When we feel betrayed

I was home sick with a cold for much of this week and this gave me some time to think and reflect.  Memories of time when I felt betrayed by a friend rose to the surface.  I felt waves of disbelief and anger rise within as I allowed myself to relive old memories.   How could this have happened?  How could someone I trusted turn on me in such unexpected ways?  Questions surfaced and feelings of blame arose:  How could she have behaved that way?

And then I remembered hearing that when we are feeling anger, sadness, regret, blame or any imbalance to turn to deeper levels of self acceptance and it is there that we will find peace.  This advice made no sense to me on the surface and I found myself thinking, what, my friend betrays me and I need to focus on greater levels of self acceptance??  But despite my skepticism I found myself curious about what would happen if I focused on accepting myself more in this moment.  And so I turned my attention away from my former friend and began to fill myself with a feeling of complete self-acceptance.

I repeated the affirmation:

I accept myself completely.
I accept myself completely.
I accept myself completely.

As I went more deeply into self-acceptance I had a sudden flash of insight.  I realized that the original imbalance lied within me.  I realized that I had a habit of seeing the best in people.  An admirable habit except that I also had a habit of not honestly looking at their weaknesses.  As I result I’ve been blind sided when the weaknesses revealed themselves.  I realized that in this case I had given my trust to someone who wasn’t trustworthy.  This friend has left a trail of broken hearts behind her and I knew that but hadn’t registered that she would ultimately do the same with me.  I hadn’t been willing to look honestly at this persons strengths and weaknesses.

I had a choice, I could blame her for betraying me or I could accept myself more deeply and take responsibility that I hadn’t been discerning enough in the relationship to see this persons strengths and weaknesses.  If I had looked honestly I wouldn’t have been surprised at all by this persons actions.  I would have expected it and seen the potential all along.

We always have a choice.  It is easy to blame others and focus on “what they did”.  And we may even be justified.  But their imbalance is their imbalance and their karma too.  Experiment for today with dropping the focus on them (whoever they might be ) and bring the focus back to yourself.  Fill yourself with a feeling of complete self acceptance and affirm:

I accept myself completely.
I accept myself completely.
I accept myself completely.

What is it that you need to accept about yourself?  What are you dodging by focusing on them?  What is it that you are to learn from this situation?

And so go deeply into self acceptance. Instead of focusing on the imbalances of others learn instead to focus deeply on accepting yourself.  Every time your feathers are ruffled, every time you find yourself focusing on what they did experiment with turning your attention back to yourself and accepting yourself on deeper and deeper levels.  This does not mean to turn a blind eye to the imbalances around you. Look honestly but then return to a place of complete self acceptance.  As you accept yourself on deeper and deeper levels you will grow calm.  When you are calm you will see both yourself and others more clearly.  When you see clearly you will have a deeper understanding of your own responsibility in the situations that you find yourself in and you will feel less blaming and judgmental of others as well.  When you accept yourself you will see the lessons that you are learning.  You will see the purpose of all that is transpiring.  And so make this a daily practice.  Fill yourself with complete self acceptance as you go through your day.  When faced with your various challenges of the day turn to deeper self acceptance.   When faced with the imbalances of others accept yourself on deeper and deeper levels.  Again, your increased self acceptance will bring you calm and your calm will bring you greater levels of clarity.  And so make this your practice for today.  Be gentle with yourself for learning to accept yourself in your entirety is a process.  Learn to accept both your strengths and your weaknesses for everyone has strengths and everyone has weaknesses.  Learn to accept the fact that you, like everyone else are learning and growing for the earth is a school and you have come for learning and growth.

Accept yourself on deeper and deeper levels and learn to look honestly at those with whom you relate.  In this way you will not be so caught off guard by the imbalances of others but instead aware of the nuiances of each relationship, aware of the strengths and weaknesses of those which you engage and aware of level of trustworthiness of those with whom you interact.

Affirm frequently:

I accept myself completely.
I accept that I have strengths.
I accept that I have weaknesses.
I accept that I, like everyone else, am learning and growing.
I accept myself completely.

I am a being of great compassion.

I am a being of great compassion.
I am a being of great light.
I am a being of great wisdom.
I am a being of great love.

I am a beacon of compassion.
I am a beacon of light.
I am a beacon of wisdom.
I am a beacon of love.

I am a pillar of compassion.
I am a pillar of light.
I am a pillar of wisdom.
I am a pillar of love.

I am a being of great compassion.
I am a being of great compassion.
I am a being of great compassion.

