Cultivating Financial Abundance with TRCB

Welcome back to Tong Ren Chakra Balancing Tuesday where for the rest of the summer I will be sharing a Tong Ren Chakra Balancing video as well as the 7 main affirmations used in the video.

Watching the video will assist in releasing blockages and helping you to step into your full potential on every level.

For today we are focusing on releasing blockages to financial abundance so that we can step into our full potential financially.

For best results watch the video daily and work with the following 7chakra balancing affirmations:

Seven Chakra Balancing Affirmations:

Crown Chakra: I trust that life is working with me to manifest what I need.

Third eye: I am wise in relationship to money. I spend, save and invest wisely.

Throat: I am confident.

Heart: I am loving and generous with my money.

Solar Plexus: I am deeply appreciative of all that I have.

Identity chakra: I am balanced. I give and I receive with ease.

Base chakra: I am disciplined. I attend to my mind, body, and spirit.

And there you have it, seven chakra balancing affirmations to help you heal your relationship to money!

Use these affirmations whenever deeper balanced is desired and allow them to assist you in manifesting greater financial abundance in your life. Work with them everyday for the next 30 days and be aware of how they impact you and how they affect your manifest in the world.

TRCB Tuesday Video – Opening to the Light.

Welcome to Tong Ren Chakra Balancing (TRCB) Tuesday. This week we will be focusing on opening to the light. Watch this video anytime greater connection to your inner spirit is desired or anytime you would like to connect to a force of life greater than yourself. Allow the tapping and the affirmations to align your chakras and assist you in bringing your best self forward.

This weeks affirmations are as follows:

Crown: I am open to the light.

Third eye: I am open and my clarity will protect me.

Throat: I am a radiant being of light.

Heart: I am a radiant being of light and love.

Solar Plexus: I accept myself completely.

Identity: I know who I am and I know why I am here.

Base: I am disciplined. I attend to my mind, body and spirit every day.

Again, work with these affirmations frequently through out the week and watch the video whenever greater balance is desired.

Now its your turn!

Let us know how this video impacted you? Feel free to leave comments in the space below. We love to hear from you!

TRCB Tuesday – Cultivating Confidence


This is our first TRCB Tuesday. During each TRCB Tuesday episode we will focus on one spiritual principle or condition that we would like to treat. Today we are focusing on cultivating greater confidence.

Here are the TRCB affirmations that we used today for cultivating greater confidence:


I let go and I trust that spirit is working with me to manifest what I need.

Third Eye:

I am filled with certainty. I am certain that I will be successful. I am certain that spirit is working with me to manifest what I need. I am filled with certainty.


I am filled with confidence. I am confident in myself and I am confident that spirit is working with me to manifest what I need. I am filled with confidence. I am confident. I am powerful. I am strong. I am filled with confidence.


I am filled with compassion. I am filled with compassion for all of humanity. We are all in this together. I am filled with compassion.

Solar Plexus:

I am filled with appreciation. My appreciation acts as a magnet bringing even more to appreciate into my life. I am filled with appreciation.


I know who I am. I know who I am and I need no validation. I know who I am and spirit knows who I am. I know who I am and I know what to do. I know who I am.


I am disciplined. I attend to my mind, my body, my emotions, and my spirit everyday.

Work with these affirmations this week and practice stepping into greater confidence. There is a place of great confidence that lies within you, seek to connect with this place within more and more. Cultivate a deeper confidence in yourself and cultivate a deeper confidence that their is a spiritual force of life working with you to manifest what you need. As you step into greater confidence you will develop greater clarity about how best to proceed. As you step into greater confidence you will attract powerful beings of light to your side.

Let this be your practice for the week. Affirm frequently: I am filled with confidence. Embody confidence. Radiate confidence. Step into your confidence. Tap with your Tong Ren hammer on your Tong Ren doll to energetically release any blockages to your innate confidence. Let us know how this goes for you in the comments below.


I am free and you are free.

Freedom. I’m a freedom lover. I enjoy being free and I enjoy giving others freedom as well. And so today I offer all of us a plate of freedom. You are free and I am free. You are free to be true to yourself. You are free to live a life in alignment with your own true nature. You are free to listen deeply and go where you are guided. You are free to walk away from that which you are guided to leave. You are free to say yes and you are free to say no. You are free to follow the impulses of your spirit and go where you are guided to go.

