I am a being of great light

One of the themes that arouse in our Monday night TRCB group was the theme of being a being of great light.  We are human and we are learning and at the same time we are spirit and filled with divinity.  When you remember who you are at the deepest level you are better able to actualize you best self.  And so take a moment now and see yourself as a being of great light.  See yourself as a spiritual being.  See yourself as a being of great divinity.  See the greatness that lies within.  When you see and acknowledge your greatness you will begin to manifest more of your greatness.


I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

Imagine that there is a place of greatness that lies within you.  Imagine that your light, your divinity, your presence is a healing one.  Imagine that all those who come in contact with you are healed by the great light that is emanating from you.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

All who come into my presence are healed.

All who come into my presence are healed.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

Go through your day today as a being of great light.  How do you respond to the challenges of the day when you remember the greatness that lies within you?  How does this impact the quality of relationships and your interactions?

When you remember your greatness you will not judge others.   When you remember your greatness you will see yourself as a teacher.  When you see your own greatness you will seek to understand rather than condemn.  You will seek to assist rather than critize.  When you see your own greatness you will be able to admit when you are wrong.  For it takes strength and awareness to acknowledge ones own mistakes.   When you see your own greatness you will know that you are both a teacher and a student.  You will desire to be of assistance when appropriate and will be comfortable being the student when appropriate.  When you see your own greatness you will want to be a healing force in the life of others.  When you see your own greatness you will desire to be a healing force in the world.  And so step into your greatness now and step into a life of contribution.  You were born to manifest the greatness that lies within and so do not hide it or fear it in anyway.  Do not fear the criticism of others who may feel threatened by your shining light. 

Do not seek to be perfect for this is an impossible goal.  Offer that which you came to offer knowing that you are both human and learning and spirit and filled with divinity.  There will be mistakes.  There will be mishaps for all are learning.  Learn to accept this process.  Learn to embrace this process for it will unite you with all of humanity, for all are learning and all are growing.  At the same time embrace your wisdom, embrace your strength, embrace your power, for this too will united you with all of humanity.  For you are also spirit and filled with greatness.  Everyone is spirit and everyone is filled with greatness.  As you step into your own greatness you forge a path which will assist others in doing the same.  And so step forward now.  Step forward in your own imperfect way and know that it is both your humanness and divinity that will appeal to others.  Seek to offer your full contribution.  Be pure in your intention and the path will be revealed to you.  Be patient.  Be true.  The way forward is unfolding. 

And so affirm one last time:

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

All who come into my presence are healed.

All who come into my presence are healed.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

Let this be your affirmation for the day and be aware of how it impacts your day.  See the greatness that lies with in and allow it to come forward more and more in your everyday life.  At the same time be aware that you are human and learning and growing.  Be gentle with yourself as you walk your path.

And so embrace your humanness and embrace your divinity.  Shine your light, be patient with yourself and carry on.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.

I am a being of great light.






Today’s Meditation: I Am Open to the Miraculous

I am open to the miraculous.

For today’s meditation I’d like to focus on opening to the miraculous.  What miracles can occur when we open to them?  What shifts of conscious?  How much are we blocking because we simply aren’t open enough?  Lets explore ways to releasing our inner resistance and open to a more expanded view.

I would like to begin with the affirmation:

I am open to the miraculous.

I attract miracles.

I am a magnet for miracles.

I expect miracles.

I appreciate all the miracles in my life.

I am open to the miraculous.

Take a moment now and really open to the miraculous.  What does it feel like to open to the miraculous?  How does being open to the miraculous shift your day and your mind set?

I am open to the miraculous.

I attract miracles.

I am a magnet for miracles.

I expect miracles.

I appreciate all the miracles in my life.

I am open to the miraculous.

Feel yourself opening more and more.  When you expand your idea of what is possible you help to bring it in.  So expand your idea of what is possible now and in so doing assist in manifesting it.

I am open and expanded.

I expand my idea of what is possible.

As I expand my idea of what is possible, I help to bring it in.

I am open and expanded.

Feel yourself opening and expanding now.  A friend once heard in her meditation, that your limited mind has no idea of the infinite possibilities that exist.  What possibilities exist that your limited mind cannot imagine?

I am open to the miraculous.

I attract miracles.

I am a magnet for miracles.

I expect miracles.

I appreciate all the miracles in my life.

I am open to the miraculous.

I’d like you to bring to mind a situation in your life where you could use a miracle. Practice opening to the miraculous by repeating:

I am open to the miraculous.

I attract miracles.

I am a magnet for miracles.

I expect miracles.

I appreciate all the miracles in my life.

I am open to the miraculous.

Quite your mind now and sit in this new alignment. What happens as you open to the miraculous?

