with yourself now.

Direct loving kindness toward yourself.


I love you.
I forgive you.
I appreciate you.
I value you.

Send love and kindness to yourself, as you remember that the earth is a school and that you came to learn and grow.

Yes, you have made many mistakes, just like the rest of us. And yes, some of those mistakes have had far reaching ramifications. And yet we must remember that there is a divine interconnection between what we’ve come to learn and what those around you have come to learn.

Train yourself to look for the learning. What are you learning? What are those around you learning?

After you see the lessons, affirm once again:

I love you.
I forgive you.
I appreciate you.
I value you.

You are learning and growing and everyone around you is learning and growing.

Mistakes are a natural and necessary part of the process.

Forgive yourself for your mistakes.

Wipe the slate clean.

Give yourself the gift of forgiveness this holiday season and give others the gift of your forgiveness this holiday season.

Let yourself and everyone else off the hook and choose to offer love and kindness and forgiveness. Do this for yourself, for your own health for your own development and achievement.

It is easy to judge yourself and others.

Strive for a higher, more refined way of being. Aspire to learn to love and appreciate yourself and to love and appreciate others. Aspire to learn to love the wounds in yourself and the wounds in others.

Again, you do not need to befriend everyone and there will those who you should most definitely love from afar, but aspire to grow in your capacity to love now.

This time, bring your awareness to someone in your life and this time direct your attention towards them as you affirm:

I love you.
I appreciate you.
I value you.
I forgive you.

You are learning something from this person. Perhaps you are learning to say yes and perhaps you are learning to say no. Perhaps you are learning to walk away and perhaps you are learning to stay despite the imbalances. Perhaps you are learning not to be so naive, perhaps you are learning to be more discerning in your interactions. Perhaps you are learning to give more, and perhaps you are learning to give less.

The lessons and attunments will vary. What will stay consistent is that you are learning to love.

And so embrace this lesson now and begin to hold yourself to a higher standard. Begin to embrace that you are learning to love. Be kind toward yourself in this process because this skill is not always easy to develop and will take much repetition and practice.

If it were easy, everyone would do it.

And so look to make a little progress everyday in your ability to love. Perhaps aspire to one percent better per day and little by little your heart chakra will open, and your ability to replace your judgementalness with love will grow and expand.

Direct your attention out into the world now and offer your love to all of humanity.


I love you.
I forgive you.
I value you.
I appreciate you.

We are all learning and growing. No one is exempt. And for today, I choose love. And for today I choose forgiveness. And for today I choose appreciation for the opportunity to practice and learn my own lessons.

I am here to learn how to love. I am here to learn how to love the wounds and the imbalances both in myself and others.

And I am also here to learn to love and welcome the greatness that lies within myself and others as well.

I am here to learn to love it all, the good, the bad, the ugly.

Affirm once again:

I love you.
I forgive you.
I value you.
I appreciate you.

We all have greatness within us and we all are wounded and learning and growing.

I did not come here to judge you. Anyone can do that.
I came here to learn to love you, wounds and all.

I love you.
I forgive you.
I value you.
I appreciate you.

We are all learning and growing. No one is exempt.

I love the greatness that lies with you.
I love the magnificience that you are.

And I love the wounded place with in you, for I know that you are learning and growing.

I do not add salt to your wounds. I am learning to add love.

We are all learning and we are all growing and I will do this imperfectly much of the time. But I will aspire to improve and grow in my capacity to bring love to the earth.

I love you.
I forgive you.
I value you.
I appreciate you.

We all have greatness within us and we all and human and and learning and growing and wounded.

I am learning to love all of it.

I love you.
I forgive you.
I value you.
I appreciate you.

And so it is.
And so it is.
And so it is.

~Have a good holiday weekend, everyone. And take some time this weekend to give yourself and those around you the gift of your forgiveness and love. Be aware of how this impacts your health and wellbeing and your life.