I grant myself this same freedom.

I am free to listen deeply to my own inner spirit and the whispers of spirit all about me. I am free to go where I am guided to go, and walk away from that which I am guided to leave. I am free to live an attuned life. I am free to follow my deepest impulses and live the life that is meant for me. I am free to say yes, and I am free to say no.

Freedom when coupled with deep listening is highly responsible.
Freedom when separated from deep listening can be highly irresponsible.

And so listen deeply. Listen deeply to the inner core of your being, and listen deeply to the whispers of spirit that are all around you. Spirit will guide you towards the life that is most meant for you. Spirit will guide you toward personal fulfillment, actualization and contribution. Listen deeply. Give yourself freedom to do that which you know is yours to do. Give yourself freedom to be the person that you are most meant to be.

Listen deeply. Be free. And the way forward will be revealed.
Hayley Mermelstein
c. 2014

I let go.


I’m thinking about letting go of attachments today and freedom. Thought I’d share a little something I wrote that speaks to this. I hope that it assists all of us in letting go of whatever it is that we need to release today.

I let go.
I let go.
I let go.

I let go of my fears.
I let go of my limited attitudes.
I let go of the thoughts that say I can’t.
I let go of the past.
I let go of regret.
I let go of guilt.
I let go of fear.
I let go of anger.

I let go of anything that is holding me back.

I let go.
I let go.
I let go.

I let go of old cloths.
I let go of worn out relationships.
I let go of all that no longer serves me.
I let go of an old chapter.
I let go of the person I once was.
I let go of who I think I am supposed to be.
I let go of the well-meaning opinions of others.

I let go.
I let go.
I let go.

I let go and I step into possibility.
I let go and I step into potential.
I let go and I step into greatness.
I let go and I step into humility.
I let go and I step into a new chapter.
I let go and step into the person that I am meant to be.

I let go.
I let go.
I let go.

I let go and I step into joy.
I let go and I step into compassion.
I let go and I step into love.
I let go and I step into contribution.
I let go and I step into excellence.
I let go and step into confidence.
I let go and step into power.
I let go and I step into strength.
I let go and I step into creativity.
I let go and I step into my wholeness.

I let go.
I let go.
I let go.

I let go of all that no longer serves me.
I let go and I allow others to let go as well.
I let go and I allow those that are meant to be in my life to come.
I let go and I allow those who are meant to go to go.
I let go and I am free.
I let go and you are free.

I let go.
I let go.
I let go.

I let go and step into my true self.

I let go.
I let go.
I let go.

I let go and I am free.
I let go and I am free.
I let go and I am free.

Hayley Mermelstein
c. 2014

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Letting go of regret


I awoke this morning and as I lounged in bed slowly getting ready for the day to come a wave of regret washed over me. It is a regret from two years ago which likes to visit me from time to time. It especially likes to arise while I’m just waking up and not fully prepared to deal with it yet.  I’ll spare you the details but it was an honest mistake that I made that affected others. It was an unintentional mistake, but a mistake none-the-less. As I lay in bed, my morning reverie interrupted by the memory of this mistake I asked myself: How am I going to get over this? I can’t keep doing this to myself. I instantly knew the answer, though it was an answer that I didn’t wanted to hear. The answer was to accept that I’m learning and growing, that I’m human and that I make mistakes too. The answer made me cringe inside as if this was the one thing that I could not do. Anything but that. I went back in my mind trying to reverse the moment, trying to do it differently, but as much as I tried I could not turn back time.

As I laid in bed I began to hear a message and so I got out my pen and paper hoping that the message that came through would be helpful. It was helpful. It’s a message about embracing the learning process and accepting that part of why we are here on the earth is to learn and grow. We have come to learn and grow. We all make mistakes. It’s a part of life. And while its easy to say these words, really learning to embrace the message is a whole other story.

One thing I’ve learned being in private practice all these years is that we all share the same human condition.  We all feel joy, love, sadness, regret.  We all have areas of ease and places that we struggle.  We all make mistakes and we are all learning to embrace this process.

