I’m thinking about letting go of attachments today and freedom. Thought I’d share a little something I wrote that speaks to this. I hope that it assists all of us in letting go of whatever it is that we need to release today.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go of my fears.
I let go of my limited attitudes.
I let go of the thoughts that say I can’t.
I let go of the past.
I let go of regret.
I let go of guilt.
I let go of fear.
I let go of anger.
I let go of anything that is holding me back.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go of old cloths.
I let go of worn out relationships.
I let go of all that no longer serves me.
I let go of an old chapter.
I let go of the person I once was.
I let go of who I think I am supposed to be.
I let go of the well-meaning opinions of others.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go and I step into possibility.
I let go and I step into potential.
I let go and I step into greatness.
I let go and I step into humility.
I let go and I step into a new chapter.
I let go and step into the person that I am meant to be.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go and I step into joy.
I let go and I step into compassion.
I let go and I step into love.
I let go and I step into contribution.
I let go and I step into excellence.
I let go and step into confidence.
I let go and step into power.
I let go and I step into strength.
I let go and I step into creativity.
I let go and I step into my wholeness.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go of all that no longer serves me.
I let go and I allow others to let go as well.
I let go and I allow those that are meant to be in my life to come.
I let go and I allow those who are meant to go to go.
I let go and I am free.
I let go and you are free.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go and step into my true self.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go.
I let go and I am free.
I let go and I am free.
I let go and I am free.
Hayley Mermelstein
c. 2014
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