Letting go of trying to manipulate life to get what you need.

So often others are afraid of not getting what they need and so they try to manipulate life to give them what they think is right for them or what they deserve.

The only problem is this action shows the underlying belief that You are not going to get what you need.

For today experiment with truly trusting that life is on your side and conspiring in your favor. Let go of all desire to manipulate or control life so that you can get what you need.

When has trying to manipulate life ever worked in the long haul?

Have you noticed that it when you totally let go completely that miracles happen?

Have you noticed it is when you stop trying to make it happen, force it to happen, beg it into happening: that that is when it happens?

So let go of your petty manipulations.
Let go of your desire to control.

Let go of that part of you that thinks your mortal self is running this show.
You have no control. It is an illusion.

Show your trust in life by letting go of the desire to control it.
Surrender to life.

The universe has a much bigger and brighter plan for your life than you can possibly imagine.

The limited mind has no idea of what the unlimited mind is capable of.

And so surrender your deepest desires.
Surrender your deepest dreams.

Give spirit the control.
When you give spirit the control the miraclulous can happen.

Put your desire out into the universe.
But do not dictate from whom or where it will come.

For example: if it is more money you desire, put that desire out to the universe. Embody the feeling as if it is here. Embody the feeling of having received it. But do not dictate from whom or where it should come. Let the unknown surprise you. Let go and let the universe bring to you all that you need. This is a supreme letting go, a supreme trust.

Do not be rash.
Listen deeply to the forces that are guiding you.

See how deeply and profoundly you can let go of your desire to manipulate life.

Stop looking for an outcome.
Stop trying to predict from where it will come.

Let the good Lord surprise you.

And surprised you will be.

Let go of the desire to control.
Let go of the desire to manipulate .

Let go and know that all that is right to you will come.

If there is action to be taken, you will know.
You will be guided.

Let go profoundly and completely and
Let the magic begin.

~Hayley Mermelstein

Let go of trying to make anything happen

Thinking about letting go and surrendering as I sit on my hotel deck in Florida overlooking the ocean. Thinking of Lester Levenson and Joe Dispenza too. Appreciate everything I’ve learned in the last few years….

I let go of trying to make anything happen.

What would happen if I just let go?

Would the world end?
Would the world come crashing down?
Would the forces that be give up on me?

What would happen if I just let go?

What synchronicities might find their way to me if I just surrendered and put it in Gods hands.

What synchronicities might happen if I got out of the way.

Don’t be small minded.
Stop trying to figure it out with your mortal mind.

Let go I say.
Let go of trying to make anything happen.

Let go and allow life to unfold.
Let go and trust.

Stop trying to control anything.
Stop trying to make anything happen.

Let go.
Let go.

Let go and you will be guided.
Let go and you will unleash the magic of the universe.
Let go and you will unleash syncronicity.
Let go and all that is meant to you will come to you in its own time.

Let go in a profound way.

Let go of trying to make anything happen.
Let go of trying to figure anything out.

Let to and allow.
Let go and allow.

Magic happens when you let go.
Let this be your experiment with life.

Stop trying to make anything happen.

Stop looking for it.
Stop anticipating it.

A profound letting go.

What magic happens when you let go?
What magic unfolds when you surrender?

What syncronicities might find their way to you.

Let this be your experiment today.
Stop trying to make anything happen.

Let go.
Let go.

From now on, manifest everything you need by letting go.
Put it in Gods hands.

Let go in a profound way.
The key to manifestation is to let go.

Let go and trust.
Let go and allow.

Let go and see what unfolds when you are out of the way, and not trying to manipulate life to get your needs met.

Let go.
Let go.

Let this be your grand experiment with life today.

Let go of trying to make anything happen.

Be the queen or the king.
Let what is meant for you come in its own time.

No graveling.
No begging.

No manipulating life.

A profound trust.
A profound allowing.
A profound surrender.

Let go.
Let go.

Let go and you will be guided.
Let go and all you need will come to you.
Let go and when the time is right, you will know what to do.

Let go of trying to figure anything out.
Let go of trying to make anything happen.

Let go and give the universe the reins.
Let go and be at peace.

What is meant for you will come to you.
Let go and trust.

Let go and trust.
Let go and trust.

~Hayley Mermelstein

What if?

What if whatever is transpiring in your life right now, no matter how painful, if deeply important to helping you become the person that you are meant to become?

Can you surrender to it?
Can you accept it?

Can you allow it?
Can you just be with your pain?

What if this pain is transforming you into the person that you are meant to become?