I thought that I’d share the message that I received about embracing the learning process with all of you.  The message was helpful for me and one that I’ll probably need to keep reading for a while. I hope that it is helpful for you as well.  Feel free to let me know how this post impacts you in the comments section below.

Morning Message:

“Let go of your regret now. You are here to learn. You are here to grow. You punish yourself for things you feel you should have done, should have known but you didn’t know. If you had truly understood you would have done differently. And so forgive yourself now. Know that you were doing the best you could at the time. You will grow and evolve many times through the course of a lifetime and your response to various situations will change as you grow and evolve. If you look back with pain at the person you once were you are slowing your evolution. Look back with compassion. Look back with forgiveness. Look back with understanding to the person you once were. You did the best that you knew how at the time. If you’d have truly known better you would have done better.

And so forgive yourself. And so be compassionate with your self. And so understand the process of growth and learning in which you are involved. All are learning. All are growing. And the sooner you embrace this process the sooner you will step into the person that you are meant to be.

When you accept this process you will step more fully into your compassion. When you accept this process you will step more fully into your understanding, your power, your strength. As you treat yourself you will treat others.

When you forgive yourself you will forgive others. When you understand yourself you will understand others. When you are able to find compassion for yourself you will be able to find compassion for others. And so forgive, forgive, forgive. Allow yourself to be in a learning process. You have come to learn. You have come to grow. The earth is a school. This can not be emphasized enough. You have come for the learning. Do not be so surprised by the mistakes as if you thought you’d be exempt from making them. No one is exempt. All have come for learning and for growth and service and enjoyment.

And so do not feel regret. Instead commit yourself to the learning process. Commit to continued learning and continued growth. Know that you are evolving and growing everyday. How you handled something last week is not how you would necessarily handle it today. Do not regret this process instead embrace it with maturity and grace.

Deepen your understanding about why you are here, what you have come to learn and what you have come to teach.

Let go of regret and step into understanding. Let go of regret and step into compassion. Let go of regret and step into your full power. When you embrace the learning process rather than run from it you become powerful. When you can look at your faults honestly you become powerful. When you can embrace the learning process you expediate your learning process and you become a more powerful light.

And so embrace, embrace, embrace. Allow. Allow. Allow. Give yourself space to learn and grow and give others room to learn and grow. In this way you can step into the person that you were meant to be. Do not look back with regret. Know that all are learning and all are growing. Know that all is in perfection. Look back with kindness and compassion and know that all are learning and this is as it should be. Look back with the maturity of understanding not the reactiveness of a child. Look back with the eyes of compassion and with the eyes of understanding. All are learning and all are growing. The path is not easy but it is paved with learning for all. Embrace this process and you shall be successful.

~Hayley Mermelstien

I serve the oneness.


When feeling guilty stop and pause and then devote yourself to serving the oneness. You are not here to serve the individual you are here to serve the oneness. Others may think they know what you owe them or should give to them but they are often times seeing through their own lense of confusion. Many are confused about appropriate giving and receiving. And so step back and devote yourself to serving the oneness. When you serve the oneness you do what is best for all concerned. Sometimes what is best for all concerned is that you take a day for yourself. Sometimes what is best for all concerned is that you say yes and sometimes what is best for all concerned is that you say no. Be okay with disappointing others. Perhaps because you are disappointing them they will be freed up to find their good elsewhere. Remember rejection is the universe telling you that you are going in the wrong direction. When you reject others you are letting them know that they too are going in the wrong direction. Do not feel guilty or badly about this. This is necessary, and is in fact the loving thing to do. Devote yourself daily to doing what is best for all concerned even if it is not what is wanted by those around you. Do not allow others to push you into relationships that are not right for you at this time. Be strong. Be sensitive. Be gentle. Be kind. But say no when you need to say no.

Devote yourself to serving the oneness and you will know what is yours to do and what isn’t. Devote yourself to serving the oneness and you will offer your full contribution and do that which you came here to do. Protect your time. Protect your energy. Listen deeply and you will be guided. Feel guilty no more. Go forward with confidence and trust and faith. Live a guided life and seek to please the guides who are watching over you rather than the individuals in your life. Sometimes what is attuned will be pleasing to others and sometimes it will not. Train yourself to be okay with this. Your issue is that you lack confidence to know if your decisions are wise or not.