~The world needs our light and our love, may we all evolve in our ability to be a bright light on the planet.

~And of courses, couple your love with discernment. Sometimes its best to love from afar and sometimes its best to love up close. Let your heart love and your wisdom guide you in appropriate relating.


Hayley Mermelstein

I deserve

I was working with a client today and as we were talking it became clear that this client had a deep feeling of not deserving. We meditated and sent light to assist in healing this pattern and then did a TRCB session to further release blockages.

Later in the day, this blog post descended and I wrote it down so that we can all work on forgiving ourselves, opening to receive, and remembering that the earth is a school and that we are good and we deserve goodness.

Also, mark your calendar for Sunday December 27th at 7 p.m. ET for our next FREE TRCB Group Healing. (More details coming soon.)

I deserve.

I deserve the goodness of the universe.
I deserve abundance.
I deserve love.
I deserve healing.
I deserve happiness.
I deserve the goodness of the universe.

Take a moment now to affirm: I deserve. I deserve. I deserve.

At the human level, we are flawed and we make mistakes. But at the spiritual level we are innocent, whole and complete. At the spiritual level we deserve life’s goodness.

Take a moment now and forgive yourself for past mistakes.

Understand that you are learning and growing and that we are all learning and growing.

Understand that despite all of your mistakes that you deserve goodness. You deserve all that life wants to bring to you.

And so let go now.

Let go of the thought that you don’t deserve and open to all that is meant for you.

Let go now and step into the life that you have imagined for yourself.

Let go now and accept with grace and appreciation all that is coming your way.

Let go now and remember that you deserve because you are spirit and you are good and you are learning.

The earth is school.
Part of why you have come is to learn and grow.

Don’t be so hard on yourself.
Forgive yourself.

Let go of the past and step into your future with arms wide open.

You deserve.
You are good and you are learning.

Humanly there is reward and punishment, good and bad.
At the spiritual level there is perfection and grace and learning.

There is a divine interconnection between what you are learning and what those around you are learning. Remember to see deeper, see the learning and the lessons.

Forgive yourself and forgive others for everyone is learning and everyone deserves.

Open your arms now to receive the goodness of the universe.

Offer the gift of forgiveness to yourself this holiday season and offer the gift of forgiveness to others.

All are learning and all are growing and all are on a very long journey home.

Remember that you deserve.
So often you strive for a goal with one hand and block it with the other.

Step into your sense of deserving now.
Step into the rememberance of who you really are.

Remember that the earth is a school and that you have come to learn and grow.

Remember that no one expected you to be perfect.

You are growing and learning and it is all okay.

You deserve. You deserve. You deserve.

Open yourself up to the good of the universe and let it rain down on you.

Listen deeply and you will know what to do.
The way forward will be made clear.

Open to receive and remember that you deserve the goodness that is coming your way.

Affirm frequently:

I am open to receive.
I am open to receive.

I deserve.
I deserve.
I deserve.

Happy Holidays Everyone and Happy New Year too. Thank you for being part of my TRCB community.


~Hayley Mermelstein

Love me, even though I can’t love you back.

I was meditating this morning and as I was just about to conclude, I heard a friend’s voice (in my mind) say to me: “Love me, even though I can’t love you back.”

This particular friend has been distant and aloof with me and it’s been a challenge to know how to be in relation to her.

And even though I’m not sure yet of what actions to take externally, her words helped me to remember to stay loving inside of myself, despite the discord that lies between us.

Her words also inspired the following blog post, that i thought I’d share with all of you.

Love me, even though I can’t love you back.

Sometimes in our lives there are people who choose not to love us or simply can’t love us (or be loving toward us), because of where they are at inside of themselves. Rather than take this personally and be offended and hurt, can we find the place in ourselves that can remain loving, even in the face of others anger or apathy or indifference or inconsiderate behaviour?

This is one of the great challenges set before each one of us, to learn to love those who can’t love us back.