Be with it all.
Welcome it all.

Resist nothing.

Be with your pain and let it burn away all that needs to be transformed within you.

Be with your pain and let it consume you.

Be with your pain and let it soften your sharp edges.
Be with your pain and let it burn away your arrogance.
Be with your pain and let it transform you into the person that you are meant to become.

Don’t try to get rid of your pain.

It is here to heal you.

Unity vs Division

Me, you.
Us, them.

You are selfish.
No, you are selfish.

Black, white.
Pink, purple.

Who is right?
Who is wrong?

Who is the sheep?
Who is the wise one?

In the words of Rumi:

Out beyond right and wrong there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.

Fight among yourselves.
Bicker some more.

They want us fighting.
They want us mad.

Stir the pot.
Stir some more.

When does it stop?

When you decide.
One person at a time.

Step out of the battle.
Put down the sword.

Surrender at last.

Can I live these words?
I don’t know?

This is not a fighting song.

Step into your power.
Lead the way.

Put down the sword.

I’ll go first.
I’ll go first.

~Hayley Mermelstein

Which will you choose?

She is two years old and gripping her mom’s hand tightly.

And at the same time an interesting and intriguing sight looms ahead.

Oh, sweetie pie,

It’s a big world out there, but you are going to have to let go of your mom’s hand if you want to see it.

There is intrigue in her eyes.
The debate looms large.

Which will it be?

The comfort of mom’s hand or the adventure of the unknown.

Which will it be?

I ask myself this same question every day.

And every day I am afraid.

And some days I let go of the hand that holds me and some days I cling.

The unknown beacons.

What will you do sweet one?

Which will you choose?

The Truth

I’m ready for the truth now.

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I woke up with this feeling today.
After months and even years of confusion.

I’m ready for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

What would you know, if you were not pretending not to know?

What truth have your pretended not to see?

I want the truth. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth.

And I don’t want to call a friend.
And I don’t want to consult the psychic.
And I don’t want to talk to a therapist.

No, I want to see it for myself.

I want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Don’t water it down for me.
Don’t sugar coat it.

I want truth.
I want honesty.
I want total transparency.

What would you know if you weren’t pretending not to know?

What truth would revel itself to you, if you were ready to receive it?

Do you want the truth?
Are you ready for the truth?

As for me, I’m tired of living a lie.

I want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Reveal your secrets to me oh universe.

I’m ready.

I trust

Here is an excerpt from this weeks meditation class on trust. Enjoy!

I trust.

I trust.
I trust.

I let go and I trust the process of life.
I let go and I trust the process of life.

I trust.
I trust.

I trust that all of life is conspiring in my favor.
I trust that spirit is working with me to manifest what I need.

I trust that everything is always working out for me.
I trust that I walk in the charmed circle of Gods love.

I trust.
I trust.

I trust that I am learning from my challenges.
I trust that my challenges have come to make me stronger.

I trust that I am learning from my places of ease and
I trust that I am learning from my challenges.

I trust that I am learning from all of life.
I trust that all of life is conspiring in my favor.

Take a moment now and let yourself be filled with a feeling of trust.


I trust.
I trust.

Feel the vibration of the words.
Embody it.

Allow every cell of your body to be filled with trust.

I trust.
I trust.

See how deeply you can go into trust.

Walk in trust.
Sit in trust.
Stand in trust.

Allow yourself to be immersed in the feeling of trust.

I trust.
I trust.

Now combine your trust with wisdom and wise decision making.

I trust and I am wise.
I am a wise decision maker.

I couple my trust with wisdom.

Take a moment now and allow yourself to filled with a feeling of trust. See how deeply you can go into the vibration of trust. Allow your body to be filled with trust. When you are immersed in the vibration of trust, your crown chakra will naturally open. When your crown chakra is open you can more easily access and hear your spiritual guides and beings of light who are all around you. When your crown chakra is open you can receive downloads from the universe.

Take a moment now and ask: What do I need to know at this time? Listen deeply and be aware of what information comes to you. Take time every day to immerse yourself in the vibration of trust. As always combine your trust in life with wise decision making.

Also do not confuse your trust in life and trust in spirit with trust in people. People are learning and growing and evolving. Unless they have reached full enlightenment they cannot be fully trusted. Put your trust in life and listen deeply to guidance. Trust, be wise, and listen. You will be guided.

~Hayley Mermelstein

For more information about our meditation class that meets every Thursday night at 7 p.m. EST on Zoom, please contact me at hayleymae@verizon.net or 413-992-8581.