All you can do is devote yourself to serving the oneness and see what actions bubble out from that place. As you live your life you will come to know which decisions are in alignment with the oneness and which are not. Give yourself permission to make mistakes while you aspire to doing the best that you are able. Over time this discernment will become easier. For now: affirm that you are devoted to serving the oneness and do the best you can knowing that your skill in reading the energy will improve and get stronger over time. Be committed to serving the oneness and steadfast in your desire to listen deeply so that you can do that which you came here to do. In the end you will regret if you give your energy to projects, people and situations that are not meant for you at this time and so listen deeply and walk your own path with grace, courage and convinction while staying open to learning as you go.

Affirm frequently:

I serve the oneness.
I serve the oneness.
I serve the oneness.

I am open

I am open.

I am open.
I am open to the light.
I am open to love.
I am open to abundance.
I am open to new opportunities.
I am open to new people.
I am open to new experiences.
I am open to expansion.
I am open to a full and expansive life.
I am open to positivity.
I am open.

I am open.
I am open to divine love.
I am open to divine guidance.
I am open to divine intervention.
I am open to divine assistance.
I am open to divine solutions.
I am open to divine favor.
I am open to divine blessings..
I am open to the divine plan unfolding perfectly.
I am open.

I am open.
I am open to the wonders of the universe.
I am open to newness.
I am open to a new perspective.
I am open to seeing things differently.
I am open to wisdom.
I am open to wise counsel.
I am open to magic.
I am open to mystery.
I am open to adventure.
I am open to travel.
I am open to beauty.
I am open to nature.
I am open to new experiences.
I am open.

I am open.
I am open and expanded.
I am open and free.
I am open to a wonderful life.
I am open to miracles.
I am open to blessings.
I am open to divine surprises.
I am open to divine favor.
I am open to abundance from expected sources.
I am open to abundance from unexpected sources.
I am open.
I am open.
I am open.

~Hayley Mermelstein
c. 2014

Learning to forgive

Below is an excerpt from a guided meditation I am working on on forgiveness.  Sometimes it is best to forgive from afar. Sometimes it is best to forgive up close.  Allow the heart to forgive and wisdom to guide you in appropriate relating.

“We must all learn to forgive. There is no one on the earth who hasn’t felt hurt, betrayed, and disappointed at times. It is up to each one of us to decide how we will respond to the various hurts and disappointments that we will encounter. Will we respond with anger? Will we respond with an eye for an eye? Or will we learn to respond with love, with light, with compassion, and with understanding. The choice is ours. One choice keeps us locked in a world of competition, of anger, and a world where there is no peace. The other choice, the choice of forgiveness offers another way. It brings us into a world of peace, of compassion, of love, of forgiveness, and of healing.

What is the world you wish to live in?

Begin the practice today of offering forgiveness both to yourself and to others. Forgive so that you can feel peace. Forgive so that you can feel expansion. Forgive so that you can feel love and light. And forgive so that you can step into an elevated awareness and can be a force of good in the world. Forgive so that you can be an agent for peace on the planet. There is a cloud of anger and unrest that fills your world. Forgive so that you can begin the process of dispelling that cloud and bring peace to the earth. Let this process begin with you. It is easy to wait and want others to go first. Especially if you feel that you were wronged. Be willing to take the high road. Be willing to forgive first. Be willing to lead the way. The world needs spiritual leaders. To be a leader in this way you must be willing to lead in love and light and compassion and understanding. You must be willing to go first and you must be willing to hold these spiritual principles even if you hold them alone. And so do this for yourself and do this for your world. Practice forgiveness daily. Let this be a process for the act of forgiving often takes time and repetition.

And so forgive daily and step into an elevated awareness. Step into an elevated point of view. Step into your radiance. Step into your light. Step into your love. Step into your compassion. Step into the person that you were meant to be. Step into the highest version of yourself. Step into the life that you were meant to lead.

At your core you are a radiant being of light and love and compassion and understanding. Step into this elevated version of yourself and be a true force for good on the planet. This role is a big responsibility and takes vigilance and discipline of the mind and body. Begin your endeavor today.

See yourself as a being of light and affirm:

I am a radiant being of light.
I am a radiant being of love.
I am a radiant being of understanding.
I am a radiant being of compassion.