In this crazy world of ours this is no easy task, and we are at best very imperfect at it. But if we are truly to open our hearts then we must aspire to love, not only those who love and approve of us, but also those who are cold, or angry, or arrogant, or aloof, or those who feel superior to us as well.

So, let this be your challenge today, to learn to keep your heart open even in the face of those who can’t love you back. This, of course, does not mean you need to put yourself in harms way, sometimes, its best to love others from afar.

Take a moment now and direct love towards someone who can’t love you back.


I love you.
I love you.

I value you.
I value you.

You are learning and you are growing.
Everyone is learning and everyone is growing.

I appreciate you.
I appreciate you.

I forgive you.
I forgive you.

I love you.
I love you.

Be aware of how this softens your heart. Be aware of how this shifts your energy.

Let this be your challenge today: to send love to someone who doesn’t treat you well or can’t (at this time) love you back.

As you grow in your ability to do this, your heart chakra will open and you will be able to manifest more of your best self.

After you have opened your heart you can ask: Given what is, what is the loving thing to do? You can listen deeply within and let your inner wisdom guide you in right relation.

Sometimes it is loving to love from afar and sometimes it is loving to love up close. Sometimes it is loving to say yes and sometimes it is loving to say no. Sometimes it is loving to give other people the space that they need. Sometimes it is loving to come close. Sometimes it is loving to give other people freedom to choose and not force our own will or desires on them. Sometimes its loving to value ourselves enough to walk away. Sometimes its loving to let other people just be. Sometimes its loving to ask for more. Sometimes its loving to ask for less. Sometimes its loving to challenge the status quo. Sometimes its loving to express and sometimes its loving to remain silent.

The individual attunement will vary. It is through deep listening that we will know how to best express the love that is in our hearts.

But for today, simply work on opening your heart chakra. Do this for yourself, so that you can be the best that you can be. Be aware of how this impacts your life and your manifestation.

Ask yourself:

What changes as you become a more loving person?
What percentage of your day can you stay in love?
Can you appreciate this adversary in your life for teaching you how to love in a deeper way?
What else can you appreciate about this person?
What else are you learning from this challenge?

You can simplify the affirmation I shared above by simply stating:

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.

You can silently say this to yourself and silently say it to others all day long.

Be aware of what impact this has on you and your relationships.

Some relationships may improve with this affirmation of love, and some, which are no longer appropriate for you, may find their good elsewhere. Sometimes nothing will change externally but your own internal environment will be transformed.

One thing we can say for sure, is that the affirmation, I love you, will raise your own vibration and help you to bring your best self forward more and more. Be aware of the far reaching impact this can have on your health, your relationships and on your own life as well.

Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. We will be having our monthly free TRCB teleclass this Sunday, November 29th at 7 p.m. This is a great opportunity to join with a group for the purpose of balancing your chakras and bringing your best self forward more and more.

To join our call, simply call: 413-259-8048 at 6:55 or so, on Sunday evening. The lines will be muted, so all you need to do is sit back and relax and allow the opening meditation and TRCB healing to wash over you and bring you whatever healing and transformation you need at this time. Feel free to forward this email to a friend in need as well.

I look forward to joining you on the call!

For those who would like to have access to our recording page, you can join our subscription program by signing up here: http://trcbhealing.com/teleclass/

Imperfect Hearts

Sometimes it is hard to see the perfection beneath the humanity.
Sometimes it is hard to see the beauty that lies within.

But I will aspire to see the true you.

The you beneath the gruff and the huff.
The you beneath the defensiveness.

I love you with an imperfect heart.

But I will aspire to remember that you are beautiful and you that are good and that you are learning and that you are afraid and that you are wounded, just like everyone else.

I love you with an imperfect heart.

But I will aspire to know that at your core you mean well, and that you want to be loving and be loved, and that you want to be a radiant being upon the earth.

I love you with an imperfect heart.