The Queen of the Ice

When my niece was about three years old she told me she wanted to play a game called Queen. I looked at her and told her I didn’t know what the game Queen was. She patiently explained that she would leave the room, wrap a towel around her head (that would be her crown) and then she would come back. When she entered the room, my job was to clap and smile and wave and cheer her on, because, of course, she was the queen.

Most girls her age like playing house. My niece liked playing Queen.

When my niece was four, I took her for a long walk in the woods on a cold, snowy day in December. She is from the city so this was quite a magical adventure for her. We came across a large puddle that was frozen from the winter cold and my niece pretended to ice skate on the frozen puddle.

For a time, she was lost in her own world of imagination as I watched on. At one point she looked up and said: Look Hayley, I’m the Queen of the ice.

I smiled and agreed, yes sweetie pie, you are the Queen of the ice.

It began to get very cold and close to lunch time and my nieces’ lips were shivering and so I gave the customary five minute notice that we would be heading home soon.

She ignored me, too lost in her own imaginary world to give much regard to what I was saying.

Okay, sweetie pie, in two more minutes we are going to start walking home, your mommy is going to be worried about us and its very cold outside.

Again, no response from the Queen of the ice.

Okay, sweetie pie, it’s time to go. I say two minutes later.

At this point my niece, completely lost in her character and imaginary world, looks up to me with contempt. Her normally sweet countenance has changed. She glares at me and says quite sternly:

Hayley. I. Am. The. Queen. Of. The. Ice. I tell you when we leave, you do not tell me.

And in that moment, the veil between worlds lifts for me and we are both in another time and in another place. She is not a four year old, she is the Queen. I am not her aunt; I am her faithful servant and care giver. We are in another world and another time. Memories are flooding me. I have joined her in her not so imaginary world.

And then the veil closes and I am back in this world with my four year old niece who is still lost in character.

I don’t want to take away her authority at this moment and remind her that in this life she is unfortunately not the Queen but instead a mere four year from new jersey, and so instead I say:

You know since you are the Queen, you can stay here as long as you want but I’m cold so I’m going to head home now.

And with that I turned and walked away.

Thirty seconds later I hear the pitter patter of little feet running to catch up to me. I can tell my four year old niece is back.

Hayley, Hayley, I’ve decided it’s cold outside and time for lunch, I think we should go home now.

Great idea Ariana, you are a very good Queen.

And with that we hold hands and continue through the winter wonder land and make our way home. I am her aunt and she is the four year but I see now that we have a bond from another time where she was the Queen and I her faithful servant and care giver.

Last night, I was talking to my now 8 year old niece on Face time and we were reminiscing about walking in the woods and the snow and her being the Queen of the ice. She is mindlessly playing with her Legos while we talk. She is once again somewhat lost in her imaginary world, and she says to me:

When I ice skate on the ice and I hear the ice cracking beneath my feet it reminds me of when I was in the palace and how the floor boards used to crack. It reminds me of the palace because the floor boards made the same sounds.

I pause. I did not know why skating on the ice brought back Queen memories for her. I also pause because I know for a moment she is back in a different world in a different time. She is an eight year old from new jersey, playing with her Legos, remembering her life in the palace.

Later, I recount the whole story to my sister, who is not sure is she believes in past lives or not. But in this moment my sister suspends her beliefs and looks at me says with a smile:

I’m not sure if she really was a Queen in a past life or not, but that sure would explain a lot.

Authors note:

Sometimes we are who we are not because of our childhood conditioning or how are parents treated us, but because of who we have been in a past life. My niece came into this world strong and sweet and determined. She had many leadership attributes from day one.

Not everything is due to childhood conditioning.

Look closely at those around you. They leave whispers and hints about who they were in the past and the karmic learning they are engaged in now. We have many lives and play many roles in this journey through the cosmos, in this journey through time.

Welcoming love

I was working with a client the other day and the theme of welcoming love arose. I thought I’d share some of the chakra balancing affirmations that we worked with in case they might be helpful for you. I am enjoying working with them and thought you might as well!

I welcome love into my life.

Crown chakra: I walk in the charmed circle of God’s love. All that I need comes to me with ease. All my needs are met, All my needs are met.

Third eye: I am filled with knowing. I know. I know.

Throat: I am genuine. i am myself. i am comfortable with myself. i am me.

Heart chakra: I am open to give love and I am open to receive love. I am open to love. I am open to love. I am a being of great love and all the love I put out into the world comes back to me multiplied. I am radiant being of light and love. I am love and love is all around me. I am love and love is all around me. Love comes to me with ease. Love comes to me with ease. Love comes to me with ease.

