A psychic looked me in the eye not too long ago and said: You used to be arrogant and now you are humble. Do you understand?
There was a long pause and then I replied: Yes, yes I do. I understand completely.
And as I answered I reflected back on my life. I had a subtle arrogance in my younger years. Why is everyone so stupid? How could they do that? I wondered quietly to myself.
I wondered this until I too discovered the challenge of being human and made my own mistakes which took me years to recover from.
The process was painful and humbling. Life is still humbling. It is so tempting to become arrogant especially when things are going our way. But I have found that there is a danger in arrogance. Life seems to favor the humble. When I get arrogant I get the feeling that life feels a need to remind me that I don’t have ultimate control and that everything can change in an instant.
I was reminding myself of all this this morning. I was feeling good. Things have been working out for me lately. It was then I reminded myself: Stay humble. Stay humble. Be appreciative. Be thankful. Be careful not to slide into arrogance. Life is up and down, back and forth. Sometimes the stars are with you and sometimes life brings unexpected challenges. Stay humble. Your life works better when you are in humility.
And so today, I wrote an affirmation for myself about humility. To remind myself of how I want to go through my day. I thought I’d share it here in case you too are working on staying in humility as well.
I am filled with humility.
I am filled with humility.
I am filled with humility.
Feel it.
Embody it.
Be it.
Be humility.
Be the embodiment of humility.
Allow every cell of your body to be filled with humility.
I am filled with humility.
I am filled with humility.
I am humble.
I am appreciative.
I am grateful.
I am kind.
I am filled with humility.
I am filled with humility.
There is a danger to arrogance.
And so I embody humility,
Every day I practice humility.
Every day I remind myself to be humble.
Every day I embody humility.
I do not have ultimate control.
But for the grace of God go i.
I am filled with humility.
I am filled with humility.
Learn to be humble.
Not a false humility that hides a secret arrogance.
Learn to embody a true humility that understands that the earth is a school and we have come for growth, we have come for learning and that no one is exempt.
Be appreciative for what you have.
Be grateful.
But also be filled with humility.
Humility is your greatest protection.
When you are arrogant then one of your life lessons becomes to learn humility. This is not an easy lesson.
And so embody humility today.
Be humility.
Be compassion for the human condition.
Be appreciation.
Be love.
Do not judge.
Do not be arrogant.
But for the grace of God go I.
Everything can change in a moment.
I am filled with humility.
I am filled with humility.
Embody it.
Become it.
Be it.
I am filled with humility.
I am filled with humility.
Take a moment now and affirm:
I am filled with humility.
I am filled with humility.
Be aware of what shows up differently when you show up differently.
So often we wait for the external world to change so that we can feel better.
For today embody humility and see what shows up differently when you show up differently.
Allow this to be your grand experiment with life.
I am filled with humility.
I am filled with humility
I am filled with humility.
What shows up differently when you show up differently?
What changes when you change?
Really look.
Really notice.
Life is a school.
No one is exempt.
Be humble.
Be kind.
Be love.
And walk your path in humility.
Learn what you have come to learn and
you will be satisfied with your journey.
I am filled with humility.
I am filled with humility.
Humility is my strength and
Humility is my protection.
I am filled with humility.
I am filled with humility.
I am filled with humility.
~Hayley Mermelstein