There is a place of great compassion that lies within.  Your spirit your true self is filled with compassion, filled with wisdom, light and love.  Aspire to connect with this place of compassion that lies within.  Feel the deep compassion of your spirit.  Connect with your true nature now.  Experience the compassion of your spirit.  See yourself as a beacon of compassion.  See yourself as a pillar of compassion.  Recognize that you have come to bring compassion to the earth.  Recognize that you have come to be a way shower.  Recognize that you have come to be an anchor for compassion, for love, for light and for wisdom.  This is a sacred duty.  You must learn to hold yourself to a higher standard.  You must learn to be comfortable leading the way.  Seek to embody as much compassion as you can.  Seek to be an anchor for love, for wisdom, for light and for compassion, for the world needs those who can hold the spiritual principles.  The world needs those who can lead the way.  The planet needs a shift in consciousness.  See yourself as someone who has come to help facilitate this shift.  The shift lies within you.  The shift happens when you begin to hold these principles more and more. Do not worry about what others are doing or not doing.  Instead place your full attention upon yourself.  As you are better able to hold these principles your world will change.  Make this your project now.  Make this part of the work that you came to do.  Focus on your own transformation and your world will transform.  Focus on your own healing and you will contribute to the healing of the planet.  Be willing to go this alone. Be willing to be the one who can hold compassion.   Be willing to be the one who can love despite not being loved.  Do not confuse this with being nice or a push over or being weak.  There is great power in compassion.   There is great power in love and in light and in wisdom.  When you are in a state of true compassion you will aspire to do that which best serves the oneness.  Sometime what serves is to say yes and sometimes what serves is to say no.  When in a deep compassion you will naturally know what is needed.  When in a deep compassion you will see the kindness in saying no to something that doesn’t serve.  When in a deep compassion you will see yourself as part of the oneness and will aspire to include yourself in the circle of compassion.  And so embody a deeper compassion today.  Know that everyone has a story.  Know that everyone has a reason why they behave the way they do..  Seek to embody this compassion today and seek to go forward in love and light and wisdom.  Seek to be the best that you can be today.  Make this your daily aspiration.




I am filled with devotion.

And so ask everyday how may I best serve the oneness.
Your life will answer this question more and more.

You each have a choice.
You can live in fear or live in service.

And so devote yourself each day to service.
This is the antidote for much of your fear.

When you are in a deep devotion, you will know what to do. When you are in a deep devotion, you will know what is your job and what isn’t.

And so devote yourself to service everyday and then listen deeply to that which is yours to do.

Your devotion to service will move you through your fears and move you through your uncertainties into a life of fulfillment and contribution.

And so devote yourself daily to that which is yours to do.
Be devoted and be true. Allow your devotion to lead the way.

Know that you can accomplish that which is yours to do.
You will be assisted. You will be aided.

Take time everyday to sit in devotion. When you are afraid, devote yourself to spirit. When you are uncertain, devote yourself to service.

In this way you will more easily open to the guidance that is all around you.
And so devote yourself to service everyday.

You are needed. You are needed. Your contribution is needed.

Your laughter is needed. Your wisdom is needed.

And so step forward now in strength and in confidence and in deep listening and know that you will be guided in your path of service.

Step forward now in true desire to offer your full contribution and your path will be illuminated.

Hold back no longer. You have the strength. You have the wisdom. You have the tools. Step into the life of actualization and accomplishment that you are meant to live.

Be patient but be persistent and you shall be successful. Know that your devotion to service is your protection.

Your devotion to service will draw powerful beings of light to your side.

Your devotion to service will draw both spiritual guides to your side as well as physical helpers. Your devotion to spirit activates the seen and unseen worlds to aid you in behalf of all of society.

We want you to be successful. We want you to bring your work out into the world.

When fear creeps in (which it will), turn to devotion.

Devote yourself daily to offering your full contribution in all circumstances, were ever you find yourself whether it is in line at the grocery store or with a friend or with a client or with a family member.

Opportunities for service exist everywhere and so seek out and look for the opportunities to serve.

Sometimes the service is a kind word. Sometimes the service is the turning of the check. Sometimes the service is a helping hand. Sometimes the service is saying yes and sometimes the service is saying no.

You must listen deeply so that you will know what is truly yours to do and what isn’t.

The line is fine between service and enabling others and so again listening deeply is the clue. And so set your sail toward devotion. Spend your day in devotion to spirit, in devotion to service.

Again, sometimes your greatest service to all of humanity is to rest and to rejuvenate and sometimes your greatest service is to sacrifice the needs of the self for another.

It is through deep listening that you will know what is yours to do and what isn’t.

It is through deep listening that you will know what is the attunement of the moment. And so fill yourself with a feeling of devotion now.

Devote yourself to spirit. Devote yourself to service. Devote yourself to offering your full contribution in all that you say, in that you think, and in all that you do.

Ask, do these words serve the oneness? Do these thoughts serve the oneness? Do these actions serve the oneness?

As you begin to refine your thoughts, your words, and your actions, you will raise your vibration and elevate your awareness.

As you raise your vibration and elevate your awareness new levels of opportunity will be drawn to you. And so elevate now. Elevate your thinking. Elevate your use of words.

Elevate your actions and watch you world transform. It is through the elevation of your thoughts, words and actions that your life can change. And so elevate now.

Elevate. Elevate. Elevate

. Allow yourself to have an elevated perspective.

Make this part of your news years aspiration today: to elevate your thoughts, your words, yours actions and your perspective.

There will be challenges, there will be struggles but within the challenge and struggles you have a choice.

You can meet your challenges with fear or you can meet your challenges with an elevated perspective and with devotion to spirit and service.

And so choose the elevated pointed of view. Choose to elevate your thoughts, your words, and your actions. Choose through all circumstances to cling to your devotion to spirit and to service and to the evolution of all of humanity.

And in this way you shall be successful regardless of external outcomes.

And in this way you shall be successful in the attainment of the actualization of your true self and the offering of your full contribution.

Devotion and elevated awareness are the themes and the way forwarded in all that you think, say and do.

Be at peace. Be patient. Be true. And the way forward will be revealed.