I radiate light.
I radiate love.
I radiate compassion.
I radiate understanding.

This is my daily practice and this is my daily discipline.

I offer light.
I offer love.
I offer compassion.
I offer understanding.

Sometimes I offer this from afar and sometimes I offer this up close.

I am a healing force in the world and all who come into my presence are healed.

I am a radiant being of light.
I am a radiant being of light.
I am a radiant being of light.

~Hayley Mermelstein


“The quieter you become, the more you hear.” Rumi

Learning to quiet the mind is a valuable tool that opens you up to guidance from a higher source. Learning to quiet the mind allows you to hear the whispers of your own inner spirit as well as the whispers of spirit all about you. I had a client call me on the phone this week for a phone session. This client was in the process of making an important work related decision. When she called me on the phone, I thought to myself, that I really didn’t want the responsibility of influencing such a big decision so I decided I would practice deep listening with this person and hope that the very act of “listening deeply” would help this person come to their own conclusions about what would be best. (There is a whole school of thought about this actually where the very act of listening deeply to someone helps them get in touch with their own inner wisdom and clarity).

Anyway, this client called and I began the endeavor of listening deeply. She told me the pros and cons of the decision that she needed to make. I listened deeply and heard the panic in my clients voice and felt my own head start to spin. From a purely intellectual point of view we could make a case for either choice.

I talked to my client about the value of deep listening. I told her about how as a culture we have been taught to think through our problems but that there is another way. We can learn to ask for guidance and then listen deeply for an answer. My meditation teacher, Ellen Tadd, calls this asking and listening. I asked my client is she would like to try asking and listening. She said she was open to anything that would help.

Since my client was open I took a moment and walked her through a short-guided mediation exercise. I instructed this client to take a deep breath and remember who she was. I instructed her to remember that at the core of her being is a place of great wisdom and great clarity. I reminded her that there was a place within her that already knew the answer to her problem. I had this client imagine that waves and waves of gold light were shining down upon her and that this gold light was filling her with wisdom and clarity and was shedding light on this situation. I had this client sit in this waterfall of golden light allowing the light to bring illumination and calm and peace and clarity. Once my client was relaxed, I simply instructed her to allow everyday brain chatter to quiet down and to simply ask, her question. I instructed my client to allow her mind to quiet but at the same time to be open to insight and clarity coming from a deeper source. We both then sat in silence together and listened deeply. After a minute or two of listening deeply together, I guided my client to bring her attention back. When she came back I asked her about her experience. She said that she heard the message to not let fear rule her decision making process and in addition, she received an answer to her question. My client was somewhat shocked by how clear the answer was. The explanation she heard in meditation made total sense to her but was something she had not thought of when “thinking through” her problem.

I share this story here with you today because in our culture we have been taught to think through our problems, weigh the pros and cons and analyze the facts. And while this approach to problem solving has some merit, I have been taught another way. I have been taught to ask and listen. I have been taught to connect to a deeper source of wisdom than our analytical brain. The brain is a wonderful resource but it has limited awareness. On the other hand, when we ask the universe to guide us we open to deeper levels of awareness and understanding that transcend the limited mind alone.

Practice today opening to something bigger. If there is a decision that you need to make consider the facts but then ask the universe for assistance and guidance and then quiet your mind so that you can hear the whispers of spirit that are all about you.

Life becomes quite interesting when you learn to ask and listen and allow yourself to be guided down the path that is most appropriate for you. Again, the analytical mind is useful but has its limitations. My client had gone as far as she could weighing the pros and cons. She found she needed to open to something deeper. When she got quiet and listened rather than continually think about her problem she quickly received the guidance she needed to make her decision.

Practice today the simple task of asking and listening. Practice pausing between events to simply listen. What is the universe trying to tell you? Open to guidance and you will receive a plethora of insights about every aspect of your life. All of life is speaking to us, all we need to do is learn to listen so we can reap the benefits of a source of wisdom that goes beyond our limited intellect.

If you would like help with learning to ask and listen feel free to join our weekly Thursday night meditation class where we practice this skill frequently or contact me directly to schedule a private phone session that will greatly assist in deepening this capacity.

I look forward to hearing from you! Have a good week!

Hayley Mermelstein