As I write this guided meditation, I am practicing as well.  I chose to look at a relationship that is very challenging for me.  As I open to the miraculous I see that the miracle in this relationship would be for me to be very clear and very strong with this person.  This is a relationship, where for lack of a better word, I’ve been wimpy.  I thought the miracle would be that this person would magically disappear.  Instead the miracle would be me stepping into my full clarity, wisdom and power so that I can skillfully deal with this difficult person.

What is your miracle today?

Lets practice a second time.  Bring a second circumstance to mind and affirm:

I am open to the miraculous.

I attract miracles.

I am a magnet for miracles.

I expect miracles.

I appreciate all the miracles in my life.

I am open to the miraculous.

Quiet your mind and ask, what happens as I open to the miraculous in this situation?

Again, I practice along as I write and I bring to mind a second challenge.  As I open to the miraculous I see that the miracle is me staying steady and trusting as I navigate this challenging situation.

Miracles come in many shapes and sizes.  So open now, open to the miraculous.  As you look for miracles you will see miracles.  As you look for expansion, you will see expansion.  Look all around you.  See the miracles that are happening every day.  Take nothing for granted.  Appreciate everything.  Take time to focus every day on the miracles that are coming your way.  Take time every day to express appreciation for the many blessings in your life.  For what you focus on will grow.  Look for, expect and appreciate the many gifts of your life.  What appears as challenge may be your greatest gift.  Learn to see deeper, learn to look deeper, learn to look below the surface and you will see that there is a growth plan in effect for each person.  Your limited mind cannot comprehend the infinite possibilities that exist.  Learn to look beneath the surface so that you can see the miracles that are occurring everyday.  Look at what you are learning.  Look at how you are growing.  The challenges in you life have come to assist you, to assist you in your growth process to assist you in learning and growing.  Learn to look deeper so you may see the gifts present in every situation.  Open to the miraculous and learn to see the miracles that are happening all around you.  You are learning and you are growing.  Everyone is learning and everyone is growing and this growth processes is one of the great miracles of life.  So open now. Open to life.  Open to learning. Open to new experiences and open to the miraculous. As you open to the miraculous you will see the miracle present in every situation.  Do not be too quick to judge what is good and what is bad for deep learning is occurring all the time and that which looks difficult may be your greatest gift.  Seek to actualize your best self in every day life and stay open to the miraculous.

I am open to the miraculous.

I attract miracles.

I am a magnet for miracles.

I expect miracles.

I appreciate all the miracles in my life.

I am open to the miraculous.


I am open to the miraculous

In our healing group that meets every Monday night different themes seem to
emerge each week. Last week, one of the themes that rose to the surface was
“opening to the miraculous.” This theme arose in part because a member of
our group had just found out that her tumors, which had been quite serious, had
become imperceptible. She shared her happy news with the group and thanked
us all for our contribution to her healing. This indeed, did seem like a miracle and
helped set off the theme for the evening.

The affirmation that was repeated over and over as we tapped on the crown
chakra of the TRCB doll was:

I am open to the miraculous.
I attract miracles.
I am a magnet for the miraculous.
I expect miracles.
I experience miracles.
I appreciate the many miracles that are in my life.
I acknowledge the many miracles in my life.
I am open to the miraculous.

This affirmation helps to open the crown chakra, located at the top of the head.
The crown chakra is the center for trust, inspiration, devotion, spontaneity, and
connection to spirit. The affirmation: I am open to the miraculous helps open the
crown chakra because it is inspiring and because it fosters a deeper connection
to forces greater than ourselves.

A second member of our group told a follow up story this week. She spoke about
being in a difficult situation while at work. She was feeling quite overwhelmed
while at work and so she began to repeat the affirmation:

I am open to the miraculous.
I am open to the miraculous.
I am open to the miraculous.

As she repeated this affirmation she quickly went from a state of overwhelm, to
a state of confidence. She was flooded with the feeling that she could handle
this situation that just moments before felt unmanageable. Our group member
reported that her shift in attitude from overwhelm to confidence felt like a true
miracle and was quite profound.

Sometimes when we open to the miraculous, our miracle is a physical healing
and sometimes our miracle is a shift in perception. Sometimes a tumor
disappears and other times we are flooded with a deep sense of acceptance for
a situation that previously felt unacceptable. Miracles can take many forms.

Experiment working with the affirmation: I am open to the miraculous and see
what happens. Does your physical environment shift in some way or does
your attitude about what is happening shift? Or both? Let us know what you

I am open to the miraculous.
I attract miracles.
I am a magnet for the miraculous.
I expect miracles.
I experience miracles.
I appreciate the many miracles that are in my life.
I acknowledge the many miracles in my life.
I am open to the miraculous.