But I will aspire, to remember who I am and how I want to be in the world, and to see your imperfections with a kind eye and a gentle heart.

I love you with an imperfect heart and that is okay, because we are all learning and we are all growing and we are all perfection becoming more perfect.

I love you with an imperfect heart.

~Hayley Mermelstein

P.S. Have a nice Thanksgiving everyone.

Also, we are having our FREE TRCB TELECLASS the last Sunday of every month. Be sure to join us on the call Sunday November 29th, 2015 at 7 p.m. I’ll send out call in information next Saturday!

I’m good, right?

He was 5 years old and is one of the loves of my life. We were playing together outside on a hot summer day while his 4 years old sister tried fruitlessly to carry her bucket of water to some unknown destination.

I say to the 5 year old, maybe we should go help your sister, it looks like she having trouble carrying her bucket. I say it in such a way to help him feel like the big boy that I know he wants to be.

And as we are walking to meet her, he stops, turns to me and asks in the most sincere of voices, “I’m good, right”.

And it’s a real question, and I know that it is an important moment.

And, I turn and I look him in the eyes and I say, yes, you are very good. And he looks at me and smiles and nods, as if to say, I thought so, I just needed to make sure. And I see him take my words in and he is relieved.

But his question hits me hard because I see a five year old who is teetering on the edge of losing the knowing that he is good, and although my answer temporarily reassures him, I know it won’t be enough to battle the forces that will be coming: the well meaning but over worked teachers, sleep deprived parents, young friends and adversaries, not to mention societal expectations.

But what can I do in this moment but tell him he is good?

Five years pass and that little boy is 10 years old now and I can tell he is forgetting what he once knew, and I want to whisper in his ear: You are good. You are good. Don’t forget, you are good.

But I can’t quite yet, because he is running off to baseball or basketball or playing with the other 10 year old neighborhood kids or teasing his sister or playing a video game or doing his homework.

But I will bide my time and wait for the right moment when I can remind him in some 10 year old appropriate way that he is good and that he is learning and that he is only 10, and it is okay to make mistakes and it is okay to not know and it is okay to cry and it is okay, it’s all okay.

But I can’t say it to him quite yet.

But I can say it here, to the 10 year old in all of us, who perhaps has forgotten what we once knew.

I could say:

Don’t forget that you once knew you were good. Before the conditioning and the tired voices all around you told you otherwise.

Don’t forget that it is okay to make mistakes, and its okay not to know, and it is okay not to be sure, and it’s okay to cry and we are all like children until we reach enlightenment.

Don’t forget that you have greatness in you, too.

Don’t forget that you are perfection becoming more perfect.

Don’t forget. Don’t forget.

Remember who you truly are.

Remember that you are good and you are learning.

Remember that the earth is a school.

And that you came to grow and to learn and to share and serve and to enjoy.

Don’t be so hard on yourself.

Forgive yourself.

It’s all okay.

I love you.

Don’t forget. Don’t forget.

And maybe, just maybe, the 10 year old inside of all will, at long last, remember what has been forgotten.

Give yourself what you seek from others.

I-value-myself-II’ve been thinking a lot this week about the power of loving and forgiving ourselves. So often, we look to others for love, forgiveness, appreciation, and acceptance. What if instead of looking to others for these qualities we focused instead on giving them to ourselves? What if as we treated ourselves better, this impacted how others treated us? What if everyone out there is simply a mirror of how we treat ourselves?

For this week focus on being kinder to yourself. Focus on forgiving yourself, loving yourself, valuing yourself and accepting yourself.

To assist us all with this endeavor, I wrote a chakra balancing sequence that you can repeat to yourself. (I like to start my day with a Tong Ren Chakra Balancing sequence.)

If you have a Tong Ren doll and hammer you can tap on the chakras of the doll as you repeat the following affirmations. If you don’t have a doll and hammer, than simply repeat the following affirmations to yourself:

Tong Ren Chakra Balancing sequence:

Crown: I am special and we are all special.