Solar Plexus: I welcome love into my life. I welcome love. I surrender all resistance to love. I let go of my resistance. I allow love into my life. I am open to love and I welcome love into my life.

Identity: I am open to give and I am open to receive. I am equally comfortable with both. I am balanced. I am steady. I am filled with wholeness and open to love. I am filled with wholeness and I am open to love. I am filled with wholeness and I am open to love.

Base: I am filled with humility. i am enough as i am.

Take a moment now and really open to love. Affirm: I am open to love. I am open to love. I am open to love. See how open you can be. See yourself as a magnet to love. See yourself as a being of love. Be aware that all of love that you put out into the world comes back to you multiplied. Be a being of love. Be a generator of love and allow all the love that you put out into the world to come back to you ten fold. See how deeply you can welcome love into your life.

So often we try to change the world out there. “if only they would be different, I could be different.” For today instead of fixing the people in your life, focus on healing your resistance to love. For today see how open you can be to love. See how deeply you can welcome love into your life.

So often we desire love from others but we have not worked on healing our own blockages to love. We have not healed the places that think we don’t deserve love, or are afraid of being hurt, or are afraid to let others in, or feel unworthy. We have not healed the inner voices which seek to sabatoge our experience of love.

Focus on healing your own wounds today. Focus on feeling worthy of love. Focus on the feeling of all your needs being met. Focus on truly opening to that which you desire. Focus on letting go of your resistance to that which you say you want. Focus on healing your subconscious tapes. Focus on changing and healing yourself. Let others be today. Just leave them alone. Heal the only person you can heal. Heal yourself. Love yourself. Change yourself.

See what shows up differently when you show up differently.

Affirm frequently:

I am open to love.
i am open to love.
I am open to love.

I welcome love.
i welcome love.

Love comes to me with ease.
Love comes to me with ease.

All my needs are met.
All my needs are met.

New loving people fill my world.
New loving people fill my world.

I am a being of love and all the love i put out into the world comes back to me multiplied.
I am a being of love and all the love I put out into the world comes back to me multiplied.

I welcome love into my life.
i welcome love into my life.
i welcome love into my life.

When the time is right, I will come to you.

Be the magnet.
Be the being of love that you are and draw all that you need to your side.

Your only job is to be the magnet.
Your only job is to be the being of love that you are.

Radiate love.
Radiate light.

Become the radiance that you seek.
Be the beacon of light and love that you are.

Be it.
Become it.

Be the magnet.

Your only job is to be the being of love and light that you are.
Become the magnet and draw all that you need to you.

The key is love.
The key is light.

Become the magnet and draw all that you need to you.

Let me come to you.
Let me come to you.

Become the magnet.

Be light.
Be love.

All the rest will take of itself.
The formula is not as difficult as one would think.

Make your only goal to be a being of light and love.
It is the key to your manifestation.

Be light.
Be love.

All else will take care of itself.
Love is the key to your manifestation.

Be love.
Be light.

Be the magnet.
All else will be drawn to you in its own time.

See love as your superpower.
Love is the magnet force that draws what you need to you.

Be vigilant in love.

Seek to be it.
Become it.

Do it you for you.
Do it for others.

You have training and awareness that most do not have.
Hold yourself to a higher standard.

To whom much is given, much is expected.

We expect you to use what you have learned.
We expect you to apply your knowledge.

Be it.
Become it.

Be the magnet.
Draw all that you need to you.

Sit in the circle of love and light and draw all that you need to you.
Be the magnet.

Be the light.
Be the love.

I will come to you when the time is right.

Let go of all control.
Let go of all impatience.

Be the light.
Be the love.

All else will resolve in its own time.

Seek nothing.
Seek no one.

Just be.
Just be.

Be love.
Be light.

Be the magnet.
All will be drawn to you in its right time and place.



Be at peace and
Allow your heart to shine, radiate and love.

Be the magnet.
Be the center of peace and love and light.

Do not let the world put you in a state of disarray.
All is evolving as it should.

Trust,allow and be.

Your job now is to be a being of love in a time of great fear and worry.

Be at peace and do the job that is assigned to you at this time.

Be the magnet of love.
All else will take care of itself in its own time.

Be light.
Be love.

Be at peace.
Be one with all of life.

Do the job that is assigned to you.
And be satisfied with your efforts.

All is well.
All is well.
All is well.

~Hayley Mermelstein