Learn to listen within.

There are those that insist that if you are to be a true writer you must write everyday.

And then there are those who insist that if you are to be a true writer you must wait until the spirit moves you.

And there are those that insist that you must not eat meat.

And there are those that insist that you must eat meat if you are to be healthy.

There are those that insist that you must say yes and
There are those that insist that you must say no.

There are studies that prove this.
And studies that say this is absolutely not so.

In the end we must learn to quiet all the external voices and opinions so that we may hear the small, still, quiet voice within that is always guiding us.

All the experts disagree and
What is gospel one minute is heresy the next.

Consider the opinions of others, but in the end do what resonates with your own inner being.

We are each unique and what we need varies.

For one person writing everyday perfects their art, and for another, writing when the spirit moves them is what allows their creativity to flourish.

Take full responsibility for your life, and do not be overly influenced by the opinions of others, even experts.

Come to know yourself and come to listen to your own inner spirit which has a wisdom that can guide you.

Listen deeply and the way will be revealed.