Third Eye: I am a wise old soul and I step into my wisdom now.

Throat: I value myself.

Heart: I forgive myself. I love myself. I appreciate myself.

Solar Plexus: I accept myself completely.

Identity: I am whole and complete with in myself.

Base: I am spirit, therefore, I am safe.

Take a moment now and really take this in. Take a moment to really appreciate yourself. Take a moment to forgive yourself. Take a moment to remember that we are all learning and growing and that we all make mistakes. Take a moment to accept your strengths and weaknesses. Take a moment to value yourself.

Anytime an issue arises this week within yourself or In the world around you, take it as a cue and a reminder to love, value, appreciate, accept and forgive yourself. Practice seeing everything out there as an invitation for greater self love and self healing. Be aware of how this impacts your world.

So often, we look to others to love and appreciate us. And while external validation is always nice, its even better if we can learn to give ourselves the love and kindness that we seek.

What healing could happen in your body this week if you really forgave yourself for everything?

What transformation could occur is you really valued and appreciated yourself?

What would change if you finally accepted what seemed unacceptable?

What opportunities could open if we all learned to love ourselves more completely?

These are big challenges that we can all work on together.

For a short cut, simply pick one of the above affirmations and repeat it to yourself through out your day.

For example, if you are working on self love you could simply repeat: I love myself. I love myself. I love myself.

If you are looking for greater forgiveness you could repeat: I forgive myself. I forgive myself. I forgive myself.

If you desire greater self-acceptance, you could affirm: I accept myself completely. I accept myself completely. I accept myself completely.

Repeat what ever affirmation you choose frequently through out your day. For it is through repetition and consistency that we begin to change and elevate the way we think and feel about ourselves and others.

Have a good week everyone!

Also, if you’d like greater support, feel free to join us on our free Tong Ren Chakra Balancing group healing that is happening this Sunday, October 25th at 7 p.m. E.T. The number for the call is: 413-259-8048. We will be focusing on cultivating greater self love and acceptance. By joining together as a group we can heal and transform in powerful ways. I look forward on working on our collective healing together!

~Hayley Mermelstein

I deserve.

I was at a party the other day and someone asked me a question about a mutual friend. I answered their question and then realized that I had said too much. It wasn’t a terribly big deal but still I felt badly. It was an honest mistake, but still a mistake nonetheless. If I had been more prepared for the question I would have said less.

I was thinking about this when I got home and felt badly about it. Again, it wasn’t the end of the world and in a sense I was being sort of hard on myself. I just said a little too much.

Anyway, in my time of feeling badly, a critical voice that I didn’t know was in me arose and said with great venom: “You don’t deserve goodness.”

What, I answered back, that is kind of a strong reaction isn’t it? (Trying to rationalize with my irritational self.) Yes, but still, you don’t deserve, it echoed back.

I felt, in that moment, that a part of my unconscious mind was revealing itself to me. Sort of rearing its ugly head in a moment of vulnerability.

I’m glad, however, that this happened.

They say that 90 percent of our mind is unconscious. Consciously, i would say I totally hold the attitude that I deserve, but clearly their was this voice deep within me that felt otherwise.

Its important to be aware of these unconscious voices in our heads because they affect our lives and our manifestation. What goodness might I be blocking because I have this hidden voice saying that I don’t deserve?

Once these voices come to the surface we can begin to work with them using affirmations, prayer, Tong Ren Chakra Balancing or other healing techniques.

For me, I wrote the following affirmation for myself and thought I’d share it here in case, from time to time, there is a voice within you that rises up to try to hold you down.

Here is to our collective liberation!

I deserve.

I deserve.
I deserve.

I deserve the goodness of the universe.
I deserve the goodness of the universe.

I deserve wealth.
I deserve love.
I deserve prosperity.
I deserve kindness.

I deserve.
I deserve.

I deserve and I am open to receive.
I deserve and I am open to receive.

I am open to receive the goodness of this universe.
I am open to receive the goodness of this universe.

We have all made mistakes.
No one is exempt.

We have all made mistakes and yet we still deserve.

So quiet that voice within that says I do not deserve.
Heal that voice within that blocks the goodness of the universe.

I heal that voice within and I open to receive.
I heal that voice within and I devote myself to service.

I open to the goodness of the universe.
I open to the goodness of the universe.

I open to greater power.
I open to greater love.
I open to great wealth.
I open to greater abundance.
I open to greater kindness.

I am a child of God and I deserve.
We all deserve healing.

Take a moment now and open to the goodness of the universe.

Open to a force of life that has your best interest at heart.
Open to a force of life that wants to bring you all that you need to heal.

Heal the voice within that says I don’t deserve.
Heal the voice within that blocks this goodness.

Know that you spirit and that you are good and
Know that everyone makes mistakes.

Be kind to yourself and open.
Be open and allow yourself to heal.

If there is a place within you that you are having trouble healing, ask for divine intervention now.

Help me spirit to know that I deserve the goodness of the universe.

Help me to heal the voice within me that says I do not deserve.

Help me to be open to your goodness more and more.


I am healing.
I am whole.
I am complete
I am a child of God and
I deserve.

~Hayley Mermelstein

Reread this affirmation and meditation frequently.

Have a good weekend everyone and remember that
regardless of the mistakes that we have made, we all deserve healing.


Hayley Mermelstein

She believed that she could, and so, she did.

Hello Everyone,

I was doing a guided meditation through my chakras this morning, and as I was meditating, I realized that my throat chakra was my weakest center. The throat center is the center for expression, confidence, power, growth and learning. When I asked myself why my throat center felt so weak, I instantly knew the answer. I knew that it was because I needed to work on my confidence.

I’m told I come across as confident, but actually it is something I struggle with in one way or another almost every day. Sometimes I feel incredibly confident, and yet at other times thoughts of insecurity creep in. And so, after meditating, I went for a walk and as I was walking a poem/meditation started coming through me. I talked it into my handy dandy phone (blog post writing is so much easier now that I can talk them into my phone) and now can read it daily to help strengthen my throat center.

I thought I’d share this affirmation/poem here with all of you, because no matter where we are at, we can all work on strengthening our chakras and stepping into our full potential more and more.

For more information about the chakras, keep an eye out for my new book: Balance Your Chakras: The TRCB Book of Affirmations, that will be coming out this fall (date to be announced shortly).

She believed she could, so she did.

I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.

I embody confidence.
I embody confidence.

I feel confident.
I feel confident.

Every cell of my body is filled with confidence.
Every cell of my body radiates confidence.

My entire being is filled with confidence.

She believed that she could and so she did.
She believed that she could and so she did.

I know that I can accomplish what I’ve come to accomplish.
I know I can fulfill my destiny.

I know that I do not work alone.
I know that I am part of a powerful team.

I know that powerful beings of light are all around me.
I know that these powerful beings of light are working with me to manifest what I need.

She believed that she could and so she did.
She believed that she could and so she did.

I do not work alone.
I know that I attract helpers in the physical world and in the spiritual world.

I know I can accomplish what I’ve come here to accomplish.
I know I can make the contribution that I’ve come to make.

I am filled with confidence.
I am filled with confidence.

I embody confidence.
I embody confidence.

I feel confident.
I feel confident.

Every cell of my body is filled with confidence.
Every cell of my body radiates confidence.

My confidence draws to me all the help that I need both from both the physical world and the spiritual world.

And so for today, I embody confidence.
And so for today, I allow this to be my practice.

And for today I step into my full confidence and my full potential.

I am confident.
I am confident.

I am confident.
I am confident.

~Hayley Mermelstein